
Chapter 163 The Covenant

Chapter 163 The Covenant
On the outskirts of the Chiyan Hills, in a small valley at the junction of the jurisdiction of the Xuanling Sect, Yi Tianzheng is sitting cross-legged by a small river. Although he is resting, he still looks up at the sky to the west from time to time to see if anyone is coming .

Before the reward link at the end of "Xuanling Great Remuneration" was over, Yi Tian, ​​relying on Nangong Qianyun's relationship, changed into the Xuanling Sect inner disciple costume she brought, and went out of the Xuanling Sect's mountain gate in a grand manner. Walked out swaggeringly.

Before leaving, he tore off the human skin mask on his face in the reception hall of the side hall to show his true face. Most of the outer sect disciples of the Xuanling sect did not recognize him, and no one would be stupid enough to question an inner sect disciple. identity of.

In this way, Yi Tian came to get through in a muddle, and traveled unimpeded in the territory of Xuanling Sect.Since entering the late stage of foundation establishment, Yi Tian is ready to try to fly in the air. Although he still uses the wind escape technique, the effect is much more refreshing than that of the imperial weapon.

After playing in the sky for a long time and getting familiar with this feeling, Yi Tian also put away his thoughts of playing, and flew towards the border of the two factions directly with a few gusts of wind.

After arriving at the border, Yi Tian just found a small valley and stopped, took out a set of casual repair clothes from the storage bracelet and put on again.Even if Xiao Linhang revealed his background, Yi Tian was going to pretend to be a fool and refuse to admit it, and the other party would have nothing to do.

Since Xiao Linhang was able to tell in Xuanyang Cave that he could definitely get a Xuanyang Fruit, Yi Tian also had doubts. Now that the fruit is in his hands, it is a matter of a second thought whether he will give it or not.In fact, Yi Tian sincerely wanted to see if Xiao Linhang had the ability to dig out a Xuanyang fruit from his hand. If there was nothing worth selling, then Yi Tian would not mind letting his divination fail this time.

After activating the communication talisman in his hand, Yi Tian left a message to Xiao Linhang about his location, and at the end he left a sentence that I will only wait for half a day, and whether he will come or not is up to him to decide.

While waiting, Yi Tian also checked the things that Xia Nangong Qianyun brought, a piece of jade plaque and clothing of inner disciples of the Xuanling sect, and three bottles of Xuanling clear liquid.At that time, the weather was bad for Yi, and after all his hard work, he changed his identity as a useless inner sect disciple of the Xuanling Sect. He wanted to ask Nangong Aotian to reason that he was crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, so he sent himself away with just such a little thing.

Even Nangong Qianyun felt that what her father had done was a bit too much, so she had no choice but to comfort Yi Tian, ​​and said that she would take everything Yi Tian did for her in her heart.Seeing her tears profusely, Yi Tian also softened his heart, said a few words that he would not take to heart, but in the end he still couldn't see the woman cry.

Accompanied by Nangong Qianyun all the way, Yi Tian walked out of the Xuanling sect's mountain gate and flew high in the air. Before leaving, Yi Tian told her to practice hard. After reaching the golden core period, maybe everyone will have a chance to be together. Listen. Nangong Qianyun also blushed for a while, turned her head and spat: "You brat Chiyang."

Yi Tian could only laugh a few words, and then fled away in the air, leaving Nangong Qianyun in the air looking at Yi Tianyuan with reluctance until he disappeared into the sky.

After waiting for nearly an hour, a bright light in the sky caught Yi Tian's attention.Standing up, Yi Tian took a look with his spiritual eyes, the person who came was a ball of golden light, flying extremely fast, at least he looked like a Golden Core cultivator, the person who came was flying and stopping, as if he was looking for something.

Ke Yitian was also puzzled, in this area where the Xuanling Sect and the Chiyang Sect border, it is not common to see such Jindan monks.In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Yi Tian also hurriedly drilled into the forest, but unexpectedly, the cultivator rushed straight forward, and stopped only when he reached the forest where Yi Tian was hiding his figure.

Looking up at Yi Tian, ​​he was puzzled for a while, the person who came was actually Le Tongxuan, the "girl of bliss", and it seemed that he must be here for him.Seeing that he couldn't hide, Yi Tian had no choice but to fly up to the sky slowly, and the two faced each other in the sky for nearly three breaths.

Le Tongxuan suddenly said, "I knew you were here."

"Why are you following me, our deal has been completed," Yi Tian said angrily.

"Hey, brother, don't be so angry, I'm here to tell you something, my 'Ji Le Tian' department also has the intention to reorganize the Holy Cult, and my subordinates have trained a group of Holy Cult disciples," Le Tongxuan still said. Enthusiastic tone said.

