
Chapter 1617 Shocking News

Chapter 1617 Shocking News
Yi Tian sat in the forbidden barrier deep in the Earl's mansion of Yinyue Lake for several days, but he didn't notice that Pu Changhao had come in.Even if I waited like this, I couldn't help feeling secretly agitated.

But I have already asked the shopkeeper Du of the 'Qingfeng Sub-station' to distribute a batch of 'Lingming Stones' to the Earl's Mansion of Yinyue Lake. I think the other party will keep his promise.

If this can't make Pu Changhao show off his feet, he can only go out and think of a way.In the middle of the night, Yi Tianzheng used his concealment technique to sit cross-legged in a corner of the backyard in the hinterland.

Suddenly, ripples appeared in the barrier barrier at the door, and then a hole two feet wide and seven feet high was split from it.After a while, Pu Changhao walked in and closed the ban again with a wave of his hand.

Walking in front of the altar, Pu Changhao reached out and took out a large number of black crystals from the storage bag at his waist. Yi Tian could see that they were all high-grade 'Lingming Stones'.

Needless to say, it must be the apology brought by the shopkeeper Du of the 'Qingfeng Sub-station' shop. Although the amount is not three times that mentioned before, it is still quite a lot.

I saw that Pu Changhao took out the 'Lingming Stone' from his hand, sacrificed the spirit fire in his hand, and began to sacrifice on the spot. Half a moment later, he put the refined 'Lingming Stone' into the altar in front of him one by one.

Hiding aside, Yi Tian could clearly see that Pu Changhao was arranging a high-level cross-border altar, and he might use this altar to directly take over the avatar of a great figure from the demon world.

It's just that he didn't know why he made such a move. Maybe he wanted to seize power in one fell swoop by taking advantage of the absence of the three integrated monks in the imperial city.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian shook his head in direct denial. Although the style of the royalist radicals of Asura nobles is slightly extreme, they are still loyal to the queen, and there is no need to be so stupid.

Just thinking about the flashes of spiritual light on the altar in front of him, it was Pu Changhao who was continuously injecting spiritual power into it and activated it.

After ten breaths, the pattern coefficient on the entire altar lights up, and the black light gathers a two-foot-sized space crack above the altar.Pu Changhao couldn't wait to step forward and shouted after the space crack stabilized after seeing the big show, "Where is the real Earth Dragon?"

There was a 'hiss' response from the crack, and then a sharp voice said: "Zaifu Jidi, what's the matter with calling me this time?"

'Zai Fu Ji Di' Yi Tian was startled when he heard the name. Isn't this person the head of the barbarian clan who is the number one killer announced by the Asura Dynasty this time?Why would he lurk in the Asura Imperial Capital disguised as the Earl of Yinyue Lake.

Unintentionally, such a big secret was broken by himself, Yi Tian also had some ripples in his heart, and at the same time, there was a little wave in his body, which was originally integrated with the atmosphere around him.

Fortunately, the corner I was in was remote, and Pu Changhao, Zaifu Jidi, was unable to detect his existence in time.

But at this time, Yi Tian didn't dare to be careless for fear of scaring the snake, so he quickly calmed down and reintegrated with the surrounding environment.

Only Zaifu Jidi replied in a deep voice: "How did you think about the matter I discussed with you last time, Immortal Dilong?"

"It's too dangerous," said the echo again in the space crack: "If my body comes to this world forcibly, the King Xun who guards the gate of the world will definitely find out. After all, this is the capital of the Asura Emperor. It will always be stored somewhere in the imperial city."

"Hmph, then we can't proceed with what we discussed before," Zaifu Jidi said coldly, "I managed to set up a trick to transfer Luo Weilun and Yunlin away, and also lost a clone who was in the early stage of fusion. Didn't your words make all my previous efforts come to nothing?"

The clone in the early stage of fusion, Yi Tian had an uncertain look on his face when he heard this sentence.Unexpectedly, Zaifu Jidi's cultivation has reached such a level that even his avatar is as strong as the initial stage of fusion.

But after looking at it, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on Pu Changhao in front of him seemed to be only in the early stage of distraction.Could it be that he deliberately suppressed the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body.

After this idea flashed in my mind, I was directly rejected by myself.You must know that with your current cultivation level lurking here, you will never be able to hide from the exploration of the monks in the fit period.If Zaifu Jidi in front of him was in the Fusion stage, he would definitely discover his existence immediately.Besides, I almost exposed my flaws just now due to the fluctuation of my mind. If this has not been noticed, the only explanation is that Zaifu Jidi's cultivation base is definitely not as strong as I am now.

The voice of Master Earth Dragon came again from the gap in the altar: "I am very interested in your proposal last time, but I can't crack it with my real body at the moment. But don't worry, I will let my clone come over to help you .It’s just that your current level of the altar is not high enough to completely cover my distracted breath.”

After hearing this, Zaifu Jidi said with a look of embarrassment: "Don't worry, I haven't gathered enough formation treasures yet, but I just need to wait a few more days before I can get enough to open the altar to welcome your avatar. "

"That's the best," Daoist Dilong replied, "But I really admire Zaifu Daoist for being able to urge his avatar to the fusion stage for the secret of the Asura clan, and use it to attract Luo Weilun and Yun. Lin took the bait, this acting sister seems to be too big."

But Zaifu Jidi said unremittingly: "I have planned for 2000 years for the secret of the Asura clan, and I did not hesitate to use my real body to lurk among the Asura nobles and work hard. Now the god-given opportunity in front of me must be achieved in one battle. "

"But now you still have to face the remaining monks in Asura's imperial city, and I heard that Luo Ziyan, a rookie queen, is not weak, as in the mid-stage of distraction," the voice of Master Dilong came through the cracks in the altar again. Come on.

"Don't worry, I've already inquired about the entire imperial city. Among the people left behind, Hao Ren is sitting in the city defense post and will not be easily dispatched. Moreover, he has no right to intervene in the affairs of the imperial city, so we only have to deal with Luo Ziyan and Luo Weilun's clone," Zaifu Jidi said with a smile.

"Can you confirm the location of Luo Weilun's avatar?" Daoist Dilong asked: "After the fight, his body will immediately notice the changes in the imperial city."

"That's why we need to be fast, and my avatar who stays at the barbarian camp will hold Luo Weilun and Yunlin in the first place. We have at least half a day to make a move," Zaifu Jidi said.

"Half a day is enough. No one in the entire imperial city will be our opponent if the two join forces without thinking and doing the math," Daoist Dilong replied.

"Okay, then we've made a deal. It's not too late. The next time I open the formation altar is the time to act," said Zaifu Jidi.

(End of this chapter)

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