
Chapter 1631 Confession

Chapter 1631 Confession
Back in the empress' palace, Yi Tian wanted to come and leave quietly, but he didn't expect to bump into the conversation between Luo Ziyan and Mi Baiji.From their words, it is not difficult to find that the Asura Dynasty has undergone tremendous changes in the current situation after the war against barbarians.

Presumably Yunlin and Prince Wei suffered a little loss after fighting Zaifu Jidi during the battle, so they closed the door to heal their injuries. In this way, the entire Asura court has no backbone to move King Xun out.

But I didn't expect that King Xun sent a clone to preside over the overall situation, but it touched Luo Ziyan's interests. Naturally, the court found a way to rely on it, but Luo Ziyan's desire to regain power became far away.

Hearing this, Yi Tian shook his head secretly, in such a situation, Luo Ziyan might be emptied again, she was about to pick peaches, but she didn't expect to be a wedding dress for someone else.

At that moment, the corners of his mouth moved slightly, and the sound transmission went over and said: "Long time no see, you are still so impatient. You must know that Yunlin taught you that patience can turn into gold, and you should not act rashly after considering the situation."

Luo Ziyan, who was on the throne, suddenly had a flash of light in her eyes, and then followed the direction of the sound transmission to explore the depths of the spiritual sense, but found no trace.At this time, instead of being surprised, she was overjoyed, lowered her head and moved her lips a few times through voice transmission and replied: "Why did you come back, do you know how hard I have been in the court during this time?"

Sitting on the throne, Luo Ziyan's appearance suddenly turned around, and she was taken aback by Mi Baiji's eyes, and then hurriedly asked: "I don't know if His Majesty has made a decision in his heart?"

"What Aiqing said is very true. This matter is related to the long-term stability of my Asura Dynasty. I need to think about it carefully." Luo Ziyan cheered up and replied: "You go first, and I will make a decision later." There will be another court meeting."

Mi Baiji's face was also moved by it. He didn't know why Luo Ziyan's mood was so different, but he didn't dare to disobey his order so he bowed his head and replied: "I obey the order, I will resign."

After Mi Baiji left, Yi Tian raised his hand to open the sound-proof barrier, and then stepped forward to find a seat in front of Luo Ziyan, sat down and said slowly: "I'm back now, why don't you Would you feel so alienated?"

"Who knows where you've been during this time, it's been a hundred years since you left, and I have to wait here and bear the pressure from all sides," Luo Ziyan said, her eyes flushed, and there were tears in her eyes It's about to burst out.

Yi Tian is used to big battles and naturally treats him indifferently, but facing the love between children like this, there is nothing to do.After a while, I had no choice but to comfort me a few times: "Don't worry, I'm here for everything. Now that I'm back, I won't let you be wronged again."

"What did you say, King Xun put pressure on me many times because of his status as a veteran of the three dynasties, and he asked me to recruit a son-in-law to maintain the continuation of the royal bloodline," Luo Ziyan sobbed from time to time with tears on her face : "I have been fighting against him in separate courts for decades. Every time he takes a step closer, I have to take a step back. Now I have reached the point where there is no way to retreat."

"Okay, I know this well. This exit is also for your backing. King Xun sent a clone back to preside over the court. I'm afraid it's not enough to see him. This time, let his deity show up with me. Just talk," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"The deity shows up," Luo Ziyan suddenly stopped crying, then raised her head and turned around to look at Yi Tian, ​​only to feel that she couldn't see her cultivation level clearly.A little later, his face suddenly changed, and the sad expression on his forehead stretched out: "You have already entered the stage of advanced integration. Seeing that you look like this, you must have advanced in the land of fire, right?"

It is said that women are born artists, and Luo Ziyan experienced great sorrow and joy with such kung fu, and Yi Tian could only curl his lips in admiration in his heart.

After she adjusted her mood, Yi Geng said, "Actually, why didn't you open the restriction barrier on the outer layer of the Land of Fire and come in to find me?"

"Do you think that the restriction barrier can be opened so easily?" Luo Ziyan replied angrily: "On weekdays, two monks at the fusion stage need to shoot at the same time to open it for twenty breaths for people to enter and exit."

That's the case, it's no wonder that during this period of time, I didn't find any signs of foreign Asura monks in the Land of Fire.As I said before, Prince Wei and Yunlin had suffered a bit of a dark loss after the Pingman War. Now that they are healing behind closed doors, no one can open the door of this place of fire.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian was stunned, and then smiled embarrassedly: "I guessed wrong, after Zaifu and Di and Dilong Daoist in the imperial city attacked Prince Wei in a sneak attack, I appeared in time to restrain Zaifu and Dilong. Afterwards, he chased Daoist Dilong directly to break the ban and go deep into the land of fire."

"The timing of your attack was just right. Afterwards, after Zaifu and Di were captured, I punished him and punished him at the court meeting and made him cramp as an example." Luo Ziyan proudly said, "That's the whole court's death." The situation was all one-sided, and the whole dynasty was on the same page. The noble forces who traveled around gathered under my command. Then the empire mobilized to help put down the rebellious army, and it took less than ten years to put down the barbarian rebellion."

"It's been fighting for ten years," Yi Tian shook his head after listening to it. It seems that this battle was also extremely fierce. Fortunately, the Ashura tribe finally put down the barbarian chaos completely. At that time, Luo Ziyan's power must be reached its peak.

"Then what happened next?" Yi Tian continued to ask.

"You should have heard something from the conversation between me and Mi Baiji just now," Luo Ziyan said with her eyes darkened when she said this: "Although Aunt Yun and Prince Wei worked together to solve Zaifu Jidi, they didn't Thinking that both of them suffered a dark loss in that battle, they had to retreat after returning."

"Then King Xun returned to the court and began to press you step by step," Yi Tian asked.

"That's true. In fact, it was okay at first. I thought he was sincerely trying to support me," Luo Ziyan said angrily, "But after decades, he suddenly attacked me and said that I hadn't advanced for a long time, and I was stuck in the middle of distraction. It has been 200 years. In this case, we should make plans early and unite to put pressure on me against the old forces and the royalists."

"Then how do the forces of Yunlin and Prince Wei respond?" Yi Tian asked with interest.Originally, the two factions were in the same situation, and the Xun Wang family was naturally not favored after being suppressed all the year round.

Now that King Xun is still in court, it will naturally frighten their two departments. Under the situation of this ebb and flow, there must be unexpected situations.

"Now Hao Ren and Qiao Yongjun are the leaders of the two factions respectively. In such an environment, they actually shook hands and agreed to fight against the Xunwang faction with China Unicom," Luo Ziyan explained: "But they lack the support of the monks in the fusion period. , Facing King Xun's avatar is naturally powerless. Being able to protect yourself is already very good, and they were still in a state of opposition during the initial period when King Xun was still in power, and they didn't join forces until nearly 20 years ago."

(End of this chapter)

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