
Chapter 1616 Weird

Chapter 1616 Weird

After leaving the 'Qingfeng Substation' store, Yi Tian sorted out all the information collected before in his mind, and then walked towards other stores.Nowadays, there are almost no monks who are stronger than themselves in the foreign business district, so as long as they are careful, they can go to these companies to find out what is going on.

After walking around and searching, I found that the information obtained so far matched the information provided by Shopkeeper Du.Only the Earl's Mansion of Yinyue Lake needs to investigate secretly.

To be honest, when I saw Pu Changhao last time, I always felt a little weird, but I couldn't tell what was going on for a while.

But he had already set his eyes on the Earl of Yinyue Lake in his heart, but he didn't catch his braid for a while.After that, Yi Tian went to the headquarters of the Second City Defense Office to find Hao Ren for a private conversation, and left all the physical evidence in his hand there.At the same time, he also told all the things that shopkeeper Du had explained. After hearing this, Hao Ren also had deep doubts about this matter.

But Hao Ren also has his concerns. Now that the three factions are safe and sound, the aristocratic royalists in the court have regained the Queen's favor, and he doesn't want to be the first bird.Afterwards, I just asked Yi Tian to investigate secretly, but if there is any change, it is enough to notify as soon as possible.

After leaving the city defense station, Yi Tian first went back to 'Lanyunju' to take back the Great Immortal Guagua.Now that my identity has become a secret that is not a secret, there is no need for the Immortal Guagua to stay in the 'Lanyunju' to pretend to be himself.

After that, he used his concealment technique to quietly arrive outside the residence of the Earl of Yinyue Lake.The last time I brought someone in through the main entrance, I couldn't get a glimpse of its real layout.This time, it was not the case that a person quietly entered through the back door of the Earl of Yinyue Lake's mansion, and then avoided the housekeepers and handymen and quietly moved towards the place where Pu Changhao lived.

After arriving at the other courtyard where the earl lived in the deep part of the mansion, he suddenly felt something strange on the ground in front of him.After the purple light flashed in his eyes, he looked around, only to find that from here to the deepest part of the mansion, layers of restrictions have been laid down, and there are also hidden defensive formations on the ground.

If you want to continue to explore, you have to break through the prohibition, and at the same time, the prohibition barrier is directly placed on the warning formation. If you want to enter, you have to spend some tricks.

It was hard to see that the Earl of Yinyue Lake, who was tall and thick in appearance, was actually a master of formations who kept secrets.It's a pity that this is not difficult for him, Yi Tian sneaked into the corner of the backyard lightly, took out the formation-breaking awl, held it in his hand and slowly raised it.

After scanning the restriction barrier in front of him, he found a weak node and pierced the formation-breaking cone in his hand.A white film of light appeared out of thin air in front of him, but there was a gap about a foot in the middle.

Yi Tian sneaked in from it, and disappeared after three breaths.After arriving in the inner courtyard, I discovered that there was an open space of a hundred feet square in the inner courtyard, and a simple teleportation formation was arranged on the ground in the northwest corner of the open space.

Taking the first few steps, Yi Tian didn't dare to stretch out his divine sense for fear of revealing his whereabouts for no reason, so he could only check with his naked eyes.After taking three breaths, he sighed and said in his heart: "What a big handwriting, there must be something wrong with the identity of the Earl of Yinyue Lake." 'There is a teleportation array node with a radius of ten feet on the ground in front of you, but this is just a receiving point for a one-way teleportation array.

But what surprised me the most was that the pattern of this teleportation formation turned out to be a high-level pattern of cross-boundary transmission.I don't know how Pu Changhao is able to communicate with monks from other planes and teleport them across borders.

Needless to say, this is naturally not a good thing, and the capital of the Asura Empire here is also the administrative center of the Asura Realm.If there is any mistake here, it is tantamount to a flowering in the center and a knife piercing into the heart center of the Asura Dynasty.

Suddenly, another sound transmission sounded in my ears, and it turned out to be the voice of a croaking immortal from the beast-controlling pouch on his waist, saying: "I feel that there is a powerful high-level monster breath left on this altar, at least level nine or higher. above strength."

His face tightened, and Yi Tian replied via voice transmission: "Can you be sure it's the remnant breath of monsters above level nine?"

"At least a ninth-level monster. I'm very sensitive to these breaths, so it should be my natural enemy," the Great Immortal Guagua trembled slightly when he said this.It doesn't look like a fake, the monster itself is extremely sensitive to the smell, especially the smell of natural enemies.

Based on the prototype of a monster like the Great Immortal Guagua, most of his natural enemies are snake monsters.At this point, Yi Tian was terrified, if a level nine monster snake suddenly appeared in the Asura Imperial Capital, it would not be a good thing.

Also, Immortal Guagua mentioned that this is an altar rather than a teleportation array node, which was beyond his expectation. After thinking for a while, he quickly asked: "Did you read it wrong, this is an altar rather than a teleportation array node."

"It's not wrong, I'm making a conclusion based on the remaining aura," Daxian Guagua said in a confident tone: "The people who set up the formation obtained certain things through blood sacrifices, which may be treasures or exercises. Or maybe it’s the clone that summons the demon spirit. In short, this is not a teleportation array node.”

It wouldn't be too bad if it was as good as what the Great Immortal Guagua said, at least he wouldn't have to face a ninth-level monster.

But what's the point of the Earl of Yinyue Lake setting up a cross-border altar in his home? With his cultivation and status, does he need to rely on external forces to interfere in the political situation of the Asura Dynasty?

Even if there are tens of thousands of mysteries in Yi Tian's mind, it is difficult to figure it out at once, so he can only deal with the troubles ahead.The Earl of Yinyue Lake still needs a lot of 'Lingming Stone'. It seems that this altar is only initially completed, but it failed to achieve the effect he expected.

Now that I have broken through his trick, I naturally have to do something to feel at ease.After thinking about it, he slowly touched it and stretched out his divine sense to cover the entire altar to check its pattern.

Later, with a hint of sneer on his face, he took out the formation-breaking awl and sacrificed it in front of him, took out the rune pen with his right hand, and added several formation patterns on the end of the formation-breaking awl.After doing this, put away the rune pen in your hand, seal with your left hand, shrink the entire formation-breaking awl to a filament shape, and then pierce directly into the formation pattern nodes under your feet.

After doing this, he checked the altar in front of him again with his divine sense, and a casual smile appeared on his face.Think about it, the next time Earl of Silver Moon Lake wants to activate this altar, it will definitely surprise him.Yi Tian wanted to leave at this point, but he couldn't bear to see what monster saint Pu Changhao wanted to contact with.

After thinking about it, he quietly walked to the side and found a remote corner to sit on the ground and waited. Anyway, the city defense station has nothing urgent recently, and he has plenty of time to spend with the Earl of Yinyue Lake.

(End of this chapter)

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