
Chapter 1606 Enter

Chapter 1606 Enter
The strange appearance suddenly appeared at the bottom of Mingjing Lake aroused Yi Tian's suspicion. There was indeed a team of five barbarian scouts in front of him who had discovered the strange situation here in advance.In order not to make too much noise, Yi Tian followed and intercepted the communication jade slip they sent, and then dived into the bottom of the lake to find out.

Sure enough, after diving to seventy or eighty feet, they found that there was indeed a small magic circle at the bottom of the lake, and the five barbarian monks in front of them didn't seem to notice that there was someone following them after they dived.

At this point, Yi Tian also took out the Taiyuan wooden sword politely, sacrificed the sword thread, and then quietly struck towards the position of the five people.

A cyan light flashed inadvertently in the lake, and then split the lake into five parts and swept towards the backs of the five barbarian monks.Before they could react, they heard five people screaming at the same time, and then they were directly pierced by the blue silk sword light, and the sword silk trembled again, cutting their bodies and Nascent Soul into pieces of meat.

After ten breaths, Yi Tian's figure flew past, and then looked at it disdainfully, how could such a low-level monk can peek at the secret treasure of this Mahayana monk.

After cleaning up the mess around him, the Taiyuan sword thread in Yi Tian's hands condensed again and then dived towards the small flashing formation below.After sweeping through the divine sense, I found that the magic circle at the bottom of the lake was only one foot in size, and the light source was the yellow gemstone inlaid on the center of the magic circle.

With a thought, Yi Tian took out the set of formations and arranged them around the small formations below.After ten breaths, a thick mist came out from the bottom of the water, covering this area. When the yellow flash in the center of the magic circle shone again, its light was blocked by the surrounding mist, and at most it could only spread out to ten or so surrounding areas. Zhang range.

If you stand on the top of Mingjing Lake but you can still see a faint light source flashing out, this is already the maximum range that Yi Tian can cover up.

Slowly falling down to the top of the magic circle, not far away, Yi Tian's divine sense swept across the formation under his feet, and a clear expression appeared on his face.This formation shows the appearance of an Asura with three heads and six arms, with two hands holding a yellow gemstone in the middle.And the positions of the other four hands around are the nodes of the formation.

Needless to say, this kind of formation can only be opened after being cast by the same Asura tribe. Yi Tian's face sank immediately and he stretched out his hand to form a seal on his chest to reveal the dharma body.Then adjust the positions of the six hands to be exactly the same as shown in the portraits of the Asuras on the formation, and then start to activate the formation with a light finger in the hand according to the pattern.

After the six auras lit up, they converged on the node in the center, and the eye of the formation slowly opened to reveal a light door about two feet in size.With joy on Yi Tian's face, the spiritual power all over his body suddenly activated, and he used escapism to get in through the gap.

It was about half an hour after Yi Tian disappeared at the bottom of the lake that he flew past Dao Duanguang in the air. It happened that the yellow gemstone at the bottom of the lake lit up again and he stopped suddenly.After that, after the light fell, he dived into the bottom of the water, and within a moment, a spiritual light emerged from the bottom of the lake and flew towards Weihu Island and the camp.

In a short while, two rays of light, one from the south and one from the north, rushed to the sky above the lake from different places.The person who came was Zaifu Hong, who had fought against Yi Tian before, and the other person was a distracted early-stage monk who stayed behind in the old camp.

In this way, the three distracted monks hurriedly dived into the water below and quickly found the small formation.At the same time, Zaifu Hong shot again. If Yi Tian was present, he would definitely be able to recognize that the kung fu he performed turned out to be the orthodox Asura Dharma Body.I didn't expect that the barbarian monks could also practice such supernatural powers and secret techniques. If this incident hits the capital of the Asura Emperor, it will definitely cause shock to the dynasty.

The dharma body of Asura, who was originally proud, was actually cultivated by a barbarian monk.It's just that Zaifu Hong's body method seems to be somewhat contrary to the orthodox martial arts. He has six arms and there are no three heads at the back of the head and neck.Even so, he could barely cast a spell to activate the formation below.

After being activated in this way, the magic circle below slowly opened the channel in the middle, but compared to Yi Tian's channel, the channel opening is only half smaller, only more than a foot.And when Zaifu Hong activated the formation, it seemed that he couldn't last long, and then began to shrink back at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When Zaifu Hong saw it, his face was startled and he exclaimed: "Go in quickly, I can't open it a second time." After speaking, he withdrew and walked straight through the gap.

After hearing this, the two people behind him walked through the formation gate one by one, but what they didn't expect was that the space of the formation gate shrank sharply, and finally the person was stuck in the formation gate below the abdomen after entering the formation gate. outside.

As the light gate continued to shrink, the two stuck legs were cut off at the same time.Fortunately, the monks in the distraction period can be reborn with severed limbs as long as the Nascent Soul is not destroyed, but even this will seriously damage their vitality.

At this time, Yi Tian came to the secret treasure house in the magic circle one step earlier, but he also encountered a lot of trouble here.After entering, I found myself in a passage, and after walking for several miles, I found myself trapped in a maze.He took out the guide bee in his hand and wanted to use its innate supernatural powers to find the exit, but after the guide bee buzzed around in front of him a few times, he didn't even have a clue.

After that, he just hovered in place and couldn't find a way to move forward. Yi Tian had no choice but to take it back first and then walked forward like a headless chicken again.

After walking for a long time, I suddenly felt something wrong. I was very sensitive to inexplicable feelings when I cultivated to such a level. Usually, something must happen if I have such a feeling.

After the spiritual thoughts quickly extended, it seemed that there were three spiritual pressure fluctuations several miles away.A solemn look appeared on his face, and he secretly regretted that he was so eager to come in that he didn't cover up all the light from the outside formation.

At the same time, there was a deeply puzzled look on his face. It stands to reason that the magic circle outside needs to use Asura's body skills to open the gate of the circle.I don't know who these people came in, maybe Qiao Yongjun led people to feel it.After this thought flashed through his mind, it was directly denied. At this time, it is estimated that the armies of the two sides should still be facing each other on Weihu Island.In this way, the identity of the person who came in is very worth guessing.

Fortunately, these three places are far apart, Yi Tian sensed that the spiritual pressure fluctuations closest to him were obviously weaker, at most it was only like that of a monk in the late stage of transformation.

Overjoyed in his heart, he put on the concealment cloak again and hurried towards that direction.Although he couldn't get out of it, it was still very easy to find the three spiritual pressure fluctuations in the maze-like passage.

After a short walk, Yi Tian found a barbarian monk sitting cross-legged on the ground at the end of a passage about a few miles away.It's just that this person's lower body and feet are bare, and the new skin indicates that he has performed the limb regeneration technique. At this time, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body have dropped sharply, and his cultivation base has also dropped to a level.

(End of this chapter)

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