
Chapter 1622 Gongdou 2

Chapter 1622 Gongdou II

Under the onslaught of Zaifu Jidi, Yi Tian did not show any weakness. In addition to showing Buddha Zong's Jinyang movement, he also took out the astrology wheel and sacrificed it as a defensive spiritual weapon to protect his whole body.

Zaifu and Di's vigorous attack directly hit the astrology wheel with a buzzing sound, but the attack coefficients of the six fists were all blocked.

But Zaifu Jidi was a little surprised by the next scene. His fist seemed to be stuck by the astrology wheel and he couldn't pull it back no matter how hard he tried.

When Yi Tian saw it, a knowing smile appeared on his face, then he abandoned the astrology wheel, stretched out his hands, and two golden fists rained down on Zaifu Jidi's face.

With a loud "coax" sound, Zaifu Jidi's body was smashed down, and at the same time, a deep hole was smashed in the ground.At this moment, even more dazzling light flashed on the astrology wheel in his hand, taking advantage of Zaifu and No. [-]'s inattentive and involuntary appearance, and directly drilled in through his celestial spirit cap.

She didn't expect Luo Yilan to be so impatient before she beat Zaifu Jidi to the ground before she did it.But thinking about her doing so, there is nothing she can do. If she really treats Zaifu Jidi, then the broken body will need a lot of spiritual power to recover.

It seems that Luo Yilan is also aware of this, so she can't wait to act directly after she sacrificed the astrology wheel.

And after Zaifu Jidi was crushed by Yi Tian's old fist, his whole person's aura was slumped, and Luo Yilan also took this opportunity to directly seize his body.

Prince Wei and Daoist Dilong who were on the side saw it clearly, and they both stopped their hands at the same time and turned their eyes.At the same time, Prince Wei said with difficulty: "What's the situation?"

"It's a good thing," Yi Tian replied simply.

"What a good thing, this is obviously a seizure. I don't know which senior is hiding in the astrology wheel," Prince Wei asked with a livid face.

Yi Tian knew that he couldn't hide this matter from him, so he had to bow his head and tell him about it briefly through voice transmission, and at the same time, he also explained clearly the pros and cons.

After hearing this, Prince Wei's face became cloudy and uncertain, and after looking it over, he sighed and said: "Well, since this is the case, I can't make any more judgments, anyway, as long as it is beneficial to the Asura Dynasty, there is no problem, and This way, it’s also good for us, at least we don’t need to worry about being picked as the one who takes the house.”

Daoist Dilong on the side saw it clearly, and then turned around with a determined expression on his face, stretched out his hand and raised three silver lights, and greeted Zaifu Jidi.

Yi Tian looked shocked when he saw it, raised the Taiyuan wooden sword in his hand, and then hit the three white lights head-on. With the sound of '呲味', two of the white lights were nailed to the ground under the attack of several Taiyuan sword threads.

After the white light faded, there were two white scales the size of a palm, and the third white light passed through the blue sword wire and was about to hit Zaifu Jidi who was lying on the ground.Suddenly a spiritual light appeared out of nowhere, it was Prince Wei who had caught up with him, holding a spirit sword to block the third snake scale.

Seeing that the attack was invalid, Master Dilong ran away without hesitation, spitting out pink poisonous mist towards the defense restriction.In a short time, a three-foot-sized hole was melted on it, and then the body escaped from it and fled towards the deep palace.

Seeing him get away and run away, Yi Tian hurriedly chased after him, and before he left, he did not forget to say something to Prince Wei: "His Royal Highness is seriously injured, it is better to wait and see what happens in Ci'an Palace at this time. Let's see if senior Luo Yilan can completely take away Zaifu's title."

"Alright, I just need time to adjust my breath and exercise my skills to heal my injuries. The avatar of the sky-swallowing python has fellow Daoist Lao Yi," Prince Wei said, then walked slowly to sit cross-legged not far from Zaifu Jidi After I got down, I started to exercise silently to heal my injuries.

Flying out of Ci'an Palace, Yi Tian stretched out his divine sense in mid-air and looked around. After three breaths, he smiled and said inwardly, as expected, the destination of this earth dragon real person is really Luo Ziyan's secret place of fire source in his bedroom.

Fortunately, I have already gotten through with Luo Ziyan on this matter, instead of fighting in the imperial city, it is better to put her in it and then follow her to kill her directly in the place of fire.

At the beginning, Luo Ziyan still had some doubts, but after weighing it, she agreed to remove the defense of the palace, and then weakened the entrance restriction of the fire source to allow the earth dragon real person to enter.

Half of this strategy of attracting the king into the urn is for Yi Tian's own intention. To be honest, he has been in the Asura Realm for nearly 200 years. There are still at least 200 years of refining time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to go in without the obstacles of others, it can be regarded as saving a lot of unnecessary trouble.

It was only two or three miles from the Ci'an Palace to the bedroom, and when I flew all the way, I found that there were no living people in it.The guards and maids of the Imperial Forest Army who were too late to evacuate from these palaces were only at the Nascent Soul Stage, and those who were slightly stronger were only at the Transformation Stage.

It is completely irresistible in front of a monk in the late stage of distraction, not to mention that Daoist Dilong still shot with hatred.After hurriedly flying to the bedroom, Yi Tian found that the place was a mess, and the air was filled with pink mist.

In my heart, I dare not underestimate Yi Tian, ​​who hastily sacrificed the Taiyuan wooden sword and turned it into thousands of sword threads to strike at the mist, instantly defeating the poison gas in one fell swoop.

Later, follow the remaining evil spirit in the air all the way to the deepest part of the palace to the front of Yishan Shimen.His eyes glanced at the four characters of "the origin of fire" written on it.It seems that this is the secret source of goods in Asura's world. At this time, the restriction in front of the stone gate was dissolved by the remaining pink mist to form a hole the size of a fist.

After Yi Tian looked it up, he realized that only Daoist Dilong got out of the body first in a hurry to get in.But I have no way to enter like him, and since this road was broken by him, maybe there will be some hidden hands left behind.

Yi Tian looked at the prohibition in front of him and was stunned. He didn't expect that there was a prohibition enchantment written in "golden seal script" like the stone tablet on the ten-story tower of 'Tongtian Road'.

The real Dilong's ability to forcibly break through the blockade here with the poisonous mist in his mouth also shows his strength. No wonder Prince Wei's avatar also fell for it.

After thinking about it, he reached out and took out the rune pen and ink and the formation-breaking awl, and then quickly inscribed it on the formation-breaking awl with the rune pen.After ten breaths, the formation-breaking awl in his hand showed a gloomy light all over his body, Yi Tian raised it with a smile on his lips, and aimed at the formation pattern node of the forbidden barrier to stab.

With a sound of 'crash', the white light film on the gate of the fire source land in front of him slowly cracked to a hole the size of two feet, but it shrank back when it was visible to the naked eye.Unexpectedly, the formation barrier here is so powerful that even his best method of breaking the formation cannot be fully effective.Not to think too much, Yi Tian hurriedly pulled away and sneaked in before the crack was closed.

(End of this chapter)

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