
Chapter 1615 Inquiry

Chapter 1615 Inquiry
After coming out from the Earl of Yinyue Lake, Yi Tian was secretly calculating the amount of the precious material 'Lingming Stone'. If he estimated the size of the teleportation circle with the amount of 'Lingming Stone', he was at least planning to deploy a scale of [-] people. transmission array.

What's the use of arranging such a formation in the Earl's mansion of Yinyue Lake, and he must have the same amount of 'King Ming Stone' as the main ingredient.

It seems that this matter can be verified from different directions, so I want to give up and take out the communication jade charm, write my question on it, and inspire it to send it out.

As for the shopkeeper of the 'Qingfeng Sub-station' shop, he can be regarded as one of his own, so of course Yi Tian wants to support him.From now on, I will always learn the sect of the spirit world. If I refuse to save him, I'm afraid I will have no face to face a group of teachers and brothers.What's more, the treasurer Du of the Qingfeng sub-station has joined hands with the Earl of Yinyue Lake this time. If he goes with a large group of people, it will inevitably lead to a situation where the Asura clan dominates others, which is definitely not a good thing for finding out the truth.

After thinking about it, he played with the identity jade card in his hand, and the whole figure disappeared in place.Half a moment later, Yi Tian re-entered the alien business district in his real form.It's just that the number of monks walking on the street today has dropped by more than [-]% compared with usual.There were hardly many people walking around scattered on the street, and at least [-]% of the shops on both sides of the street had closed their doors to thank customers.

It seems that the imperial city defense station has been stricter in the management and control of its subordinates in the recent period. In this extraordinary period, it really needs a heavy punishment.

Walking to the gate of the 'Qingfeng Sub-station' store, Yi Tian swept his eyes and found that there were almost no customers inside, and the guys in the store were all lazily looking for a place to take a nap.

After stepping into the hall, some internal staff came up to receive him, and Yi Tian didn't hesitate to show the identity token of the city defense station in his hand.Those guys all showed surprise on their faces when they saw it, and then hurriedly and respectfully greeted them to the elegant room in the back courtyard.

After waiting for a while, the shopkeeper Du from the 'Qingfeng Sub-station' hurried over. When he saw Yi Tian, ​​he was stunned in front of him, and then the staff who shielded him closed the door and walked into the room.Judging by his desolate expression, he might be tired of coping with the recent case of Earl of Yinyue Lake suing the 'Qingfeng Sub-station' company.

After stretching out his hand to worship the sound-proof barrier, Shopkeeper Du hurriedly stepped forward and bowed to Yi Tian, ​​and shouted: "I didn't expect that senior is the commander of the Imperial City Defense Office, please uphold justice for this junior."

Yi Tian didn't change his face, but asked sharply: "How do you know that I will stand up for you, and as the commander of the Imperial City Defense Station, how can I protect you at public expense and privately?"

Shopkeeper Du was not surprised but was overjoyed when he heard the words, and hurriedly replied: "Senior Yi, as the commander of the city defense of the imperial capital, if you want to find trouble with the humble shop, you only need to bring a team to block the door of the humble shop. Today you If you come here alone and talk about it behind closed doors, you won't be able to cover anyone up."

This shopkeeper Du has been in the Asura world for a long time, and he has dealt with people who have been in the Ashura world for a long time. Since he came in and saw Yi Tian, ​​he has a bottom line in his heart.

Just like what he said, if he wants to find fault, he can just lead someone to close the shop. Why bother with so much trouble, Yi Tian nodded slightly after hearing this and said: "You are right, I also think this is a bit strange. If you If you can tell the ins and outs of the matter in detail, maybe I can find a way to help you, which is considered to be the favor of the book recommendation you gave me last time."

Shopkeeper Du showed a long-lost smile on his face and immediately replied: "Please ask seniors to ask questions, and I will definitely know everything without saying anything."

"Okay, let me ask you, when did Pu Changhao come to you to buy the 'Lingming Stone'?" Yi Tian said in a deep voice.

Shopkeeper Du rested his hand on his forehead and thought about it before saying, "It happened about half a month ago."

"Half a month ago, it was almost when the Asura army locked on the location of the largest barbarian tribe in the northern barbarian land," Yi Tian compared the time and calculated silently in his heart.

Then he asked again: "You should have been familiar with the situation of other companies during the time you spent in the foreign business area. Let me ask you if Pu Changhao has found other companies to buy 'Kongming Stone'. You must tell the truth about this matter." Come."

Seeing Yi Tian's serious expression, Shopkeeper Du knew that there must be something wrong with it, and after thinking about it carefully, he said: "Yes, but not many. Seniors should know that this 'Kongming Stone' is not an ordinary treasure and is not used in many places naturally. , there is no other use except for arranging the teleportation array."

"If the 'King Ming Stone' is not enough to use high-level 'Ling Ming Stone' mixed into it, can we also arrange a corresponding teleportation array?" Yi Tian asked suddenly.

Shopkeeper Du replied without even thinking about it: "It's entirely possible, but it needs the 'Kongming Stone' to refine the formation foundation, and a sufficient amount of 'Spiriting Stone' can naturally achieve such an effect. Could it be that senior doubts that Yinyue Is the Earl of the Lake setting up a large teleportation array?"

"It's not doubt, but conviction, he must have bought all the 'Kongming Stones' in the alien area," Yi Tian thought for a while and said: "You are well-informed and ask if the large-scale firm you are familiar with has recently Sold all the 'Kongming Stone' in stock."

Shopkeeper Du's face was moved, and then he took out several communication jade slips, quickly wrote the information on them, and then activated and sent them out.It took less than a cup of tea to receive replies one after another. Shopkeeper Du briefly read the information on the jade talisman and handed it over.

After Yi Tian took these jade talismans, he scanned them with his spiritual sense and found that they were the replies from major companies in the foreign ethnic area. Coincidentally, the 'Kongming Stone' in their inventory was bought early, about a month ago.And the people who bought it turned out to be the Earl of Yinyue Lake or someone related to him.

Seeing this, Yi Tian naturally knew in his heart that the Earl of Yinyue Lake was definitely not as simple as it appeared on the surface.Taking advantage of the opportunity of the Asura army to encircle and suppress the barbarian tribes, the intention of arranging a large teleportation array in the imperial capital itself is very doubtful.

Then he asked again: "I heard what the Earl of Yinyue Lake said that the 'Lingming Stone' you provided him was not the right one, and it was a second-best product, but is there such a thing?"

"Senior Yi clearly learned that since the 'Lingming Stone' is not used much, we naturally don't have much in stock. We are the only ones who have this supply in the entire foreign business district, so it's up to us to decide whether to sell it or not." He Pu Changhao last time was under coercion and lure, and I reluctantly agreed to take half of the existing inventory and sell it to him. You must know that this item is a strategic material, and it is naturally impossible to trade in large quantities without the approval of the Asura Dynasty. " said the treasurer.

It seems that the problem lies in this, and Yi Tian put away the communication jade talisman in his hand and said: "This is a physical evidence, and you are a witness. Your company still needs to be patient for the time being, and I will find a way to find out The crux of the problem lies in solving the current troubles for you."

(End of this chapter)

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