
Chapter 1635 Court Meeting 4

Chapter 1635 Court meeting four

After an episode on the scene, there were still only three people left. Although Dong Kou was a rising star, his strength was only in the early stage of distraction.Speaking of which, he did not pose any threat to Duan Xiaolou, so King Xun let him stay on the court.

As for Hao Ren, Xiaolou's old rival, the two of them knew each other well.

Now even if Luo Ruijia personally recommends it, there is no advantage in shaking King Xun's side, and everyone in the Yunlin faction remembers it in their hearts but they have nothing to do.

Luo Yao, who is the number one military commander, silently communicated with Luo Ruijia through sound transmission, as if he was in a hurry to find a countermeasure.Now that there is no way to choose candidates, we can only find a way from the next competition.

King Xun saw their actions and just smiled lightly on his face.Then he turned around and said to Luo Ziyan who was on the main seat: "Your Majesty, I think the suitable candidates for the imperial court are all here, what method should we use to select next?"

Luo Ziyan smiled slightly when she heard the words: "Today is a good day, how can we use force at will? It's better to fight with words. All the civil and military people present can be used as judges, so it can also appear that I am in this matter." Nothing tricky."

"Your Majesty is right," Luo Ruijia said without waiting for King Xun to reply, "Justice is at your fingertips, it's better to let the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty participate in the judgment."

He had discussed privately with Luo Yao and others through sound transmission, and Luo Ziyan also put forward her own opinion, which happened to be biased towards the Yunlin faction.Now King Xun is very powerful in the court, but he can't cover the sky with one hand. At most, more than [-]% of the people will succumb to his lust.

Also, the Yunlin faction and Prince Wei accounted for more than [-]% of the troops, and the rest of them were grasshoppers who liked to play around with the wind.As long as the two factions can win over half of the remaining troops, they can win by an overwhelming advantage.

King Ke Xun seemed to have considered this a long time ago, so he let Dong Kou stay. In this way, the people who seem to have left the faction of Prince Wei are actually alienating the relationship between the two factions.If Prince Wei and his team directly supported Hao Ren, it would definitely chill the hearts of their own people, but if everyone went their own way, it might not even be possible to achieve one-third of the approval rate.

Anyone with a discerning eye looked at the situation on the scene and secretly admired Laura of King Xun. Even Qiao Yongjun, the leader of Prince Wei's family, had a big head and didn't know how to deal with it.

Eat less, just listen to King Xun get up and say: "Since Your Majesty talked about Wendou today, it will naturally depend on the strength of the three of you. How about the three of us each have a question, and each time we will be divided into one, two, and three points. After the three questions come down See whoever has more than six points and the highest score is the winner. If the points are the same, according to the ranking of each game, how about eliminating the person who ranks at the bottom first. "

Luo Ruijia nodded, such a proposal is considered fair, at least it won't give King Xun the opportunity to secretly manipulate the family.After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said, "How about the old man come first?"

King Xun glanced over and nodded and replied: "I have no problem, please show me your Majesty."

"Sure," Luo Ziyan replied simply, as if she had everything under control.

"Since it's Wendou, I propose to set the first round according to the ranking order of the ten-story tower of 'Tongtian Road', so that everyone will have no doubts," Luo Ruijia said.

People from Yunlin's faction were overjoyed when this remark came out. Hao Ren and Duan Xiaolou were both at the same level, and they were passed to the ninth floor after entering for the second time.The name of the person with the odd number was ranked before Duan Xiaolou, not because he was slightly stronger but because he had grasped the timing well.

The muscles on King Xun's face couldn't help but stiffen when he heard this. It was clear that this first match was a dark loss. Fortunately, he was good at nourishing his energy and knew that this matter was being targeted by others, but it was also a conspiracy and he couldn't refute it.

Luo Ziyan said inappropriately: "This first match is very fair, all the civil and military officials present can testify, come and present the names of the three people on the stele."

Although everyone is well aware of this, it is still necessary to go through a formality and make a conclusion with evidence.After waiting for a quarter of an hour, a court maid hurriedly entered the hall surrounded by a group of imperial guards and presented the rankings that she had drawn from her hands.After taking the jade book, Luo Ziyan opened it and put it in front of everyone, saying, "In the first match, Hao Ren gets three points, Duan Xiaolou gets two points, and Dong Kou gets one point. Everyone should have no objections."

"Your Majesty, I have no objection," everyone below replied in unison.

"Okay, then King Xun will host the second scene," Luo Ziyan replied lightly.

King Xun stood up when he heard the words, then looked at the three people below and said: "It is well known that our Asura people are brave and good at fighting. Although this world is the leader of our family, there have been some uneasy factors in the past few hundred years. I believe everyone present has experienced it. After the barbarian rebellion a hundred years ago, although it was put down in the end, the dynasty also paid a high price for it. In the second round, I want to judge success or failure based on military exploits, what do you guys think?"

This is a good point, and those who sit on the wall seem to have realized that the war between the barbarians a hundred years ago did not shake the foundation of the rule of the Asura Dynasty, but it also penetrated into the hearts of these nobles.The barbarian monk cholera and the Asura world must be killed in the cradle, so it is understandable to judge success or failure based on military exploits.

However, Hao Ren's face became extremely exciting with a swipe. The entire battle against barbarians has lasted for decades.During this period, he has been in charge of the overall situation as a civil servant, and has never had the opportunity to lead the army to go out to fight.

If he was rightly at the end in terms of military exploits, not to mention that Duan Xiaolou led an army to fight, even Dong Kou was active on the battlefield with partisan divisions of the Black Banner Army.

Although Dong Kou didn't defeat the barbarian army head-on like Duan Xiaolou did, he was the one who led the army to harass the barbarian army, cut off food and captured several small tribes.

Everyone understood in their hearts and at the same time turned their eyes to Her Majesty the Queen who was sitting upright to see how she would respond.Luo Ziyan said softly: "The Minister of the Ministry of War has obtained the merit book of the Pingman War, and the meritorious deeds of the three Qing families are all recorded in the record, so it is clear at a glance."

Half a moment later, someone presented several jade volumes, listing the achievements of the three people one by one.Naturally, Hao Ren was in charge of logistics, transportation and other things in the imperial city, so he suffered a lot invisibly.

"In the second match of Wendou, Duan Xiaolou is first, Dong Kou is second, and Hao Ren is third," Luo Ziyan said with a final word.

After two games, Duan Xiaolou has already scored five points, and no matter what happens next, there must be six points.As for Hao Ren, who is now down by one point, if he wants to turn defeat into victory in the next round, he must win the first place. Even so, if Duan Xiaolou gets the second double point, the points will be the same, and his ranking will be higher in each round.

But even if Hao Ren came to the bottom in the second game, even if he drew with Duan Xiaolou, he would still be eliminated on the premise of eliminating the last place first. His eyes glanced at King Xun who was sitting up.Seeing that he looked like an old god, he seemed to have considered this point a long time ago.

(End of this chapter)

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