
Chapter 1614 Compensation

Chapter 1614 Compensation
The imperial army guarding the imperial capital when the imperial capital Dajun went out to fight was also in full swing. After all, there were not many Asura monks.Although the imperial dynasty has continuously poured out exercises to concentrate on cultivating fresh blood in the past few thousand years, even this cannot make up for the lack of numbers.

In order to maintain its rule in the Asura world, the dynasty still specially introduced those powerful monks from different races to flood the troops of all parties.At the same time, he also took more care of those ascended monks, so as to win them over to serve the dynasty.

But things are always dichotomized among the noble monks of the dynasty, who are divided into conservatives and radicals, respectively, who have opposite attitudes towards these policies.Conservatives believe that such a large number of foreign monks will inevitably lead to the decline of the strength of Asura's army, and it will no longer be the strength of the first holy emperor who dominated the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit 3 years ago.

The radicals believed that monks from other planes of the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit except the Lower Three Realms and the Demon Realm could make friends.Only by learning from each other's strengths can it be more conducive to the long-term stability of the Asura Dynasty.

After the two sides could not settle down, they brought the contradictions into the court to discuss the state affairs, and then the Queen Ashura several generations ago divided the army in her hands into several branches.Among them, except for the imperial forest army that defends the imperial capital, the rest of the armies can absorb powerful monks of different races as their backbone.

The Earl of Yinyue Lake who visited today is a relatively powerful figure in the radical faction, and his strength can indeed be said to be second to none among the noble monks.

Taking the identity token Hao Ren gave, Yi Tian led a team of ten patrolling monks under the control of the city defense station and went directly to the residence of the Earl of Yinyue Lake.After showing the identity token, the stewards in the mansion naturally didn't dare to obstruct it, so they could only take it into the main hall of the mansion later.

Sitting in the main hall, Yi Tian performed the thousand-face technique to change himself, but his name remained the same, only calling himself 'Yi Tongling'.

After doing it for a while, I realized that someone from the back hall was rushing towards this side, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body had not converged, so he was a monk in the distraction period.

A little later, Pu Changhao, Earl of Yinyue Lake, walked in with big strides, and everyone present hurriedly stood up and knelt down in the way of royal nobles.As for Yi Tian, ​​he stretched out his hand and held it in front of his chest. Fortunately, the token Hao Ren gave him was marked with a noble title, otherwise it would be really difficult for him to kneel down.

After everyone sat down, Pu Changhao opened his mouth and said, "I don't know the commander of the city defense station, and it's very expensive to come here?"

To be honest, Yi Tian didn't like the Earl of Yinyue Lake from the bottom of his heart, and his body was full of the sour smell of Asura nobles.He was dressed in aristocratic clothes, but he looked like a rough man with unkempt hair, and his messy hair was not combed.

Such a person would be the mainstay of the radical aristocratic faction, so at least you should make up and repair it.Thinking about it, Yitian didn't dare to reveal his identity easily, so he replied with a smile: "I dare not, my humble job is to come here to understand the trade dispute between Lord Earl and the 'Qingfeng Branch' firm."

"That's a good time. Let's talk about when it's my turn to be bullied by monks from other races, and I'm still in the imperial capital. If this news gets out, I'm afraid other nobles will laugh at me behind my back," Pu Changhao said angrily. Can't help but say.

"Lord Earl is very angry, since this matter is reported to the city defense station, we will naturally investigate it with all our strength, and we must satisfy you," Yi Tianbei said with a smile.

"I hope so," Pu Changhao replied with a snort.

Yi Tian looked at the other party and didn't find any omissions in his words, but when he saw him, he always had some strange feelings in his heart, as if he had seen the same type of monks before.

After thinking about it, he changed the subject and asked: "I have checked all of the Earl's lawsuit, and there are a few questions in it that I would like to ask you to clarify?"

"Ask me anything, I don't guarantee you can answer it all," Pu Changhao said casually.

"I don't know where the batch of goods is now, can you take out some samples for me to check?" Yi Tian asked.

Pu Changhao obviously came prepared for such a question, and reached out his hand to take out a piece of 'Lingming Stone' from the storage bag and put it on the table.

After stretching out the divine sense, he scanned the 'Lingming Stone' and found that its material is almost between the peak of the earth level and the elementary level of the sky.Speaking of "Qingfeng Substation", it is really suspected that it is shoddy.

After the inspection, Yi Tian directly put away the 'Lingming Stone' and said: "This thing is a physical evidence. I need to go to the company to find the person in charge to investigate. If the matter is true, I don't know how to ask the other party for compensation? Please ask for instructions on this matter. , This is also the responsibility of my city defense station."

After hearing this, Pu Changhao's eyes flashed and he said: "Since this is the case, I would like to ask Commander Yi to uphold justice for me. The most important thing for this 'Qingfeng Branch' store to open its doors to do business is to pay attention to authenticity. Since they all play their signs If you say that you will pay ten for a fake, then I will demand compensation for this."

"It's probably a bit difficult to pay ten for one. I don't know if the Earl can give us some space, so we can handle it according to our discretion. If we have to insist on paying ten for a fake, I don't think there may be so many goods at the store," Yi Tian said. The face changed back.But in his heart, he expressed deep doubts about Pu Changhao's character, even the gimmicks played by those companies would not really be fulfilled like this.

What's more, the Taiqing Pavilion, one of the three major sects in the spirit world, is behind the "Qingfeng Sub-station". To put it bluntly, it's really annoying.

The Earl of Yinyue Lake was stunned when he heard the words, then looked at Yi Tian and asked: "I know that these things are usually for city defense, so I have to take some kickbacks, so that's it, one compensation three is my minimum, and the extra is my minimum." How about giving Hao Ren face?"

Yi Tian laughed in his heart that this was called giving Hao Ren face, I'm afraid it could only be said in front of a monk with his own level of cultivation.If he really met Hao Ren, Pu Changhao might not have the guts to say that.

After thinking for a while, he replied with a smile on his face: "Since it is the earl who gave us a way of making money, it is naturally disrespectful. At this time, please rest assured that I will lead the team to the foreign business to conduct a thorough investigation. Afterwards, I will definitely give you a satisfactory result. answer."

"Okay, that's how we get rid of it," Pu Changhao replied unceremoniously.

Yi Tian didn't go directly to the foreign business area after the large group of people left the Earl's Mansion of Yinyue Lake, and then he wanted to settle them down, but he went back to the mansion to fix it first.Before I was in the Yinyue Lake mansion, I had a strange feeling in my heart, and after I came out, I was secretly suspicious of the purpose of this 'Lingming Stone' and the amount of compensation Pu Changhao requested.

To be honest, there are not many space-type treasures like the 'Lingming Stone', and now he is asking for three times the compensation all at once, so there is such a gap.

(End of this chapter)

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