
Chapter 162 Closing

Chapter 162 Closing
The Xuanling bell in the main hall of the Xuanling Sect rang nine times in a row, and the entire Xuanling Sect was cheered. This represented the official and successful conclusion of the Xuanling Great Remuneration.

After Yi Tian teleported out of Xuanyang Cave an hour ago, only Nangong Aotian and two Golden Core cultivators were waiting at the entrance of the cave, and the others had already left.After handing over the jade box on his body to Nangong Aotian, Yi Tian also made a request and needed to reply, because picking the fruit inside was too tiring.

Originally, Nangong Aotian was bearded and staring for a while, but when he lifted the seal talisman, opened the jade box and took a look, his face obviously twitched, then he quickly closed the lid and put the seal on it.As someone who has also picked the fruit, he knows how hard the process of picking the fruit is.

Next to them, Su Qiaoyang and Fan Hongfei also took advantage of the gap to secretly scan with their spiritual sense, and roughly found that there were no less than three fruits in it.The two looked at each other, knowing that this time the head of the sect has made a big fuss, and the disciple of the aristocratic family in front of him must be lucky, so he hurried forward to congratulate Xia Yitian for a while.

He heard Nangong Aotian say: "Immediately summon the true disciples in the sect, and ring the Xuanling bell to start offering sacrifices to the sky." Then he flew away in the air with the jade box in his arms.

The two people next to him just summoned the disciple who established the foundation to come to meet him, and then followed the pace of the master and ran away, leaving Yi Tian alone.Fortunately, the disciple who received him was Nan Gongjie, which made Yi Tian feel better, but he kept muttering: "Did the people from the Xuanling Sect cross the river and demolish the bridge, and leave after taking the things."

In the center of the main hall is Nangong Aotian, the head of the Xuanling Sect, sitting on the futon and reading the sacrificial oration in his hands. The next show is a row of Jindanqi elders sitting with smiles on their faces. The seats behind are all inner sects. As a true disciple, Yi Tian saw that Nangong Qianyun was just sitting in the fourth row, so it was conceivable that her status was not among the top ones in the sect.

There were only about 50 people in the entire hall. In addition to the disciples of the Xuanling Sect, there were also monks sent by Tiejianmen and Chiyang to observe the ceremony. Xiao Linhang also sat in the seats to observe the ceremony. Those monks from other aristocratic families were not eligible to enter the hall.

Sitting in the last row were the inner disciples who participated in the Xuanyang Cave trial. Yi Tian, ​​as the great hero of this trip to Xuanyang Cave, was assigned to the corner of the last row, next to Nangong Jie and others. For the sake of his meritorious service, he specially arranged to add a futon to him.

Now this group of people looked at Yi Tian with jealous eyes, even Cai Wenqiang had a sour look on his face, only Nangong Jie who knew the inside story was excited.

Those who can break through the barriers of Xuanyang Cave and take out the Xuanyang fruit will have unlimited achievements in the future. His Nangong family was established in the Xuanling sect in one fell swoop after Nangong Aotian brought out two Xuanyang fruits from it 180 years ago. The foundation became the first true biography at that time.

At the last sacrifice ceremony of Xuanling Dazu, all the golden core monks saw a jade box placed in front of Nangong Aotian's futon, and everyone was excited for a while.

Nangong Jie whispered to Yi Tian: "The sound of the Xuanling Bell is also particular. If there is nothing out of the Xuanyang Cave, it will be knocked six times, and if a Xuanyang fruit is brought out, it will be knocked." Nine times up and down, I foolishly thought that this cave exploration was complete."

Hearing this, Yi Tian curled his lips and said in a voice transmission: "Then bring out two? Is it eighteen knocks?"

Nangong Jie frowned and said, "That's not the case, but if you have more than one coin, the reward will be doubled. Don't worry about that. But then again, how much did you bring out?"

Seeing Nangong Jie's urgent expression, Yi Tian quietly stretched out a hand and spread his five fingers as a gesture.The former took a breath of air after seeing it, his eyes were full of admiration, and he muttered in his heart, 'This brother-in-law is too fierce, I don't know what the whole scene will look like later. '

After Nangong Aotian on the main seat finished reading the sacrificial text, and burned the entire sacrificial text with his fingers, the 'Xuan Ling Da Reward' was really over this time.

But the elders and disciples sitting below were all doing it with a serious look. Everyone knew that the previous ceremony was just an appetizer, and the real big head had just begun.As for Fan Hongfei and Su Qiaoyang, their faces were flushed. They knew that there were many good things in the jade box. They just briefly scanned it with their spiritual sense, and the head closed the lid.

Seeing the brothers sitting below, Nangong Aotian couldn't dampen his interest, coughed dryly, stretched out his hand to gently uncover the seal, and opened the lid of the jade box.

Although the disciples sitting in the back row were far away, their eyes were very bright. After seeing the five Xuanyang fruits neatly arranged side by side in the box, everyone's minds became active.The Jindan monks in the first row were so sophisticated that they could still hold their breath, but the true disciples in the back began to get restless.

The five fruits in this jade box can refine at least fifty bottles of Xuanling Clear Liquid, so the Xuanling Sect will not have to worry about it for at least 60 years.Adding Xuanling Qingye to some elixir above level [-] can also increase the alchemy rate a lot, which is why Jindan monks also pay attention.