Looking at the place, Yi Tian said disdainfully: "Then it's none of my business, we have different opinions and are not conspiring with each other. If you want me to help you go to the Holy Cult to fight for hegemony, you may have miscalculated."

Unexpectedly, Le Tongxuan laughed coquettishly on the spot and said: "I asked Xiao Linhang, and this kid's answer was also interesting. He said that the Daxing of the holy religion must be four in one, so now I will just wait for the holy master to appear again That’s all. It’s also unrealistic for the previous generation of the ‘Ladies of Paradise’ to cultivate a group of disciples of the Holy Cult, and I won’t bother with it.”

Hearing this, Yi Tian also became puzzled. Could it be that the other party really passed on the 'Brahman Curse Heaven' sect on the spot? It stands to reason that the Ming Wangdao Fourth Division should have extinct the 'Brahma Curse Heaven' lineage, so let them go if they want to. Why did you fix it, and said, "Then what is your purpose of coming to me?"

"The Holy King still has something left in Dong'ao's territory. I just checked it out in the past few years, and my subordinates broke the clue. I guess it was discovered and silenced. But it doesn't matter, now that you are here Great help, I will look for a few reliable helpers, as long as you come to help." Then he took out a crystal clear round bead from his arms, and flew to Yi Tian with a flick of his hand.

Looking at this bead, Yi Tian glanced at Le Tongxuan and said, "Can I contact you with this?"

The latter nodded and said: "It's inconvenient for us to disclose our identities. We will use the Shadow Orb to contact you in the future. I won't hinder you from talking with Xiao Linhang, so let's go." After finishing speaking, he winked at Yi Tian .

Feeling a tremor in his body, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and almost missed the shadow transfer bead, and replied "I see," and then saw Le Tongxuan flying towards the hinterland of Dong Ao in a different direction.

After measuring the strength of himself and the other party, Yi Tian found that there is no need to be afraid of her. Although Le Tongxuan is at the early stage of Jindan, since she stepped into the late stage of foundation establishment, the sense of spiritual pressure brought by her has not been so strong Yes, at least now Yi Tian feels that if he can't beat Ke Run, he can run away.Saying bad luck, Yi Tian slowly descended from the clouds, sat cross-legged in the valley again and waited for Xiao Linhang to arrive.

After Le Tongxuan left, Yi Tian became restless, constantly thinking about Ming Wangdao.Now these people appear frequently in Dong'ao, first the two sons of 'Di Yutian', and then even the 'Nvss of Paradise' have taken root in Xuanling Sect for at least several decades.

They will never come to Dong Ao to travel, they must have a plan to appear in these places, and it is very likely that they are the skills and relics of the former Ming King Shengzi.First of all, Yi Tian has obtained the exercises himself, but anyone can go to Donghai City to exchange them for contribution points, which is not accurate.

Secondly, what is the Holy Son’s relic sealed in the Thousand Needles Forest? Last time, two seals were added on it with the spirit array pulling technique, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that it was later. Someone added it.

This Le Tongxuan has already obtained the relic of the previous generation of "The Paradise of Paradise", and her power must be greatly increased if she cooperates with her skills.Although Yi Tian doesn't know how to use facial expressions, he still has experience in seeing people, so Le Tongxuan is definitely not a person who is willing to succumb to others.

What Yi Tian is most worried about now is to be followed by her again and find him to explore Thousand Needles Forest together.

Thinking about how time flies, only a gleam of light flickered in the direction of Xuanling Sect after an hour passed, Yi Tian stood up and climbed up to look far away, and Xiao Linhang officially rushed over.

A quarter of an hour later, Xiao Linhang flew over the valley. Seeing Yi Tian sitting on the ground waiting, he dropped the imperial weapon and walked up.

Although it was a little late, Xiao Linhang quickly changed the topic and said, "I kept Brother Yi waiting for a long time, and the Xuanling faction is too late because I am entangled in mundane matters."

Smiling, Yi Tian replied: "It's okay, Brother Xiao's presence is already a way of saving face. This time, it was thanks to Brother Xiao's idea that I was able to pick the fruit smoothly."

"Brother Yi is lucky, and it is definitely not due to the credit. Even if I was not there at the time, Brother Yi still has a way to bring things out."

This sentence touched Yi Tian's heart. There has always been a question that has puzzled Yi Tian. He took this opportunity to see the strength of Tianyunmen in Zhongzhou.

Taking out a cold jade box from the storage bracelet, Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "You said in the Xuanyang cave that you can definitely get a Xuanyang fruit, I don't think so. Now the thing is in my hands , will you dare to repeat the sentence in the cave again while I am thinking?"

