
Chapter 1621 Gongdou 1

Chapter 1621 Gong Douyi
The violent spiritual pressure fluctuations in Ci'an Palace shook the surrounding restrictive barriers, but it seemed that the people who fought inside were very careful not to directly break the restrictive barriers.

After Yi Tian saw it, he knew that he couldn't wait any longer. If Prince Wei's avatar was really solved, it would be very difficult for him to be one-on-one.

He stretched out his hand to take out the formation-breaking awl and directly sacrificed it in his hand, and later manipulated it to aim at the bulging light film and stab it fiercely. With a sound of 'crash', a foot-sized hole was cracked on the light film, and Yi Tian then got out and got in through it.

When I came to the main gate of Ci'an Palace, I felt that there were bursts of spiritual pressure fluctuations and rapid tremors inside, which were caused by the attack of magic from both sides, but the whole hall was filled with pink mist.It is expected that Zaifu, Dihe and Dilong real people want to solve the battle quickly, and they can only use tricks.

After the golden light scattered all over his body, Yi Tian murmured words and slowly read out the eight notes of Tianlei, forming a ten-foot-sized golden enchantment, and the pink mist in the air was directly forced away by the golden light.Yi Tian used the escape technique to open a passage from the air and rushed directly into Ci'an Palace.

After entering, at a glance, Prince Wei's avatar was struggling to defend under the joint attack of the two.In a blink of an eye, he saw himself coming in and shouted with joy on his face: "Here, these two are barbarian spies."

Yi Tian glanced over in a blink of an eye and saw that the Earl of Yinyue Lake had shown his barbarian real body at this time, and at the same time he had cultivated the Asura Dharma Body to Xiaocheng realm.There are four thick and big hands under the ribs, and there are two faces on the back of the head and neck, but the eyes of those two faces have not been opened, so it has not yet reached the stage of Dacheng.

As for the other person, it should be the clone of Daoist Earth Dragon. It looks like a human being, but there are snake scales covering his hands. It is estimated that his real body has not completely refined the demon form, so he has become such a half-human, half-demon. state.

Seeing someone joining the battle, Master Dilong was startled, stretched out his hand to form a seal, and opened his mouth to spit out the pink mist that beat the group.

After seeing it, Prince Wei said via voice transmission: "This mist is poisonous, handle it with care."

Nodding his head, Yi Tian reached out and took out the Taiyuan wooden sword, sacrificed it in front of him, turned it into thousands of filaments, and sent it towards the opponent's mist. Wherever the green light went, the pink mist was dispersed.

Seeing this, Zaifuji quickly turned around and stood in front of Daoist Dilong, then stared at Yi Tian and said in surprise, "Are you Commander Yi of the City Defense Station?"

"Isn't it, Earl of Yinyue Lake Pu Changhao, or should I still call you the patriarch Zaifu Jidi?" Yi Tian joked.

"It seems that you know everything, then we have nothing to say, let's see the real chapter," Zaifu Jidi said coldly.

"You hold on to the other one, I'll deal with Zaifu Jidi," Yi Tian said directly without allowing Prince Wei to make more judgments.My first step is to subdue Zaifu and give Luo Yilan a chance. Of course, I can't do it to others.

Prince Wei also nodded his head when he heard the words, and he accepted it. His current state is really not good, but it is not a problem to hold one.

The golden light flashed across Yi Tian's body, and Yi Tian's figure flashed in front of Zaifu Jidi in an instant, with two golden fists in both hands, and swung them towards his face.Unexpectedly, Yi Tian would fight in the way that the barbarian monks are best at, Zai Fu and Di looked happy and swung all six fists together.

After several sounds of "bang bang bang" sounded, the two of them clashed with each other and then aroused huge spiritual pressure fluctuations. Immediately, with the two of them as the center, Dao Gangfeng formed a Dao Lingguang absolute domain within a space of three feet around.

The fierce qi shattered the ground where the two of them were, and with a 'coax' sound the ground collapsed and sank by about ten feet, forming a crater that was three feet wide and one foot deep.

After the one-shot fight, Yi Tian had a judgment on the strength of Zaifu Jidi in his heart. The strength of the opponent should be on par with his own, and he also has the experience of the fusion period. I am afraid that he will not be able to use the supernatural powers. How much worse than yourself.

And Zaifu and the first move back with a dignified look on his face, he didn't intend to hold back the move just now, but it turned out to be evenly divided, and he didn't gain the slightest advantage.

After pushing three steps, Zaifu Jidi said coldly: "I didn't expect that there are such masters in the Asura clan. I really underestimated you."

"To each other, the barbarian patriarch who is not quite as dignified will know how to use his brain, and he has also cultivated our clan's kung fu to such a level," Prince Wei fought with Daoist Dilong, but he didn't stop talking.

Yi Tian curled his lips and said disdainfully: "Fellow Zaifu was joking, in terms of ingenuity, no one present can match you, but actually combated the supernatural powers that turned the world upside down, allowing the avatar to break through the integration period, and then put Asura The clan army is playing around, but I have come here to get the treasure."

"Boy, you know everything. It seems that today I can't tolerate you," Zaifu Jidi glared and shouted.

"So what, you should be in a hurry at this moment. I have mobilized all the forces in the imperial guards to come here. No matter how strong you and Dilong are, you can't beat them with two fists." Yi Tian said with a smile.

Zaifu Jiji had an extremely heavy expression on his face when he heard the words, but Daoist Dilong looked at him and his eyes flashed, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a strange cry came from Zaifu Jidi's mouth, the muscles on his body began to swell, and the aura of the whole person suddenly rose, but his cultivation base was infinitely approaching the appearance of the initial stage of fusion.

Yi Tian couldn't help but look sideways when he saw this, this move was the racial innate supernatural power of the barbarians, and he had experienced its power when he fought against Zaifu Hong at the bottom of Mingjing Lake.Facing Zaifu Jidi this time the pressure was even more ineffective, with the experience of last time, how dare Yi Tian dare to face tough again.

With a sudden push of both feet, two footprints were stamped on the ground, and after a flash, the Taiyuan sword in his hand turned into a sword thread and struck at Zaifu Jidi.Unexpectedly, the other party charged straight at the sword silk without avoiding or dodging.

There was a crisp sound of 'ping ping pong pong', and those blue sword wires left at most half an inch of fine wire marks on Zaifu Jidi's body, and it was difficult to penetrate any more.

The figure of Zaifu Jidi appeared not far in front of Yi Tian at the next moment after breaking through the sword silk attack, and the six arms swung out at the same time to attack from the left and right sides at the same time.

His complexion tightened, Yi Tian knew that it was too late to avoid the golden light all over his body, and then sacrificed the golden sun body technique to the extreme.The whole person is like a small sun shining in the Ci'an Palace, as if the golden light swallows everything.

'Bang, bang, bang' several loud noises frightened Ci'an Palace, and after the golden light faded, only Zaifu Jidi's six fists hit Yi Tian's defensive spirit weapon, and it was difficult to get an inch in.

(End of this chapter)

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