
Chapter 1629 Fireland 7

Chapter 1629 Fireland VII

On the way back, Yi Tian's face showed no joy after the advanced integration period, on the contrary, his face was calm, but he was constantly thinking about what Ao Ling and himself said before.

The other party must be someone who knows the origin of his skills in one word. I am afraid that he saw the clues of his skills early in the morning, so he mentioned that he would discuss with him after he advanced. Down.

Judging from its appearance, it should be a high-level spirit beast descended from the fairy world, but somehow it has fallen to this point.In the final analysis, it was because of my own lack of strength that the other party didn't like it, so I lowered my head and looked inwardly at the equal contract signed by Vivo Gang.

I saw a golden 'Golden Seal' rune floating there three inches above the head of my Nascent Soul in Niwan Palace.Once you want to enter the Mahayana stage, you can come here to find Ao Ling and come out of the mountain.

From the current point of view, this can only be regarded as a distant dream. From the cultivation of the fusion stage to the Mahayana stage, it is absolutely impossible to refine the late stage of fusion to the state of Dzogchen within four to five thousand years.Unless you can re-enter the space similar to the fragments of the fairy world to absorb a large amount of immortal energy, you will have the opportunity to advance to the Mahayana stage.

I don't see that the ancestor Houtian and others in the spirit world were also stuck in the bottleneck of the fusion period and failed to advance for a long time.And most of the monks at my age are still in the late stage of transformation, at most they are in the early stage of distraction.

Think about it, when I ascended to the Nine Realms of the Spirit, I was only a thousand years old. I stayed in the Spirit Realm for 500 years, and then I was tossed and turned in another world.After experiencing four planes, he finally raised his cultivation level to the stage of integration in the Asura world.

Ling Ling finally figured it out and now he is almost two thousand years old. This speed is second to none in the spirit world, even in the other worlds.For example, the three body-fitting monks in the Asura world all advanced to the body-fitting stage after the age of [-]. Compared with them, he is a young and strong man.

But even in this way, I can't do whatever I want in the Asura world, besides the three monks in the fusion period, there is also the real body of Luo Yilan who has disappeared.I'm afraid that at this time he is still retreating somewhere in the Asura world to reply.

Thinking of the terrifying Yi Tian of the monks in the Mahayana period also has lingering fears in his heart. These people are really hard to mess with. If you are incapable of fighting, it is better to clamp your tail and behave obediently.

The harvest this time was pretty good, even though Ao Ling didn't come out with him, he also gave a piece of tortoise shell as a gift in return.Before going out again, Yi Tian decided to find a place to refine this precious material into a spiritual weapon first.

After all, no matter how strong the tortoise shell is, it is still an uncrafted treasure, and I cannot fully exert its true power.If it is refined into a defensive armor shield, its effectiveness will be greatly increased.

After thinking about it, he unfolded his divine sense, found a place where the power of the fire source was stronger, and rushed over.When they came to the place, they found a magma river on the ground, and there was still a fire crystal crocodile living in the river.

This crocodile lizard also has the strength of the eighth intermediate level, if I met it before, there would be a fight.But now after letting out a little bit of breath, the crocodile lizard went straight into the magma river and hid.

Obviously, this monster's spirit has opened up a lot, knowing that the best way to deal with a crisis is to stay away.Since Ke Yitian has confirmed that this place is going to be used as a resting place for refining weapons, he must clear the place in advance.

Since the advanced fusion period, I haven't really used my hands, so Yi Tian stretched out his hand to take the Taiyuan wooden sword. As soon as he made a move, he sacrificed the sword silk in his hand and turned it into a torrent towards the bottom. The magma river splits away.

Regardless of the fire crystal crocodile lizard hiding at the bottom of the river bed, the cyan sword thread instantly split the magma river into two and intercepted it on the spot.

Sensing the danger, the crocodile lizard at the bottom of the river bed didn't dare to sit still. After jumping up suddenly, it chose a direction and rushed away.

Seeing the disdainful expression on Yi Tian's face in the air, he muttered: "Go".The torrent of the sword silk was divided into three ways and then pinched from the upper, middle and lower directions at the same time.

The split magma river gave up all the space at the bottom of the river bed as if it had been diverted and diverted. For a while, the fire crystal crocodile could not enter the magma river, let alone escape by the river water.

With a 'click', the cyan sword wire caught up with the fire crystal crocodile all the way from behind, and after three breaths, its body was cut in half obliquely.The lower half of the body collapsed weakly, only the upper half continued to crawl forward relying on the two forelimbs.

But then another sword slashed across the face, and the fire crystal crocodile lizard and even the demon spirit were cut open in the middle before they could escape.

After Luo Yuntou cleaned up the mess, Yi Tian found an open space near the river bank and sat down directly.He reached out to take out the body of the fire crystal crocodile lizard, disassembled it, removed a pile of precious materials that could be used for refining weapons, put away the inner tank and put it in a jade box for storage.As for the last remaining crocodile lizard meat, it is directly angry and grilled to satisfy its appetite.

At the same time, he summoned the Great Immortal Guagua who was hiding in the beast sack, and let him use geography to practice in such a good place as the Land of Fire.

After he was full of wine and food, Yi Tian ordered the Great Immortal Guagua to stay on the sidelines, while he took out the tortoise shell and several auxiliary materials that Ao Ling gave him and started refining the tortoise shell shield.

Sitting by the lava river for several days, when Yi Tian was planning how to refine the spiritual weapon, he suddenly found that there was no wind and waves, and a gust of spiritual power blew up.The rapid activation of the inner fire spiritual power seems to be beyond the normal state, and this kind of situation usually only happens when one advances to cross the tribulation.

Looking up, there really was a robbery cloud gathering and opening a gap in the sky thousands of feet above the head.But in a blink of an eye, he thought that he had just survived the thunder disaster, so it shouldn't be his turn at this time.

But the words of the Great Immortal Quack came from next to his ear: "Boss, watch me."

The Immortal Guagua, whose face froze for a moment, has transformed from a human form into another animal form, sitting on a jug under his feet, and slowly flying into the air, ready to face the thunder disaster.

"Don't worry, after this calamity you will be an eighth-level spirit beast," Yi Tian stretched out his hand and sacrificed a wisp of Nanming Lihuo to protect the body of the Great Immortal Guagua with a light flick.

At the same time, the tribulation thunder from the sky unexpectedly fell on the body of the Guagua Immortal and was blocked by the layer of Nanming Lihuo.

The whole thunder tribulation lasted less than thirty breaths before it was over, and when the last thunder light fell, the Great Immortal Quack actually absorbed all the Nanming Lihuo around him into his body.At the same time, the skin on his body became more and more bright red, and when he turned into a human form again, his appearance didn't change much, but the color of his skin was flushed, and his face looked more like he was drunk.

After falling from the sky and seeing Yi Tian, ​​the first words were: "Boss, I have absorbed your Nanming Lihuo, and now I also have a supernatural and secret technique, Lihuo Armor."

Yi Tian twitched his lips and replied helplessly: "After you have done this, don't show it to others easily. If someone with a heart sees it and spreads it to the ears of Lihuo Palace, I'm afraid I will be implicated by you."

(End of this chapter)

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