
Chapter 1632 Court Meeting 1

Chapter 1632
The Great Court Meeting of the Asura Dynasty is held irregularly, usually only after a major event happened in the court.In the past hundred years, the most frequent conferences were held in the early stage of suppressing the barbarian rebellion a hundred years ago. The dynasty held three consecutive meetings to discuss the suppression of barbarian affairs.

After that, the entire dynasty also began to mobilize, and the originally dormant forces of all parties were activated and devoted to the vigorous mobilization of the war.

After that, only when the class teacher returned to the court and when King Xun returned to the court did he hold a grand court meeting. These two events can also be regarded as major events that indirectly affected the court structure of the Ashura tribe.

During King Xun's regency, the Great Court Meeting was only held once or twice, during which it was nothing more than the adjustment of the defense of the Imperial Forest Army and the changing of the garrison of the Asura troops in various places.

But half a month ago, the Queen suddenly ordered that the Grand Court Meeting be held again, and many so-called insiders got the news that this Grand Court Meeting was unusual.The empress of the dynasty may discuss major matters of marriage at the court meeting, which is a major event that has not occurred in the Asura tribe for thousands of years.It has been 2000 years since the last time the former queen's son-in-law hall was held.

At this time, nobles from all walks of life in the court are eager to try, although they know in their hearts that it is His Royal Highness King Xun who made this happen, and the candidate he recommends is naturally Duan Xiaolou, the eldest son.As for the prince himself who was in the whirlpool, he was not interested in it at all, and had a quarrel with King Xun in the mansion because of this.

Afterwards, there were gossip rumors that although Duan Xiaolou was born to King Xun, the rumors that their father and son were at odds with each other according to their mother's surname are still somewhat credible.

Although it seemed to outsiders that Duan Xiaolou, the heir of King Xun, was the most popular candidate, there would always be people who were not convinced.Hao Ren, represented by Yunlin's family, did his part to be pushed out to fight Duan Xiaolou.

As for Qiao Yongjun, the leader of Prince Wei's lineage, he had taken Princess Fenglin as his wife a long time ago, but he showed his attitude by supporting Hao Ren in public and shouting for him.

The biggest aristocratic shop in the imperial capital, Piaoxianlou, also offered odds, Hao Ren paid three for one, and Duan Xiaolou paid one for three.This nine-fold gap is obvious to those with a discerning eye, but there is a third possibility in the future, that is, both Hao Ren and Duan Xiaolou lose the election, and the odds are as high as [-] to [-].

But just an hour before the Grand Court Meeting, an Asura commoner who didn't know the heights of heaven and earth unexpectedly placed a bet of 5000 million high-grade spirit stones in one go, which scared the boss of Piaoxianlou to ask.

After taking inventory of the delivery of the Lingshi, the gambling ticket was opened on the spot, but everyone knew that the big boss behind the Piaoxian Tower was the Palace of Xun Wang.It was originally intended to create momentum for Duan Xiaolou, but many people began to secretly pay attention to such a commotion, thinking that this matter is definitely not that simple.

On that day, in the Tai'an Palace, the power center of the Asura Dynasty, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty rushed here early in the morning. It is enough to catch up with such a court meeting once in a lifetime.

The leaders of the various factions lined up on both sides of the main hall step by step according to their respective ranks.Because it is a grand court meeting, those nobles of the dynasty who do not have the authority to participate in the discussion of politics on weekdays are also kneeling at this time.

As for the military generals of the imperial dynasty, they were even more complete, and all the commanders of the major garrison troops outside were present.The Huben Army, Black Banner Army, and Fengxiang Army commanders who had intersected with Yi Tian before all came.They are all members of Prince Wei and Yunlin's faction in Baotuan. This is also the shortcoming of King Xun in the court. He is still in power.

With the sound of Shura war drums, everyone around stopped what they were doing and turned around to look at the present. One of the protagonists today, King Xun's avatar led the eldest son Duan Xiaolou and walked in slowly from the gate of the hall with relaxed steps.

King Xun looked high-spirited, but Duan Xiaolou behind him had a helplessly drooping face and a listless look.His behavior naturally stunned Hao Ren, who was his opponent. After they came in and stood still, Hao Ren and the others walked up to greet them symbolically.

Then three gongs sounded behind the Tai'an Hall, and then all the harem ladies walked out from the rear passage, and then stood in line on both sides of the Tai'an Hall.Finally, with the support of two maids, Luo Ziyan, dressed in red wedding attire, walked slowly into the Tai'an Hall through the passage.

The court officials present had never seen Her Majesty dressed like this before, many of them stared at Luo Ziyan with wide eyes and couldn't move their eyes away.

After Luo Ziyan got to the high position and sat down, she specially placed two seats on the lower steps, one on the left and one on the right, and then said: "Please sit down, King Xun."

This kind of situation has happened before, when Prince Wei was in charge, he was sitting under Luo Ziyan and giving orders.When Yunlin was in court, she would sit beside the queen to show her dignity.

Although King Xun's avatar is only the peak cultivation level in the later stage of distraction, it also represents the integration stage. King Xun is naturally qualified to step forward and sit down.

But today Luo Ziyan's showing weakness as soon as she came up made everyone in the civil and military circles seem to be secretly thinking about Duan Xiaolou.I'm afraid the other seat is for the future His Royal Highness the Prince.Sure enough, the female hostess who was in charge of ceremonies came forward to say good luck to King Xun, then took him up the steps and sat on the right side of the queen.

Hao Ren at the front of the line below did not hide the envy in his eyes at all, and turned to look at Duan Xiaolou, still looking listless.

As for Luo Yao and Qiao Yongjun, who were standing at the head and tail of the military officer, their faces were bitter. Although the queen could only show weakness due to the power of the King Xun, but there were still monks in the fit period standing behind them, so naturally they would not agree to the matter so easily.

I saw that after the two missed eye contact, they seemed to have reached a tacit understanding in secret. If King Xun succeeds in this grand court meeting, I am afraid that the future life of the two factions will be even more difficult.

The lady waited in front of the steps and sang: "Civil and military courteous salutes." After hearing the order, all the people below kowtowed in unison.

Then Luo Ziyan's voice came and said: "Zhu Aiqing, please stand up." After hearing the words, everyone slowly got up and stood in their original positions, waiting for the next big court meeting.

"Today there will be an event in the court, and you can talk all you love," Luo Ziyan said.

As soon as the voice fell, a person came out of the civil servants on the left kneeling and said: "Your Majesty Qizuo, my Asura Dynasty has firmly ruled this world since its establishment, relying on the continuous inheritance of incense. Now His Highness is It is the year of the dragon and the tiger, but we must also consider the matter of establishing an heir and a reserve just in case."

Unexpectedly, as soon as the Dachao Meeting came up, someone would come out to play, needless to say, it must be arranged by King Xun.After hearing this, Luo Ziyan nodded and said: "What Aiqing said is true, today is the time when the Great Court will discuss this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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