
Chapter 1608 Distress

Chapter 1608 Distress
In the maze passage, Yi Tian first found his helper, Hong Yibu, and understood him instantly in the narrow and long passage with full firepower.

With all his strength, he directly paid the other party, and Yi Tian was not a soft-hearted person who blown up the Nascent Soul of the barbarian monk under such circumstances.After tidying up for four weeks later, he turned around and touched where Zaifu Hong was.

But the situation of the maze passage made Yi Tian have deep doubts. Those 'Sura blood vines' growing from the passage wall seemed to appear out of thin air and then disappeared out of thin air.

They are full of hostility towards these foreign barbarians, but fortunately, the Asura dharma body he displayed seems to be regarded as a friendly army by them, so these 'Sura blood vines' did not block him in any way.

From the information obtained, Yi Tian also discovered the problem. Since Zaifu Hong also practiced Asura Dharma Body, his situation is definitely better than the other two barbarian monks.

In this way, since the right time and place are shared by everyone, I will not be able to rely on the 'Sura Blood Vine' here to deal with him.

And just now, the other party must have known the situation here through the investigation of the spiritual sense just now, and the next step is to see who can get out of the maze passage first.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian put his mind away and rushed towards the front of the passage. Before, there was no competitor who could slowly investigate, but now it is different.

After the divine sense stretched out, it covered a radius of [-] zhang around, and soon intersected with the opponent's divine sense. Both sides have confirmed the existence of the other party at this moment.

It's just that Yi Tian couldn't find the exit at this time, and with a thought, he simply gave up the idea of ​​escape and went directly to find the position of Zaifu Hong.

Not long after, the opponent also seemed to notice the abnormality, but he was not in a hurry to fight but was trying to keep increasing the distance.

The two chased each other for more than a quarter of an hour in the maze passage, and suddenly Yi Tian realized that the other party stood still somewhere and then stopped moving.Although I was a little curious in my heart, I didn't care too much about it, and rushed straight there according to the path detected by the divine sense.

Half a moment later, he walked straight to the end along the passage, and found that the place suddenly opened up after exiting the passage. After looking around, he was sure that he was already standing in a hall.Unexpectedly, he couldn't find the exit in the maze passage, and followed Zaifu Hong to come out unexpectedly.

At this time, both sides put away their body skills and appeared in front of each other in a normal state, but Yi Tian didn't dare to be careless. According to the news he got, Zaifu Hong was a barbarian monk who had practiced Asura's body skills and had achieved success.This alone is worth spending 12 points to deal with it.

Going forward, Yi Tian said in a deep voice, "I didn't expect that we would meet Zaifu again so soon, say goodbye and come here."

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to hide your head and show your tail and arrive here before us," Zaifu Hong said with a sneer, "It seems that your siege by the Asura army this time is fake, and the real purpose is still here."

"Friend Daoist is only half right, but the army is here to quell the chaos of the barbarians. It's just that my purpose is to find the secret treasure of the first queen," Yi Tian waved his hand and replied, anyway, he had already decided in his heart that he would kill the opponent. If you stay here, you will no longer shy away from speaking at this time.

On the contrary, Zaifu Hong Wenyan's face changed slightly, he turned around and stared at Yi Tiandao: "Are you so sure that you will keep me here?"

"Fellow Taoist Zaifu was joking. In your mind, don't you also want to kill this subordinate directly here?" Yi Tian said disdainfully, "You secretly practiced the Asura Clan's kung fu to reach the realm of Xiaocheng. If you go out, I'm afraid the entire Asura world will be shaken. At that time, I think the Queen Asura will definitely issue a call-up order and use all the power of the whole country to encircle and suppress your barbarian monks. I'm afraid you are the one who is more worried now."

As soon as these words came out, Zaifu Hong's face suddenly became dark. It is true that he was caught and hurt his feet. If he can't deal with it properly, even if he goes out, it will bring disaster to the barbarians.

Turning around and looking around, I found a 'Sura blood vine' in the middle of the front hall, which was the same as the one found in the ten-story pagoda of 'Tongtian Road'.Unexpectedly, the people of the Asura tribe still have an inseparable relationship with this Asura blood vine, but they don't know that the father-in-law Hong Shi in front of him is incomprehensible.

Suddenly Zaifu Hong said: "Since we have all arrived here and this place is the secret hiding place of the first Asura Empress, naturally we cannot return empty-handed."

"Oh, what is Taoist Zaifu going to do with it?" Yi Tian said with a smile.

"Don't be too happy too early, we'll wait and see whether it's a blessing or a curse," said Zaifu Hong Yi, who stretched out his hands to form seals on his chest, and quickly displayed the incomplete Asura Dharma Body.

After Yi Tian saw it, he sacrificed the Taiyuan wooden sword and waited for it in his hand, but he didn't know how he would make a move next.

After three breaths, Zaifu Hong suddenly moved, but this time he didn't attack directly but pulled away and flew towards the 'Sura Blood Vine'.After reaching the root of the blood vine, the six hands stretched out and clapped together on the trunk.

Immediately, the 'Sura Blood Vine' seemed to have received his call, and the surrounding roots grew rapidly, covering Zaifu Hong directly, leaving only his eyes and mouth exposed.

Yi Tian was stunned for one of them and cried out inwardly that it was bad, he didn't expect that the other party would use such a trick to deal with him.And just now in the passage, I have already noticed that the 'Sura Blood Vine' here seems to have a sense for the Asura people, and under normal circumstances, it will not attack me.But it might not be what it looks like now, just as he was thinking about it, suddenly the surrounding situation changed, and vines as thick as arms swept over his body from the depths of the hall's wall.

At the same time, several vines of 'Sura Blood Vine' stretched out from the basement of the main hall and wrapped around his feet.Yi Tian's sharp eyes and sharp hands quickly raised the Taiyuan wooden sword that turned into black threads and cut off the vines under his feet.After the sword light flashed, both feet came out of the body, and the whole person suddenly took off the ground and took off into the air.

But at this moment, an unprecedented solemn expression appeared on his face, and everything in the original hall here has changed.At this time, countless tree vines stretched out from the surrounding walls. Looking back, the passageway was blocked, and there was a huge tree vine cocoon at the root of the 'Sura Blood Vine' in front of it. Zaifu Hong hid in it and watched coldly. Said: "I didn't expect it, kid, even if I have practiced half-baked Asura skills, I can drive this spirit tree. After your spiritual power is exhausted, I will cut you into eight pieces to vent my hatred."

After speaking, the surrounding 'Sura Blood Vine' grew wildly, and under his control, he slowly squeezed the movable space from all around, trying to kill Yi Tianwei here.

There was a sound of "crash", and a green vine about the thickness of a bucket emerged from the ground, with a pink flower bud about ten feet in size at the end. With a 'bang' sound, the flower buds opened and covered Yi Tian's head directly, swallowing him directly.

(End of this chapter)

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