
Chapter 1607 Opponents

Chapter 1607 Opponents
At the bottom of Mingjing Lake, Yi Tian sneaked into Luo Yilan's secret treasure house from the Asura clan circle, but he didn't expect that he would be unable to escape after being trapped in the maze for a while.

But what made him even more unexpected was that three more spiritual pressure fluctuations appeared in this group of maze passages.Fortunately, I was not far away from one of them, and after restraining the spiritual pressure fluctuations on my body, I hurriedly sneaked after it.
It was only when he found the other party that he was shocked. This person turned out to be a barbarian monk.Fortunately, this person had an accident when he entered the gate of the hidden formation. At this time, he was sitting cross-legged on the ground to adjust his breath after performing the rebirth of a severed limb.

Yi Tian would never miss such an excellent opportunity to take advantage of his illness. If the monks who came in together gathered together, it would be quite troublesome for him to deal with it.

Facing the three distracted monks at the same time, although there is a chance of winning, I can't say that I have to pay a considerable price to win.After thinking about it, the figure disappeared directly in place, and the next moment, it appeared behind the barbarian monk sitting cross-legged on the ground. He stretched out his hand and turned the Taiyuan wooden sword in his hand into thousands of filaments to cover it directly.

Before he could make a sound from his mouth, he hit his Nascent Soul directly with one blow.Faced with such a barbarian monk, of course he would not be merciful, and when this person was injured, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body were extremely unstable, so it didn't take Hua Yitian much effort to succeed.

The cyan sword silk drove the opponent's Nascent Soul Hou Yi Tian stretched out his finger to stun him, and then quickly used the seal of his left hand to invade his mind and search for information.

After ten breaths, he went through all the information in his soul, Yi Tian showed an unbelievable expression on his face, and said to himself: "The barbarian monks can practice Asura skills, this world is really too crazy. It seems that the rule of the Asura Dynasty in this world has reached the point of abnormal corruption, fortunately, the barbarian monks do not pay attention to the cultivation of the soul, otherwise, when they have cultivated three songs and become complete Asura Dharma Bodies, their strength will increase greatly."

Looking back, I think that this father-in-law Hong is also a genius among the barbarians who can practice Asura Kung Fu to such an extent. It is a pity that he can't make it to the last step even so. This point is very clear in Yi Tian's heart of.

But in the previous fight, it was impossible for Zaifu Hong to display such magical powers in front of the two sides, otherwise it would definitely provoke a war between the two clans.But at this moment, it is not always the case. He must be able to use it at will, and then there will be a monk in the distraction period to assist him, and it must be even more difficult to deal with.

After calming down, Yi Tiancai secretly calculated, the biggest advantage now is that he has at least one chance to sneak attack when the enemy is out in the dark.At present, the target of the sneak attack is the other person. As for Zaifu Hong, he can leave it at the end.

After thinking about it, he stretched out his divine sense again and checked. The two of them hadn't met yet, and they were temporarily trapped in the passage maze just like him.Without further ado, Yitian stood up and walked in the direction of the weaker spiritual pressure fluctuation.

But this time it was not as convenient as expected. In his divine sense, he found that the other two were also approaching quickly.And as their speed continues to increase, it seems that they will converge one step earlier than themselves.

At this time, Yi Tian was also secretly worried that once they converged, it would be even more difficult for him to sneak attack again.But even so, he had no intention of giving up, and ran forward quickly after a while of searching.

After three breaths, he suddenly found out in his divine sense that the two of them seemed to have stopped and didn't intend to get closer.It is estimated that this meeting encountered some trouble in the maze, otherwise such a phenomenon would not have occurred.

How can such a god-given opportunity be given up, Yi Tian's feet galloped in the passage, and he didn't care so much to hide his body in order to get close quickly.

The spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body suddenly surged, and the Taiyuan wooden sword in his hand was sacrificed, ready to go, and shuttled rapidly in the middle of the passage.

Such a big fight must be impossible to hide from the other two, but Yi Tian realized in his mind that they had no intention of avoiding it at all, as if they were trapped in the two passages.

After turning a few turns, Yi Tian came to a passageway and saw a barbarian monk struggling to resist the Shura blood vine from the depths of the wall.Each of these vines was as thick as an arm, as if they had grown out of thin air from the wall of the passage, and they had already surrounded the barbarian monk.

What makes Yi Tian wonder is that these vines seem to be quite spiritual, but they seem to be invisible to himself who is standing hundreds of feet away.After calming down and thinking about it, Yi Tiancai realized that he had already cast Asura Dharma Body when he entered the magic circle just now.Now they haven't taken back the dharmakaya, and these 'Sura blood vines' seem to have a natural affinity for the Asura tribe and are directly as friendly forces.

As for the barbarian monks, they are considered to be foreign invaders, so they will provoke the active attack of 'Sura Blood Vine'.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian decided to try to make sure whether it was as he had guessed.Stretching out his hand to sacrifice Asura's hand, he shone on the barbarian monk.

Six phantoms of magic seals of different shapes flashed and flew forward directly, and there was no intention of avoiding those 'Sura blood vines' along the way.On the other hand, the several vines in front of them all retreated to give way to the front of the barbarian monk.

Facing his skills, the barbarian monk also changed his face and shouted urgently: "Who are you to sneak into this place first?"

It's a pity that Yi Tian doesn't need to talk to him too much, since he is here, he must be conscious.After hitting him with one move, he directly pierced through his protective shield, and Shura's phantom fist hit the opponent's body, and there were several 'poof' sounds.

Even the barbarian monks who were good at physical skills had to resist all the attacks in the narrow passage at this time.The muscles on that person's body swelled as if trying to break free from the entanglement of the 'Sura Blood Vine' on the surrounding walls.But contrary to expectations, the more he struggled, the tighter the vines became.

Seeing that one move was successful, Yi Tian drove the kung fu again. At this time, learning the kung fu tricks taught by Luoqin in the ten-story pagoda of 'Tongtian Road', he sacrificed Asura's hands to the limit again, and then exerted force under his feet, the figure flashed towards the opponent go.After teleporting one after another, he came to the side of the barbarian monk, swung both hands, and the other four hands followed without showing any weakness, and attacked his chest and abdomen at the same time.

Six golden punches came out in parallel in the narrow and long passage, causing the passage to shake violently.

The barbarian monk also displayed the strongest physical defense under the protection of his figure, wanting to make a complete defense.

"Ka Ka Ka" sounded several times, and the fists in Yi Tian's hand fell like raindrops on the opponent's body. The barbarian monk, who was originally more than ten feet tall, shook violently after being concentrated by the fists.After three breaths, he seemed to be holding his breath and collapsed. At this time, he was not dead but spit out a mouthful of blood, his upper body was fractured, and his hands were broken under the defense.

(End of this chapter)

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