
Chapter 1611 Vibration

Chapter 1611 Vibration
The great court meetings in the Asura Dynasty are generally held irregularly, and usually only in certain special circumstances will they be notified consecutively.It's just that this time the soul bell was rang in the capital of Asura Emperor, and this situation will only be used when a major event occurs.

And this time the soul bell rang three times, which indicated that the queen would go out to meet the courtiers in person, and at the same time, all monks with noble titles in the imperial capital must be present to listen to the instructions.

At the same time, Prince Wei and Yunlin, the integrated monks who stayed behind to preside over the government affairs of the empire, would naturally all be present.Although the two were at odds with each other on the issue of the empress returning to power, they were able to reach a tacit agreement on other issues.

Unexpectedly, Prince Wei proposed to cleanse the barbarian forces entrenched in Asura's realm at this great court meeting.If it is placed before, the other two lines of troops will definitely jump out and stop them.Unexpectedly, this time Yunlin spoke out in support of this matter on the spot, and a series of people headed by Prince Xun's son also expressed their support for this matter.

There were quite a few monks with noble titles present at the court meeting. Although they didn't know what happened, seeing the three lines of people in the court cooperating for an unprecedented time, they naturally realized that there was a big crisis. All the forces in the entire Asura court abandoned their previous suspicions and gathered under the leadership of the queen again.

Later, the whole court held a closed discussion, and the current empress Luo Ziyan told the participants not to disclose what they saw and heard in the meeting.

However, some gossip rumors will always spread to the market. The most credible one is that the barbarian monks have seized the treasure left by the first empress near Mingjing Lake, so it will arouse the prying eyes of the Asura court.

However, in the private exchange meeting of the nobles, it can be seen that most of them are worried. It seems that the shock that this great dynasty will bring to them is not limited to this.

On the next day of the Great Court Meeting, the Queen issued a pre-war call-up order, urgently ordering the Asura Dynasty to mobilize, but all nobles whose strength exceeds the distraction period can go to Xuanwu Hall to teach them face-to-face.Even some top-notch cultivators in the stage of transformation into gods were exceptionally promoted and fortunate enough to participate here.

Next, Prince Youwei personally came forward to carry out the reorganization of the Asura army, and mobilized all the troops stationed in the Asura world except the imperial forest army stationed in the imperial capital.They only maintained the minimum number of people staying in the local area, and the rest of the troops were assembled in the major fortresses thousands of miles away from Mingjing Lake.

Naturally, such a big battle could not be concealed from those ignorant monks of different races. Most of them could not guess the intention of the Asura court to make such a big move, and some even thought that the Asura clan was going to provoke a cross-border war.

But there are always some well-informed people who have found clues by insinuating, and there are even gossips in the market of the imperial capital that it is said that the barbarian monks have found the secret magic power of the Asura and began to send a large number of tribes to practice this technique.

This will inevitably shake the foundation of Asura's rule in this world, so the whole dynasty is so anxious to send troops to kill it in the cradle once and for all.

At this time, Yi Tianzheng and Luo Ziyan were sitting face to face in a certain courtyard deep in the palace, discussing something.Yun Lin was also present here, but at this time she did not express any opinions and was completely listening to the conversation between the two.

This time, after the outbreak of the barbarian incident, the original appearance of the entire dynasty has changed. Even Prince Dewei came to her to discuss with her in private.

At this time, Luo Ziyan was sitting on the right seat, but she said angrily: "How did you get on Luo Weilun this time? To be honest, every time I see him, I get angry and hang up the etiquette of the emperor and ministers all day long." On the lips, I am not allowed to drive in person."

Yi Tian also shrugged helplessly and said: "Then who knew that the teleportation array of the first generation queen was directly connected to the ten-story tower of 'Tongtian Road', and what I didn't even expect was that Prince Wei was already in front of the other two. In front of His Majesty, with his strength, if there is any difference in his strength, he can pull you off the throne early in the morning, so why do you need to be like this now."

On the side, Yun Lin looked at Yi Tian with a faint smile on her face, and then said: "That's true, if Luo Weilun hadn't been loyal to the Asura Dynasty, His Royal Highness King Xun and I would have joined hands to attack."

"But he has been in the imperial court for thousands of years, and now he is taking advantage of the opportunity of the barbarian rebellion to take over the military power again. I'm afraid it will be a big deal afterward." Luo Ziyan was obviously a little anxious when she heard it, and she naturally couldn't see it because of her prejudice against Prince Wei. Holding military power.

"I don't think so. At this time and at that time, now we have to deal with the barbarian army and the other party has a monk in the fit period. If we want to eradicate it once and for all, our army must hit the superior force and join forces to be sure of victory," Yi Tian analyzed.

"Yi Daoyou's words are very true," Yun Lin said again: "Originally, the dynasty was divided into three factions to attack each other. The dead body of the barbarian monk Zaifu Hong proves that there are indeed barbarian monks who are secretly practicing our martial arts, so the nobles below will see it and naturally know how to choose."

"I'm afraid that after this incident, the entire court will split into several factions, and it will cause trouble in vain," Luo Ziyan said coquettishly.

"At this time, please rest assured, Your Majesty, Luo Weilun has already come to my place to talk about it in detail before the expedition, and he will retire when the army triumphs," Yun Lin said with a relaxed face.

It was obvious that she had made a private agreement with Prince Wei in advance, and I am afraid that neither of them paid attention to the power struggle in the dynasty, otherwise there would be no talk today.

Although Luo Ziyan still wanted to distinguish something, but seeing Yi Tian and Yun Lin's expressions, she could only bear it for the time being.Later, I only heard Yi Tian ask: "I don't know how the army is going out now?"

"Prince Wei came to negotiate with me after receiving your notice, and now he has mobilized nearly [-]% of the troops of the Ashura tribe to open the front near Pingbei City, and his personal commander in charge of the central army is bound to uproot the barbarians at once. Get up," even though Yun Lin said that, a trace of worry still flashed across her face.

After Yi Tian was keenly aware of it, she naturally knew the worries in her heart. It is not difficult to encircle and suppress the barbarians. The key depends on how to catch the barbarian patriarch.In a one-on-one situation, it is definitely not an easy thing to capture alive, and this matter will probably have to trouble Yunlin to go again.Only in the case of two to one can we be sure that nothing will go wrong.

But the most difficult thing now is how to find the trace of the other party. It is indeed a very headache if the monks in the fusion period really want to hide blindly.

(End of this chapter)

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