
Chapter 1628 Fireland 6

Chapter 1628 Fireland Six

The source of fire in Queen Ashura's bedroom. In the deepest sea of ​​fire in the world, there is a lonely island located there. The isolated island here is a volcano.For countless years, the crater has continuously erupted hot magma, and the current sea of ​​flames was formed only after the magma fell.

I don't know how many things have gone through before this place formed the territory of thousands of miles of flames.Until one day, the situation in the secret realm suddenly changed, and a space gap suddenly appeared above the isolated island. After the lightning flashed inside, thunder came straight down.

Those falling lightning lights hit and spread out, turning the sea area around the isolated island upside down, what's more, they stirred up waves as high as three or four feet in the magma in the sea of ​​fire.

Jieyun lasted for more than a quarter of an hour before slowly shrinking, and finally the gap in the sky shrank and disappeared without a trace.On the isolated island, a figure fell from the air after being tempered by the sky thunder, and disappeared after directly sinking into the crater.

The deserted island near the coast of the sea of ​​fire, tens of thousands of miles away, trembled slightly again, and a giant dragon's head poked out from the sea of ​​fire, and looked into the distance for a while.In the end, he just raised his head and roared, then turned his head upside down and dived under the sea level.

After the calamity cloud, the volcano in the sea of ​​flames has not erupted again, and it has remained calm for an unknown period of time in the mysterious place of the source of fire.Until a certain day many years later, a shock came from the depths of the sea of ​​fire, and then a deep roar sounded again in the crater of the isolated island, and then the crater resumed its eruption state again.

At the same time, a purple fire ball first flew out of it to the high sky, and that purple awn was Yi Tian's true fire, Leiyan Ziyan, which was cultivated by Yi Tian.It's just that at this time, Lei Yan Ziyan didn't want to be sacrificed in strands every time like before. After the strong wind blew, Lei Yan Ziyan was all taken back into Yi Tian's mouth.

After Zi Yan faded away, Yi Tian's true self appeared, and it looked the same as before.The body still showed the appearance of Asura Dharma Body, but the six eyes on the three heads were dark purple.

After a while, the blue spiritual power was activated again, and the deep purple in the eyes slowly returned to the normal jet black.Yi Tian shook his head in the air, stretched his limbs, then put away Ashura's Dharma body, and then flew towards the shore of Huohai.

Now that all the spiritual power on his body has been restrained, it seems that there is only the spiritual pressure fluctuation intensity of a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage. If he is outside, he will definitely be regarded as a low-level monk.

This time, Yi Tian didn't deliberately rush back, but found that his escape speed had more than doubled than before, and he seemed very comfortable in comparison.

After flying to the sea area where Dragon Turtle Ao Ling was before, Yi Tian stopped in the air, and then raised his hands and said to the deserted island: "I haven't seen you for many years, so you will be fine."

There was another deep dragon chant under Haiti, and then the huge dragon's head rose from the sea level and stopped slowly in front of Yi Tian.Ao Ling said in a deep voice: "I didn't expect you to be able to overcome the catastrophe with two exercises at the same time. It seems that as long as you don't die halfway, your future achievements will definitely be higher than Luo Qin."

"Senior praised me a lot, I just had a little better luck," Yi Tian said with his hands arched back.

"Isn't luck a symbol of strength? Throughout the ages, there are so many talented people who are amazing, but most of them have not reached your level, or some strong people are not as good as you are now." The stage is not that strong," Ao Ling said after looking at it.

"It's an honor for the younger generation to be able to enter the eyes of the seniors," Yi Tian replied politely: "Then I wonder if I am qualified to chat with the seniors now?"

"Although you have now entered a stable state in the initial stage of fusion, there is still a long way to go before my request," Ao Ling shook his head and said, "I don't ask too much, as long as you can give me a gift every 5000 years." Just a drop of Immortal Essence Liquid."

"One drop of time in 5000 years is quite enough, so I wonder if senior can help me?" Yi Tian asked back.

"With your strength, you are not the strongest existence in the outside world, at least it is very easy to deal with you with Luo Qin's cultivation base back then," Ao Ling thought for a while and said: "Let's do this, when your cultivation base is upgraded to Mahayana Come to me again in the future, and if you can surprise me again, maybe I will follow you."

"Follow me," this time it was Yi Tian's turn to be shocked, if there was really a monster like Ao Ling who was cultivating toward level ten by his side, then the Nine Realms of the Spirit would not be allowed to dominate him.Even the monks of the Mahayana period facing the rest of the world are naturally no problem, but listening to the meaning of his words, the current self still cannot make him stand up and accompany him.

Nodding his head, Yi Tian directly took out the remaining two drops of immortal spirit liquid from the storage ring and gently sent it to Ao Ling, saying, "These two drops are my promise to advance the next ten thousand years."

After sniffing it, Ao Ling opened his mouth and swallowed it without hesitation, and then said with satisfaction: "Okay, if that's the case, then I will sign an equal contract with you, and I will come to you when your cultivation reaches the Mahayana stage. Me, I will protect you for the next ten thousand years." After speaking, he opened his mouth again and spewed out spiritual power, which condensed into a 'golden script' rune contract in the air.

Yi Tian stared at the 'Golden Script' rune contract for a while, then stretched out his finger to sacrifice his spiritual power, and then wrote his name on the contract in golden Script.Later, the rune contract slowly dissipated in the air and split into two golden lights, each flying back into his forehead.

Then Ao Ling said again: "Before I took a drop of Xianyuan spiritual liquid from you, I didn't give you anything in return. I just said that you would come to me after the thunder disaster. Now look at your strength improvement. It's defense." After speaking, a ten-foot-sized rock block on the barren mountain behind him automatically lifted up and flew out, shrinking continuously in the air, and then turned into a three-inch-sized tortoise shell and fell into Yi Tian's hands.

After weighing this thing, Yi Tian's face couldn't help being moved, this thing is the tortoise shell on Ao Ling's body, I'm afraid the defense power will be beyond imagination.

"Thank you for the generous gift from seniors, this one is worth all the top defense spiritual treasures in this world," Yi Tian replied with a smile.

"You refine this piece of tortoise shell into a defensive spiritual weapon, and in the future even a Mahayana monk with Luo Qin's strength can resist it," Ao Ling explained.

"I wonder how senior's tortoise shell needs to be refined into a tool?" Yi Tian asked.

"It's fine if you practice the true fire of your own destiny," Ao Ling said with a smile, "You are a member of the Lihuo Sect of Nanming in the Immortal Realm, so there is no problem."

(End of this chapter)

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