
Chapter 1637 Court Meeting 6

Chapter 1637

Empress Luo Ziyan, who was sitting in the middle of King Xun's forced palace, smiled lightly, and then replied: "What King Xun said is true, how can today's husband selection ceremony end so hastily, but why did the Qing family recommend it?" Many candidates have failed to open the secret treasure of our family, which shows that they are not the chosen ones."

As soon as this remark came out, all the officials below suddenly became silent, and everyone's eyes were full of puzzlement. From what the queen said, it seemed that there was still someone behind, but they didn't know what would happen next.

King Xun and Luo Ruijia present also exchanged glances, both of them had their own thoughts and pretended to be confused.

Luo Ziyan saw that the fire was almost ready, and immediately said: "Since I am choosing a husband today, we must not exclude all the nobles of the dynasty. Although some people left their names on the stone tablet of the ten-story tower of 'Tongtian Road' People with potential should not be judged solely by their cultivation.”

"I don't know what His Majesty means?" King Xun felt that there was something in Luo Ziyan's words and asked directly.

"Every aristocratic monk present, as long as he is not married and has good conduct, will have a chance to try it," Luo Ziyan said with a smile.

As soon as this remark came out of the court, the frying pan began immediately. This was an excellent opportunity to fall from the sky.At this time, it doesn't matter the rank of strength or military exploits, as long as you are a nobleman of the dynasty.

There are hundreds of noble monks in the entire Asura Dynasty, and nearly half of them are Taoist couples.But there are still more than half of the troops left. How could they easily give up when they saw such an opportunity.

No matter how powerful King Xun is in the hall, it is impossible to stop this matter with one block. If he really does this, it will definitely chill the hearts of everyone. In the future, he will definitely lose the support of the noble faction Will be alone.

But King Xun obviously didn't want to give in so easily, he turned around and asked, "If all the nobles present can't afford to open the Shura's Destiny Book, then what will His Majesty plan to do?"

Luo Ziyan had expected such an incident earlier, and said unhurriedly: "Since I said to use this method to choose a husband, I will never change my word. But if it doesn't work today, I will use this method again at the next court meeting Selection, at that time, every Asura noble monk participating in the court meeting can try again as long as they meet the conditions."

Hearing someone below here took the lead and shouted loudly: "Your Majesty is wise," and then all the Asura nobles around here also echoed in unison.

So far, it is inconvenient for King Xun to stop the general trend, but just said lightly: "Then let's start."

Then a group of maids lined up and began to register and register the monks who were qualified for the selection to come forward, show that they were upright, and then let them go forward one by one to try to raise the astrology wheel.

However, many of these imperial nobles failed to cultivate the dharmakaya of the Asura clan to the level of Dacheng, and many nobles failed to refine the three capitals in a row.But in view of the Queen's order, these people also bravely rushed forward to try.

This time even Shui Cangyue, who had quit before, was forced to participate, and his strength was so extraordinary that he was able to raise the astrology wheel and shine it on the Shura Destiny Book, almost opening the first page of the jade book.After ten breaths, Shui Cangyue's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and she felt a little powerless, and she still said "I give up." '

But after he backed down, he moved a few words, which seemed to be a private voice transmission with Qiao Yongjun and others, and the latter immediately showed a clear expression on his face.

Naturally, Shui Cangyue's actions couldn't be hidden from the King Xun who was in the seat above, so after watching it for so long, she naturally saw some tricks.I'm afraid that among all the people present, there may not be anyone who can open Shura's Destiny Book, and the key may be the issue of cultivation.

After everyone had tried it, King Xun said in a cold voice with displeasure: "Your Majesty, even this king's avatar may not be able to open this thing, right?"

Such a question naturally turned the spearhead on Luo Ziyan, if the answer was wrong, it would definitely affect the majesty of the queen.Luo Ziyan thought for a while before smiling and replied: "King Xun's words are serious, but I don't think everyone has tried it. The imperial guards and military officers with titles can also try it."

After reaching out and clapping his hands, the head of the imperial guard led several people slowly out of the apse, bowed his hands to the three people seated above, and then walked forward in order to try.

King Xun glanced over these people and landed on the last extremely strange face in the team.But when his eyes swept over, he couldn't move away.At the same time, Luo Ruijia who was on the side also seemed to have noticed the clue, looked at it, and then said through a voice transmission: "I recognize you, boy, I didn't expect you to be the head of the imperial guards."

Walking at the end of the line was Yi Tian, ​​who was dressed as a ranger in green shirt. After meeting his eyes, he moved his lips and said through voice transmission: "Fellow Daoist Luo is recovering well. It seems that the prescription I gave is quite effective."

Luo Ruijia's complexion changed slightly and he replied later: "You kid, don't be a good boy, you can do it once, but you have to divide it three times. You actually took a fancy to the old man's spirit vein beast blood."

"Forgive me, Fellow Daoist, it was just forced by the situation at that time, I will definitely come to the door to apologize afterwards," Yi Tian didn't want to argue with him on this issue, anyway, if he took a step back, he would not suffer a loss.

Since Yi Tian followed the brigade into the main hall, many people have already recognized it. Speaking of which, he suddenly lost his trace in the Asura world a hundred years ago, but it is open to question if he reappears today.

As for Luo Yao, after Qiao Yongjun and his ilk sized them up, it was hard to look away.Although Yi Tian restrained the aura on his body, it seemed that he only retained the cultivation base of the early stage of distraction, but they had experienced it back then and knew their own strength.

Now after meeting again, I can feel the invisible pressure no less than that when facing Prince Wei. Although I didn't make it clear, I already have suspicions in my heart.

As for Hao Ren and Duan Xiaolou, they were old acquaintances. After greeting each other, they began to watch carefully.

As for King Xun, who was sitting in the upper position, he squinted his eyes and looked at it carefully, and then he couldn't help saying: "Your Majesty is really good at calculating. After I get old, I will concentrate on staying at the gate of the world. From now on, I will go to court All important matters should be handled by His Majesty."

Unexpectedly, King Xun, who is so powerful in the court, would say this at the court meeting. Such words can be understood as he will hand over all his power.The variable that allowed him to make such a decision must be among these imperial guards.

It's just that as an ordinary person, it is naturally impossible to see the clues.After the imperial guards tried one by one, Yi Tian, ​​who was at the end, walked forward slowly.It didn't show Asura's dharma body, but a golden mark flashed on his forehead, then he reached out and took the horoscope wheel and held it in his left hand, gently divided the spiritual power in his hand into six strands and injected it into the spiritual weapon.

 Thanks to fellow Taoist gavinshang, 151108095747225 for his support.

(End of this chapter)

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