Seeing Yi Tian's teasing expression, Xiao Linhang also looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Brother Yi still underestimated my Tianyunmen, I must have something to say. What's more, do you have nothing in your heart?" Said After that, he walked to the opposite side of Yi Tian and sat down, looking confident.

Now it's about Yi Tian's heart, there are too many problems and no clue.This person in front of him may be his guiding light, but Yi Tian is not going to let him go easily.Putting away the teasing look, Yi Tian said: "As long as Brother Xiao can answer the next question, the things in this jade box will be offered with both hands."

"Listen carefully, brother Yi." Xiao Linhang also sat down and replied solemnly.

Seeing this, Yi Tian blurted out the question in his heart, "Since there is the Art of Destiny, will there be any changes?"

"The general direction will not change, but the details will change. It must be known that there are forty-nine out of [-] Dao, and there is still a glimmer of life left in the Dao of Heaven, not to mention human affairs."

After listening to it, Yi Tian was also silent. Xiao Linhang's words sounded meaningless, but Yi Tian felt that whether the variable was worth it was up to him.Handed the jade box directly to Xiao Linhang with his right hand, and said "Thank you for your advice".

Before turning around and standing up, Xiao Linhang hastily called Yi Tiandao: "Brother Yi is not busy, let me guess what's in this box."

Frowning, Yi Tian heard the meaning behind the words, Xiao Linhang seemed to want to show his hand, Yi Tian smiled and said: "Then please."

I saw Xiao Linhang took out three copper coins and a tortoise shell, shook them six times respectively, recorded them with his index finger on the mud floor, and then said to Yi Tian with a smile: "Thank you, Brother Yi, for your generosity, and give me one more."

Now it was Yi Tian's turn to be surprised. Originally, he wanted to show his personal affection this time, so he prepared two Xuanyang fruits early in the morning.Yi Tian's face was slightly stiff, and he said in a flash: "Why are you so sure that there are two pieces, Brother Xiao?"

"The following hexagram is also a coincidence. The surface of the hexagram is 'Kun is the earth', and it is ranked second according to the 64 hexagrams. As for the image of the hexagram, 'Kun' is the second in the gossip, and the earth is the second. The hexagram clearly tells me that there must be two Xuanyang fruits in this box, I wonder if Brother Yi agrees?"

After Yi Tian listened to it, he nodded frequently, thinking in his heart that Zhongzhou Tianyun Gate really deserved its reputation, looked at it squarely, and then cupped his hands and said: "I have long admired Brother Xiao before asking this question, and I hope you don't refuse."

Xiao Linhang opened the jade box for a look, then closed it again and put a seal on it, and put it in the storage bracelet.Then he asked: "You must ask for something from people under courtesy. Brother Yi may as well tell you what confusion you have in your heart. I can also prescribe the right medicine for you."

Yi Tian encountered a lot of things since he cultivated, but he didn't know what to ask, he thought for a long time before asking: "Brother Xiao, can you see if your future path is smooth?"

Xiao Linhang nodded in understanding, then picked up the money class again and shook it, but after the three copper coins fell out, they plunged into the soil one after another.After shaking it three times in a row, Xiao Linhang looked up at Yi Tian and said, "My brother Yi's fate has been hidden by heavenly secrets, but there is nothing he can do about it."

So far, Yi Tian is also silent, which is also unexpected.

Seeing Yi Tian like this, Xiao Linhang comforted him in a good voice: "Usually, people like Brother Yi must have great achievements in the future, but they are temporarily hidden by the secrets to prevent us from revealing the secrets. Brother Yi Don't be discouraged, I also have a technique of observing a person at the Tianyun Gate of Zhongzhou, which can also be used to look at people's future. Please, brother Yi, sit down and let me take a closer look."

After nodding his head, Yi Tian sat up as Xiao Linhang said.Half a quarter later, Xiao Linhang looked at it carefully before saying: "Congratulations, brother Yi, the road ahead is long and open, even if there are many obstacles in the hit, it will definitely be able to save the day."

Seeing that the other party had reservations, Yi Tian said calmly: "Brother Xiao, please speak freely without any scruples."

"Forget it, brother Yi has traveled all over the world, and I think that in this life, he will definitely not be limited to Dong'ao. If you pass by the Tianyun Gate of Zhongzhou in the future, please come and sit, and let the younger brother do his best as a landlord. This is for Brother Yi to remember, you still have a few times of love disasters to go through, remember to pay attention to the opposite sex friends around you, if you can get their help, you will definitely have a constant relationship with them." After finishing speaking, Xiao Linhang remained mysterious Secretly laughed.

Seeing this, Yi Tian had no choice but to be sloppy, and after a few polite words, he said that the sect still had something to do, then got up and left.

(End of this chapter)

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