
Chapter 1636 Court Meeting 5

Chapter 1636 Chao Hui Five

The Wendou in Asura's palace was still going on, and the Yunlin faction gradually fell into the limelight after Luo Ruijia and King Xun made moves one after another in the previous two rounds.As for the line of Prince Wei, there is basically no need to think about it anymore, and the King Xun faction has now fallen into an invincible position.

Even if it's the last round, as long as Hao Ren doesn't get the first place, it's fine, and Duan Xiaolou doesn't look like the bottom one anyway.As long as he can get the second place, it is already a sure thing to win, so it seems that his chance of winning has reached [-]/[-], basically it can be said that there is not much suspense.

Now Hao Ren only hoped that Dong Kou could suddenly rise up and push Duan Xiaolou down, but such an idea only existed in theory.

After King Xun took his seat again, he turned around and said, "Your Majesty will decide the third match in person, and I will wait and see."

Luo Ziyan nodded, no joy was visible on her face, then she reached out to take out a jade book and a round wheel-shaped spiritual weapon, and called the waitress beside her to take a tray and put it on it.

Then a bright light flashed in his eyes and he said: "This thing is my Asura Clan's secret astrology wheel and the Shura Destiny Book, which was originally controlled by the first generation of the Holy Emperor. It records the detailed information of my Asura Clan monks. The secret treasure of the family. If the candidate can activate the astrology wheel to open the Shura Destiny Tree, he will naturally be recognized as a suitable heir, and I will naturally favor him."

Holding the tray, the waitress slowly stepped forward to let the three candidates try one by one.Suddenly King Xun asked: "May I ask Your Majesty if two people can open it at the same time, what is the conclusion?"

"My test is the real final decision. This test only has two results, yes or no, and only the first name is taken. If No.1 among the three can open the Asura Destiny Book, the other two don't need to try again ,” Luo Ziyan replied with a smile.

As soon as this remark came out, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty naturally realized that the Queen's design had completely disrupted King Xun's plans.Even if the first two games had the upper hand, and the fact that they didn't count before the third test could be denied in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, Her Majesty the Queen seems to be giving in, but she is using retreat as an advance and cleverly employs ingenious tricks to directly bankrupt King Xun's plan.

In this way, under the wide recruitment in the hall, King Xun knew that there was something tricky in it, but he couldn't take the risk of blatantly contradicting the queen.

After thinking about it, he closed his mouth three times and turned to look at the astrology wheel and Shura's destiny spectrum.These two spiritual artifacts are secret treasures in the hands of successive empresses, even if you are the regent, you have no chance to use them.

Luo Ruijia, who was sitting on the side, laughed loudly and said, "Your Majesty is right. I also know a thing or two about this thing. It is a thing passed down from generation to generation by Empress Ashura. It is really suitable to use it for the third test now." However, this old man has no qualms about this, and everything is subject to Her Majesty's decision."

Anyway, he came here today because he was entrusted by Yunlin, but he didn't expect the person who recommended him to retreat directly. At this time, he held his breath in his heart, as long as the people from King Xun's faction won't win.

After Luo Ruijia opened his mouth, no one of these people present dared to question any more. Everyone focused their attention on the three people in the middle of the hall to see how they responded.

The three of Hao Ren also had bitter looks on their faces. It was useless to toss about their relationship for most of the day today, and in the end they decided to act according to the Queen's wishes.But the three people who made the final decision did not dare to be careless. Look at me and look at you, but no one took the initiative to step forward.

The husband selection ceremony was held to such an extent that everyone present held their breath and waited for the development of the situation.

After a short while, Dong Kou was the first to lose his composure. He was only here to help today, and he did his best to be able to help.Walked forward, reached out to the astrology wheel, slowly injected spiritual power into his hand, and then tried to raise the spiritual weapon.

But after the astrology wheel flew into the air, it slowly opened the star map and stopped halfway.Luo Ziyan, who was seated above, said inappropriately: "This thing is my family's secret treasure, so of course it can only be driven by practicing my family's kung fu to the extreme."

Dong Kou was overjoyed when he heard the words, it would be best if the empress made a point in person.Stretching out his hand to form the seal, he said: "Change", and directly appeared the dharma body of Asura, who was in the realm of refining, and then the six arms cast spells at the same time to sacrifice the astrology wheel.

After three breaths, a beam of light from the center of the astrology wheel shines on Shura's Destiny Spectrum, but unfortunately, there is no response to the prediction.

After three unsuccessful attempts like this, Dong Kou put away the avatar and faced the three people who were sitting on the top, cupping their hands: "This minister is not strong enough, so I will abstain this time."

After hearing this, Hao Ren and Duan Xiaolou didn't show any joy on their faces. On the contrary, Dong Kou's test of the water was no different from throwing stones to ask the way for them to point out the direction.At the same time, the two of them also had a calculation in their minds, even if their strength was slightly better, this Shura's Destiny Spectrum might not necessarily be able to pass.

After their eyes crossed, Hao Ren and Duan Xiaolou saw the meaning in each other's eyes, and the court fell into silence again until Luo Ziyan urged: "You guys don't enter the court quickly, and both of you will lose if you delay."

Gritting his teeth, Hao Ren stepped forward and made seals with his hands to reveal his dharma body, and then raised the astrology wheel in the same way, and then the beam of light from the wheel shone on the Asura's destiny chart for ten breaths, and then it was powerless.

Although the opportunity was lost, Hao Ren didn't show the slightest bit of frustration on his face. On the contrary, he showed a slight smile and said to the three sitting above, "I tried my best, maybe it's God's will."

After finishing speaking, he retreated to Duan Xiaolou's side.The latter had a twinkle in his eyes, as if he was communicating with someone privately, and after three breaths, he swept away his previous decadent look, cheered up and walked forward, trying to raise the astrology wheel to open the Shura Destiny Book.

But the result was the same as the previous two, and when he resigned, his face was extremely relaxed, as if he had been relieved.But when he turned to King Xun, his eyes were full of disdain. It seems that this time he was driven away by the ducks and put on the shelves. The result also achieved his goal.

After all three failed, there were naturally a lot of restless voices from the left and right civil and military officials standing in the hall.If all three fail to be selected, then this time things will be messed up again.Yunlin and Prince Wei's factions were naturally happy to succeed. As for the King Xun faction, they naturally couldn't sit still and raised their heads and glanced at King Xun who was sitting up. It was up to him to show him how to make subsequent moves.

"Your Majesty, there is something wrong with this matter," King Xun said calmly, "Today is the scheduled husband selection ceremony. If it ends up like this, I'm afraid it will be difficult to spread the news. How would you feel about the royal family?"

What he said was a bit coercive, and everyone present secretly looked at it, wanting to see how Her Majesty the Empress saw her tricks.

(End of this chapter)

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