
Chapter 1610 Leave

Chapter 1610 Leave
In the depths of the labyrinth, Yi Tian could finally heave a sigh of relief after he solved Zaifu Hong. He left the 'Sura Blood Vine' in front of him, and put the opponent's body into the storage bag first.

The biggest achievement of coming to Luo Yilan's secret store this time was not finding the flower of the Asura royal family here, but after fighting with Zaifu Hong, he discovered that some barbarian monks also began to secretly practice the Asura clan body skills.

Now that I have got the real evidence in my hands, after I go out, I will cooperate with Qiao Yongjun and others to play the Asura court, which will definitely cause waves.

At this time, a pair of fist gloves fell on the ground, which was the spiritual weapon in Zai Fuhong's hand.Although I didn't like it, it was able to withstand Lingyao Huaqian's sword thread, which in itself showed that it was a heaven-level spiritual weapon.

It's a pity to throw it away like this, Yi Tian stepped forward to pick it up and put it in the storage bag.Suddenly, a blurred light and shadow slowly emerged from the pair of gloves, condensing into a humanoid shape in the air.

A little later, the humanoid phantom sized up the next four weeks and then called out: "Who are you? Where is my son, Zaifu Hong?"

Faced with such a situation, Yi Tian was startled and knew that he was in trouble. This phantom should be the barbarian monk that Zaifu Hong said before.I didn't take this into account when I shot just now, if I knew there was something wrong with this pair of gloves, I wouldn't have touched him if I killed him.

However, the habit I have developed over the years does not allow myself to shrink back. After looking at the phantom on the spot, I snorted coldly: "You barbarian monks dare to peep at my Ashura's hidden treasures, and even learn their own skills secretly. Let’s wait for the crusade of our army when this matter comes to light.”

The phantom fluctuated violently when he heard the words, obviously these words touched the other party's painful feet.After three breaths, the phantom stabilized again and shouted: "The boy is so courageous, I was almost fooled by your words. I'm afraid you haven't sent the news back at this time, I didn't expect you to see the monks in the fusion period. They are all able to be so calm and composed, and they are determined to be famous people. I don’t know if you dare to report your name?”

"It's not rude to come and go. Since the senior wants to find out my details, why don't you report your name first?" Yi Tian asked, to be honest, it's just delaying time now, who knows the truth of this phantom at this time Has the body already dispatched to look for itself?

And there is a high probability that he will follow the clues left by the barbarian army to find the secret entrance under the mirror lake. Combined with Zaifu Hong's practice of Asura dharmakaya, this person must also be successful in cultivation.

Just as I was thinking about it, I suddenly saw something strange about the 'Sura Blood Vine' in front of me, a blood-red channel appeared at the root of its trunk.After scanning Yi Tian's divine sense, he found that there was a small teleportation array inside. Although he didn't know where it was leading to, it was better than going back.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian didn't waste time anymore, stretched out his hand to put the pair of gloves into the storage bag, and then hurriedly dodged through the passage to the teleportation array.After checking, I found that this is a one-way teleportation array, and the array pattern on it is intact and can be activated at any time.

After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand to make a seal, and then first displayed the Asura dharma body, and then stretched out six hands and pointed to the six formation nodes around him to activate it.Driven by spiritual power, the array pattern emitted a dazzling white light, and swallowed Yi Tian's figure after three breaths.

In the teleportation channel, Yi Tian felt a strong sense of oppression. It may be that there is no jade talisman supporting the teleportation array.

After persisting in the transmission channel for half a moment, he saw the exit in front of him. After a 'whoosh', the whole body came out of it, and his eyes suddenly lit up, and then his body fell vertically like weightless.

Hastily adjusted his lower body shape, Yi Tian stabilized his figure in the air, and later stopped in the air and turned around to look around.Unexpectedly, this place turned out to be an empty hall, and there was only a three-foot-high Asura stone statue in it.

There is nothing else around, only a stone door in front of the stone statue, as if there is a passage from there but I don't know where it leads.Yi Tian was staring at it. Suddenly, a voice came from his ear and asked, "Who are you from, why did you appear again?"

Unexpectedly, Yi Tian's pores stood up when he heard this, and he arrived here within ten breaths, but he didn't find the opponent's existence.

This is a very big problem. The strength of the opponent must be higher than his own. After scanning his gaze, he found an Asura monk sitting cross-legged in front of the stone statue and looking up at him.

In the entire Asura dynasty, I have met many monks of the same level, at least those who are in the distraction period have met face to face.But the person in front of him seemed to be only in the mid-stage of distraction, but the aura faintly revealed by him was definitely higher than everyone he had seen.

After thinking for a while, he slowly stepped forward and arched his hands together: "I don't know that Prince Wei's avatar is here, junior Yi Tian is very polite."

"You are Yi Tian, ​​it's really interesting. I didn't expect that we would meet in such a situation." Prince Wei looked at it with a smile before continuing: "Do you know where this place is, why did you appear here out of thin air? "

This is exactly what I want to find out the most at the moment, and I directly met Prince Wei's clone for no reason, and the surrounding environment seems to be in a private space somewhere.Looking at the stone statue in front of him again, it looks exactly like the first holy emperor of the Asura clan.

"Isn't this Senior Luo Qin?" Yi Tian said for no reason, and then replied respectfully: "After the battle with the barbarian monks in Mingjing Lake, this junior strayed into the first queen's cave, and then activated the 'Sura Blood Vine'. The formation was sent to this time."

Ninety-nine percent of what he said was true, but he concealed the part about himself.After hearing this, Prince Wei thought for a while before saying: "Since you recognize the appearance of the holy emperor, it means that you also know a lot of my family's secrets. This place is the top floor of the ten-story pagoda of 'Tongtian Road', if I guessed correctly If so, you should also be a monk of my Asura clan."

"Senior, since you understand it in your heart, why bother to break the casserole and ask the end," Yi Tian waved his hand and replied, "It is the factional disputes within the dynasty that make the Asura's dominance in this world gradually diminish. There is also an unshirkable responsibility for this.”

"Why did you say that, junior," Prince Wei said angrily.

"Senior, don't be angry. Although I don't serve in the court, I have heard about it for a long time," Yi Tian hurriedly replied: "I discovered a big secret like a barbarian monk during the Mingjing Lake battle. If I think about it, if I see it, I will definitely It won't be as calm as it is now."

"What's the matter, tell me quickly," Prince Wei asked with a frown.

(End of this chapter)

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