Nangong Qianyun looked at her with a full face of admiration. After Yi Tian and her eyes met for a while, he quietly raised his hand to signal, and made a "see you later" mouth movement. The former Knowing that he just pursed his lips and smiled, then turned his head and put his eyes on the jade box facing forward again.

With a bang, the jade box was closed again, Nangong Aotian said with a smile all over his face: "This time the harvest is quite fruitful, after refining it into liquid, every inner disciple who enters can receive a drop, and reward."

There was a burst of applause from below, and most of the disciples also had smiles on their faces.Even Nangongjie also pulled Yi Tiandao: "This drop of Xuanling Qingye is very useful to the foundation cultivators. At least it can be exchanged for three or four years of hard work. This time it is really thanks to Brother Yi."

Ke Yitian didn't even turn his head, but just replied with a smile: "Brother Nangong, we are all happy together."He laughed in his heart and said, "If you knew that I ate two, you wouldn't chop me up, and now you have to pretend to be inscrutable." '

The whole ceremony lasted no more than three quarters of an hour. Nangong Aotian took the jade box and went with a few Jindan Qi brothers to arrange for the Zongmen alchemist to refine the 'Xuanling Qingye', and all the disciples dispersed. .Yi Tian heard that most people were still discussing excitedly, and before walking a few steps, he saw Nangong Qianyun standing in front of him smilingly waiting for him.Seeing her indicating the position of the side hall, Yi Tian ignored other people's eyes and followed directly.

After a while, the two came to a reception room in the side hall. Nangong Qianyun sneered after the host and guest sat down, "You picked five this time, which surprised even me."

Seeing that there was no one around, Yi Tian became more courageous, and walked up to him and asked, "Is it safe here, will someone eavesdrop?"

Nangong Qianyun's face was flushed, and after a pause, she got up and closed the door of the reception room, activated the restraint in the room, then turned to Yi Tian and said: "There is a restraint here, even Jindan cultivators can't overhear us talk."

Seeing this, Yi Tian directly took out a jade box and a flowerpot filled with soil clods from the storage bag, gently handed them to Nangong Qianyun and said: "The one outside is for them, and the one inside is for you." .”

Originally, Nangong Qianyun was still looking forward to thinking that Yi Tian would have something to say, after a moment of stunned, she said with a resentful face: "Don't you just have something else to say?"

For other words, Yi Tian thought for a while and said: "In fact, it is really difficult to pick the fruit inside, and the soil on the ground, I spent a lot of effort to dig out a piece, you can see if it can be used."

Nangong Qianyun just replied softly: "It's really hard work for you."

"It's hard work. It's the happiest thing in my heart to be able to help you. You can first see if the things in the box can be used."

Uncovering the sealing talisman, Nangong Qianyun exclaimed after opening the lid, "How many did you pick?"

Seeing Yi Tian made a move you guessed, Nangong Qianyun turned her beautiful eyes again and again, looking like a little girl, then reached out to close the lid and put a seal on it, and put the jade box into the storage bracelet.

Then he straightened his body and glanced at the soil in the flower pot, and said with joy on his face: "This is the top-grade spiritual plant cultivation soil. With these things, I can directly plant a large number of purple pandan orchids."

"What is the cultivation soil for high-grade spiritual plants? The mud is very hard. I have broken the shovel and the hoe to dig out such a little thing." Yi Tian asked with a puzzled expression.

"You don't know that the spiritual plant cultivation soil above is rich in so much spiritual energy that the soil has already crystallized. The soil you brought out can be mixed with medium spiritual soil separately, and it can be planted for about half an acre. With the appearance of the land, it is no problem to plant medicinal materials above level five, it just takes a little longer."

"Then how to crush the mud?" Yi Tian chased and asked, if this problem is not solved, the other half of the spiritual plant cultivation soil in his storage bracelet is useless.

Nangong Qianyun smiled sweetly, then stood up, took out a small bottle, and poured a drop of spirit liquid on the soil.Yi Tian saw that the pile of soil was slowly softening at a speed visible to the naked eye, no matter how hard it was to maintain the lumpy shape, it finally turned into a pile of silt and put it in a spiritual plant pot.

"That's fine. If it weren't for the cultivation soil with such a high concentration that the spiritual plants above the sixth level basically wouldn't need it, I'll take it to the elixir garden to dilute it and then transplant a few five-level spiritual plants to it."

After watching the meeting, Yi Tian finally asked: "Actually, I want to ask what reward Nangong will give me this time?"

Seeing Yi Tian faltering for a while, Nangong Qianyun was also amused, nodded and said: "Don't worry, wait a moment, I will come when I go." After finishing speaking, Nangong Qianyun put away all the things, and then He opened the restriction in the room and went out alone.

In all fairness, Yi Tian gave out six Xuanyang fruits to the Xuanling faction this time, which is considered as the utmost benevolence, and he also opened a small stove for Nangong Qianyun, so I don't know how much they will give in return.According to Nangong Qianyun's appearance, Yi Tian thought that there should be a lot of them here.

Now the relationship between the two seems to be a bit out of order in the eyes of the inner disciples of the Xuanling Sect. Yi Tian is also afraid that someone with good deeds will go to the top to sue him for black. A chance to heal yourself.After the end of the "Xuanling Great Remuneration" this time, Yi Tian decided to return to the Zongmen quickly and wait for a few years before this matter faded out of the sight of others and then came out for activities.

(End of this chapter)

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