
Chapter 1612 Situation

Chapter 1612 Situation

Naturally, such a huge change in the world of Asura could not be hidden from the foreign forces staying in the imperial capital. Many people with connections learned the clues from the gossip.

Some of the alien races who had befriended the Asura nobles received the wind and learned the secrets inside, and it didn't take long for the alien monks in the entire imperial capital to start to move around.

Many of them are attached to the Asura Dynasty, so naturally they have to work and contribute their strengths. They have never had the opportunity before, and today's big opportunities are in front of them, so they must be firmly grasped.

But there are still many speculators from other races who want to fish in troubled waters and take this opportunity to spy on the secrets of the Asura clan.As the imperial capital began to impose martial law, teams of guard soldiers were sent out to patrol the streets.

The ten-story pagoda of 'Tongtian Road' which was originally open to the outside world is also temporarily closed. Only the passage on the side of the Asura clan is still open, and the road of cultivation facing the monks of this clan is still there.

Foreign monks are strictly controlled in certain areas, but anyone who goes beyond the ranks will be tracked down by the city defense station.

In such an environment of martial law, there were still many monks from other races waiting for the opportunity to come out and try to break the ban, but without exception, they were all caught by the monks on duty at the city defense station and thrown into the prison.In this way, the law and order of the entire imperial capital is on the right track under small punishments and big punishments.

At this time, Yi Tian was still staying in the imperial capital with the title of Viscount Hongshan. Ever since he enlightened Luo Ziyan in the palace, he was told that the army of the Asura tribe had been frequently mobilized recently. Once Yun Lin made a move, he would stay in the imperial capital to assist Luo. Ziyan suppressed the alien forces from all sides.

Judging from the current situation, this is understandable. Now the monks in the distraction period who can attack the entire emperor are leading the army, and only Yunlin's troops are still staying here to support the operation of the Asura Dynasty.

Once the Pingman War enters the decisive moment, Yunlin will definitely be called to fight, which is also the plan made before.Now Prince Wei himself is dispatched in person, leading the army of the Shura tribe to encircle and suppress the barbarian forces in northern Xinjiang in ten ways.

These nobles in the distraction period who were originally released had the opportunity to lead an army to fight together. Although they were all under the control of Prince Wei's army in the middle, the rise of the noble forces was already unstoppable.

The battle lasted for more than half a year, and there were continuous reports of success from the front line. The split army attacked the city and gradually encroached on the area controlled by the barbarians.During this period, officials from the imperial court often came to visit the Viscount Hongshan Mansion, and Yi Tian got first-hand information about the war from them.But looking at these good news, I can't be happy anyway.

The Ping-Barbarian War has progressed to such an extent that the shadow of the barbarian patriarch has not been found, and the principle of capturing thieves and kings is well known.Moreover, on the surface, this person is a well-known peak monk in the distraction stage, but in fact, his strength and cultivation have reached the stage of the early integration stage.

Such a character is really a thorn in the flesh of the Asura Dynasty, if he slips away, it will definitely cause huge trouble.Therefore, the dynasty is secretly still loose on the outside and tight on the inside. All the major commanders who participated in the dispatch of troops were notified early on and learned of the seriousness of the problem in internal meetings.

The barbarians who sent troops were very targeted to drive their tribes out of the northern border.

Thinking about Yunlin's going to be dispatched sooner or later, Yi Tian doesn't know if it is, but he is secretly looking at the fire source of the Asura tribe in his heart.Under the three-party struggle, it is easy to say that Yunlin has something to ask for herself, and it is natural to invest in the three-party trial with the affection for the son of Prince Xun and the general of the Imperial Army.

But under the sudden change of the situation, Prince Wei and Yun Lin had reached a tacit agreement to temporarily put aside their prejudices and jointly deal with the threat of the barbarians in front of them.It's ridiculous to say that the good situation that I had single-handedly facilitated was accidentally broken by myself.

At this point, Yi Tian felt uneasy. If the Pingman War ended smoothly, the three forces might be re-integrated. Then Yun Lin would not need her assistance. The place of fire will be tested by herself. then turned into a bubble.

But for a while, I have no good way, the only chance now is to sneak into Luo Ziyan's bedroom and directly enter the fire source while Yunlin is not in the imperial capital.It can't be said that he is directly confronting Yun Lin and others, and I don't know if Luo Ziyan will have any objections to her actions.

Just as he was thinking about it, the housekeeper of the Viscount Hongshan Mansion suddenly came to report, and someone from the court came to wait in the main hall.Although during this period of time, the imperial court did not send people to deliver court reports, but most of them left after sending them, and very few people would forward them to stay in the mansion to see themselves.

After following the housekeeper to the hall, I saw that it was Mi Baiji, the imperial historian who came this time, so it goes without saying that there must be something important.After ordering the butler to retreat, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to open the sound-proof enchantment, then stepped forward and asked, "Why are you here? Is there something wrong with the court?"

Mi Boji stood up, bowed his hands and said: "Let's sit down and talk."

After hearing this, Yi Tian sat down slowly in front of him and then asked: "I haven't seen you in this period of time, I don't know what's the matter with you this time."

Mi Baiji reached out and took out a jade slip and handed it over, "Master Yun specially asked me to bring it and hand it over to you before he left."

After taking over, Yi Tian spread the jade slip in his hand and read it carefully, it turned out that Yunlin had already been dispatched at this time.The Asura army had already tracked down the barbarian patriarch Zaifu Jidi during the battle against the barbarians in northern Xinjiang. Now the army is in a hurry to besiege, and Prince Wei also sent a letter from Yufu to invite her to help.

As the only monk in the dynasty who can flexibly mobilize the fusion period, Yun Lin naturally has no hesitation.But with the heavy burden of sitting in the imperial capital and guarding the imperial city, it is natural to make proper arrangements for the rear when going out at this time.

In the jade slips, Yunlin's arrangement was briefly explained clearly, and the government continued to operate normally during her absence.Hao Ren and the others who stayed behind could also temporarily deter all the foreign forces, large and small, in the imperial capital.

As for the end, she asked herself to find time to help garrison the imperial city. Now she is the strongest in the entire Asura Dynasty. She hoped that if she could, she would help Hao Ren monitor the alien monks. After all, these people are the most disturbing factors.

Seeing this, Yi Tian thought for a while before replying: "Okay, I've kept this matter in mind. How is Hao Ren going to deal with the predicament in front of him now?"

"Doctor Hao has already taken charge of the security office in the imperial capital, and has dispatched a lot of people to control the alien area," Mi Baiji said.

"This is a well-regulated approach," Yi Tian said disdainfully: "If you encounter a young man, no matter how strict you are, it will be useless."

"Then what should I do if I don't know the correct way?" Mi Boji asked.

"Lead the snake out of the hole, just cut off those unstable factors," Yi Tian replied.

(End of this chapter)

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