
Chapter 1633 Court Meeting 2

Chapter 1633 Court meeting II

Many nobles in the imperial city hall of the Asura clan were a little surprised by the performance of the queen in front of them.On weekdays, Her Majesty the Empress would take the opportunity to change the subject and divert her attention if this matter was involved, or simply walk away.

But today, he would take the initiative to raise it. I don't know if King Xun has secretly reached some kind of tacit understanding with His Majesty.Many nobles turned their attention to the seats made by the Queen above and the King Xun on the right below. After looking at them, they all chose to wait and see the development of the situation.

On the other hand, Luo Yao, who stood at the head of the military officer on the right, stepped forward and said, "Since Your Majesty intends to get married, it is naturally the luck of my Asura clan. I think that the Chinese doctor Hao Ren is very powerful, and he has been in important positions in the court all year round and is familiar with the operation of the government. The family background is first-class and the first-class one can be said to be the best choice, please consider it according to your majesty's discretion."

As soon as this remark came out, all the people present turned their eyes to Hao Luoyao, only to see that he was calm and calm, and looked like an old god, so he must have something to say.

Speaking of which, Luo Yao can be regarded as the leader of the Yunlin faction, and there is a ninth-level monster enshrined in his family, so he is really not afraid of King Xun's power.

In the absence of the other two monks in the integration period, Wenwu of the Manchu Dynasty is the only one who is most qualified to jump out and wrestle with King Xun.

As for Hao Ren, with Yun Lin as his backing and Luo Yao's strong support, he naturally had to stand up and fight for his own best interests.It's just that he was inconvenient to appear in person and looked too ugly, so he just winked, and the people from the Yunlin faction behind him jumped out to wave their flags and cheer for him.

Luo Ziyan, who was sitting in the upper position, saw that her face was not moved at all, but turned around and asked: "Commander Luo Yao is the commander of the Imperial Forest Army, and the words of generations of Zhongliang naturally have their own unique insights. Unknown King Xun How does Uncle feel about this?"

It is obvious that the focus of today's Great Court Meeting is the confrontation between the King Xun faction and the other two factions, so Luo Ziyan simply pointed them out and let's see how they each make their moves.

Sure enough, King Xun's avatar who was sitting on the side coughed lightly and drew everyone's attention back, and then said lightly: "What Commander Luo Yao said is true, but your majesty's choice of husband is not only based on ability, but also on oneself. The strength is also very important. I believe that there should be quite a few young talents who are comparable to Doctor Hao in the civil and military circles of the Manchu Dynasty. These are also royal nobles, and they should all have the opportunity to participate in the election."

As soon as this remark came out, Hao Ren was slightly taken aback, wondering why King Xun would say such a thing.The monks who have cultivated to the stage of distraction are at least two thousand years old, and many of them have married several concubines.But King Xun's words really brightened the eyes of many nobles present. Although this time it was obviously a dispute between Hao Ren and Duan Xiaolou, it seemed that other people had a chance to intervene now.

Luo Ziyan nodded thoughtfully and said: "What King Xun said is not bad, it's not as good as this, but all the monks of our clan who are under [-] years old and single people who have cultivated above the distraction stage come forward Let me see for real."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone on the scene whispered to each other, not to mention that there are quite a lot of young talents of the Ashura tribe who meet the conditions.Outside of Hao Ren, there are Cai Chaoqiong from the Huben Army, Dong Kou from the Black Banner Army, and Lou Zhenqiang from the Fengxiang Army outside Duan Xiaolou.

Unexpectedly, six or seven people came out of the rank of military officers standing on the right, and they were all from the faction of Yunlin and Prince Wei.

As for the civil servants, Hao Ren and Duan Xiaolou were the only ones out of the queue.In this way, there were a total of 11 people in front of them, and everyone present thought that if there were no accidents, the empress would definitely need to choose a husband among these people.

But it is obvious that King Xun's faction is at an absolute disadvantage in this form. Seeing that King Xun is determined at this time, Luo Ziyan doesn't know how he will resolve the next predicament.

Later, he laughed loudly and said, "I didn't expect that there are so many young talents in my Shura dynasty. Why worry about the dynasty's instability?"

The ministers below naturally didn't want King Sao Xun's interest to sing praises at this time.

Shaoqing only heard King Xun say: "Your Majesty's choice of husband naturally depends on potential. It would be the best if you can have the opportunity to advance to the fusion stage. I think there are so many young talents below. Only those who leave their names on the ninth floor of the tower are eligible to enter the next round of selection."

It seems that King Xun had already thought about the case early in the morning. Yunlin and Prince Wei have talented people under their command, but very few of them can really leave their names on the ninth floor of the 'Tongtian Road' stele.But Duan Xiaolou actually made a special trip more than ten years ago to break into the ninth floor and level the record of Shui Cangyue.

The 11 people below looked at each other, and many of them showed disappointment in their eyes.Unexpectedly, the ginger is still old and spicy, and half of it has been brushed down before it can be shot.

A few of them knew that the weight was not enough and shook their heads, then chased their heads and walked back to their original positions dejectedly.

Next, only Hao Ren and Duan Xiaolou were left as civil servants, and Cai Chaoqiong, Dong Kou and Lou Zhenqiang were left as military officers.Now it looks like four to one, but the three generals are not fools. This is an opportunity to soar into the sky. Suppressing Duan Xiaolou is the top priority. It would be even better if he can stand out and win the Queen's favor.

Unexpectedly, a small crack appeared in the originally strong alliance between the two factions. Luo Ziyan, who was sitting on the seat, knew in her heart that she had a better understanding of the new Prince Regent. Sure enough, her methods were much better than that of Prince Wei. .

Only King Xun said again: "Cai Chaoqiong, I remember that your Asura Dharma Body has not cultivated to the Dacheng state for a long time. Is it possible that four of the six eyes are opened?"

Cai Chaoqiong's face turned red when he heard the words. Although his cultivation base is not weak, it is always a shame that his six eyes are not fully opened.But since King Xun knew about such a private matter, it was natural for him to launch a targeted attack.After thinking about it, he cupped his hands and replied: "The general knows, this time I'm a little anxious. Compared with the others, I'm a little inferior, so I'll quit now." After speaking, he turned around and retreated to the queue of generals on the right.

The commander of the Huben Army was dealt with without bloodshed, and King Xun turned his head and said, "Commander Lou of the Fengxiang Army, I heard that you already had a Taoist partner in the Nascent Soul Stage, although your Taoist partner failed to escape into reincarnation, You can't be considered single."

Lou Zhenqiang was naturally upset when his scars were exposed, but he didn't dare to make any mistakes when facing King Xun's avatar, he took a step forward and cupped his hands and replied: "What Your Highness said is that if this is the case, the general can only withdraw."

After speaking, he gave Hao Ren an apologetic look and walked back slowly.

 Thank you fellow Taoist for your support

(End of this chapter)

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