
Chapter 1634 Court Meeting 3

Chapter 1634 Court meeting three

King Xun is worthy of being the elder of the three dynasties who has lived for 6000 years. Although the deity is still stuck at the peak of the middle stage of integration and cannot make an inch, it is still easy to deal with these Asura nobles in front of him.In a few words, he eliminated the only two people who could pose a threat to Duan Xiaolou.

The Asura nobles of the squadron present at the scene naturally did not dare to take a breath for fear of angering King Xun in this matter, so as not to be settled by Qiu Hou.

In this way, there were only five people left on the scene, and two of them were royal nobles. Naturally, they were not stupid to see King Xun looking at him and knew that he was going to make trouble.Then they all spoke first and said they would withdraw from this matter, and then King Chaoxun, who had a smile on his face, cupped his hands and retreated.

Fortunately, there were originally 11 participants, but now there are only three left, and the only one left on the field is Dong Kou, the deputy commander of the Black Banner Army.But his strength is only in the early stage of distraction. Naturally, he can't pose any threat to Duan Xiaolou in the middle stage.When King Xun saw it, he nodded and smiled and stopped talking. He had cleared all the obstacles by doing this, and he couldn't do too much, he had to save face.

Now Hao Ren saw that Dong Kou was the only one around besides Duan Xiaolou. Speaking of which, the Black Banner Army was still from Prince Wei's lineage.As a result, no one from her own faction can be relied on.

Raised his head slightly, turned around and met Luo Yao's eyes, the latter nodded knowingly, signaling to be safe and not to be impatient.

Seeing their small movements, King Xun's avatar was not in a hurry to respond, but slowly turned around and said to Luo Ziyan: "Your Majesty, the old minister has already done a preliminary screening, and I believe that if there are no other candidates, you can officially participate in the election." here we go."

"King Xun has a heart," Luo Ziyan turned around and said calmly, "Do you have any other suitable candidates to recommend?"

As soon as the words were finished, I heard a voice from the front of the main hall of the palace saying: "The Grand Commander's Mansion, Luo Ruijia, asks to see you."

"Xuan," Luo Ziyan, who was sitting in the front seat, smiled slightly, and then ordered the waitresses on both sides to take out another chair and arrange it next to the seat of King Xun on the right.

In a few moments, a gray figure flew in mid-air and landed on the main hall. After the light faded away, the face revealed was Luo Ruijia, a ninth-level monster of the Grand Commander's Mansion.

When he came forward, he clasped his fists and bowed to his superior, "I have seen Your Majesty, Your Highness King Xun."

"The old ancestor came today by coincidence. It coincides with our clan's great court meeting, please take a seat," Luo Ziyan said with a smile, and at the same time stretched out her hand and pointed to the seat next to King Xun to invite Luo Ruijia to take a seat.

The latter smiled and nodded, then strode forward and sat down on the seat, then looked up and glanced at the people below, and finally stopped on the three people in the middle.

Being disturbed by Luo Ruijia, King Xun's expression immediately became respectful. He may not be able to hold down the situation just by coming in a clone, but he has already begun to worry secretly in his heart.

Only Luo Ruijia said: "I heard that His Majesty is choosing a husband today, and this old man would like to join in the fun and be a witness. Please don't be offended by Your Majesty."

"I am very happy that the ancestor came to the palace so rarely. I wonder if the ancestor is just here to witness this time or is there something else?" Luo Ziyan asked.

King Xun, who had been silent all this time, said, "Fellow Daoist Luo is not my Asura monk, so he came to witness the royal inheritance."

Luo Ruijia said with a slight smile on his face: "Prince Xun's words are wrong. Although the old man is a monster, he has lived in the Asura world for a long time, and he has a deep friendship with the previous generation. He has witnessed the change of two generations of emperors as a bosom friend. It’s almost half Asura.”

"This statement is reasonable," Luo Ziyan said directly without waiting for King Xun to interrupt, "Senior Luo used to live in the imperial city, and his mother also praised him a lot. She even intended to be granted the title of duke of the state. Speaking of which, she is not just a member of the same clan. gone."

After hearing this, many nobles below all nodded their heads in agreement. With Luo Ruijia's status, this noble title is naturally well-deserved.For a while, people from the Yunlin faction all straightened their backs, and the appearance of the backer just happened to chase after the King Xun faction.

"Forget it," King Xun said suddenly, "With Fellow Daoist Luo's qualifications, there is nothing wrong with it."

Faced with such a sudden posture, King Xun couldn't cover the sky with one hand, and simply pushed the boat along with the current, which could be regarded as giving Luo Ruijia face.

Later, I only heard Luo Ruijia say: "The old man recommended Shui Cangyue, the bodyguard of the Fenglin Monarch, for the election. This should be in line with the rules."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes on the whole scene focused on the thin figure behind Lord Fenglin.It was his own intention that Shui Cangyue didn't jump out before, but now that Luo Ruijia drove the ducks to the shelves and brought him out to fight Duan Xiaolou, I'm afraid he couldn't refuse anymore.

The scene was silent, Shui Cangyue could only nod helplessly when she saw herself being roasted on the fire, and then slowly walked out from the crowd.

His strength is obvious to all. Although the three candidates present broke into the ninth floor of the ten-story tower of 'Tongtian Road', they used it twice and even Dong Kou used it three times.This alone is far behind Shui Cangyue's record, so King Xun can't find this reason to make trouble.

Besides, Shui Cangyue is obsessed with cultivation, besides being the guard of Princess Fenglin, she has a good reputation outside, so she doesn't have any personal problems.

Luo Ziyan inadvertently looked at King Xiaxun, but saw that he was not surprised at all, and he still had a scheming look, not knowing how he would see his tricks.

When someone came up to him, King Xun asked, "Nephew Shui Xian, let me ask you, is it your wishful thinking to participate in this matter? Naturally, His Majesty cannot force you to choose a husband today. If it is what you wish at this time, it is the best Alright. If it's against your own will that I reject you, it's better not to miss His Majesty's marriage, this move is no small matter, and the whole country is watching."

"What is the meaning of King Xun? Could it be that the person recommended by the old man is not in your eyes and you have to persuade him to leave?" Luo Ruijia who was sitting on the side snorted coldly.

"Young Daoist Luo calm down, it's about His Majesty's happiness at this time, besides, I know that Nephew Shui Xian's heart is on the Dao, and he is naturally focused on cultivation, and he is really not interested in the love between men and women, so I double-check it so as not to delay him. The future is good," King Xun replied with a smile.

It seems that these words hit Shui Cangyue's mind, standing below him showed a melancholy look on his face, raised his head and looked at Luo Ruijia before arching his hands and saying: "Senior's kindness is appreciated, but just as As King Xun said, my heart is on the Dao, so I naturally hope to focus on my own cultivation. In the future, if I am lucky enough to advance to the integration period, I will also retreat for a long time, and it will not be a good thing to neglect Your Majesty at that time."

In this way, the faces of Luo Yao and the others suddenly became unsightly, and their good advantage was pulled back to the starting line in an instant.They didn't expect Shui Cangyue to be so disrespectful, but they didn't dare to do anything to him, after all, he belonged directly to the royal family.

Afterwards, Shui Cangyue turned around and murmured a few words to Hao Ren through sound transmission to express his apology, and the latter could only reply with a wry smile.

(End of this chapter)

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