
Chapter 1638 Court Meeting 7

Chapter 1638

At Queen Ashura's order, the monks with noble titles among the imperial guards slowly stepped into the arena.When Yi Tian, ​​who was at the end, stepped forward to test, the spiritual power in his hand was sacrificed and directly divided into six parts and poured into the astrology wheel.

With a 'swish' sound, the astrology wheel came out of his hand and floated in the air, and then a golden light shot out from the center and swept towards Shura's Destiny Chart.Then the jade book slowly rose and opened in front of everyone, revealing the contents inside.

It's just that Yi Tian's name is added at the end of the name of the monks in the second stage of integration stage, and at the same time, it echoes Luo Ziyan in the list of the next stage of distraction stage, all of which are golden words.

As for the other hidden names, they are naturally fallen monks. As for the bright names, none of them can shine as brightly as Yi Tian.

At this time, the names of Prince Wei and Yunlin were a little bleak, obviously because they were injured in the battle of Pingman.

Seeing that everyone present here understood, as for the group of distracted monks headed by Luo Yao, they showed envy on their faces.With such a result, there is no need for them to argue any further, and they also deeply admire the empress in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, the conclusion of this matter has been reached early in the morning, and this time it is just an opportunity to announce it in front of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

After unfolding the entire book of Shura's Destiny, all the monks below could see it clearly, and then Yi Tian reached out and took the jade slip in his hand, and then took the astrology wheel back.

Luo Ziyan, who was sitting on the top seat, said inappropriately: "Since this is the case, do you have any objections?"

Although King Xun has shut up and said no more, some noble monks with good deeds will always jump out.After a sound of footsteps, someone came out of the crowd and said: "Among the people present, there are still many names of adults who have never seen them, and there are unknown adults who may have left their names on the ten-story pagoda of 'Tongtian Road'. What achievements did you have in the battle of peace and barbarism?"

Yi Tian glanced over and found that it was Mi Baiji, the censor, who came out of the queue. At this time, he just pretended not to know him and raised his head to ask questions.

But he should know his true identity clearly. He turned around to look at Luo Ziyan who was seated above. It was obviously arranged by her.Today, I was born out of nowhere like this. Although I have enough cultivation, I will fall to the point where I can overwhelm others with power.Luo Ziyan should have thought about it before making this arrangement, and she didn't need to defend herself, as someone would come forward to explain it.

Only Luo Ziyan said: "Master Yi was my best friend many years ago, and was once sent to the Asura Sect to serve as a priest. As for the Pingman War, there is a record of meritorious deeds, which should be recorded in the Ministry of War. Commander Qiao, as the deputy commander of the Ping Barbarian War, should know best."

After hearing the words, Qiao Yongjun hurriedly stepped forward and gave a slow salute before saying: "That's true. Back then, Fellow Daoist Yi accompanied our Imperial Forest Army to fight and beat Zaifu Hong in the confrontation with the barbarians in Mingjing Lake. The whole army saw this matter. "

"But I don't know what achievements Master Yi has in the subsequent battle against barbarians?" Mi Boji asked immediately.

"Defeat Zaifu Jidi who sneaked into the palace, and kill the real Dilong who came with him," a voice came from the entrance of the hall.Everyone hurriedly turned around and saw that the person who came was actually the clone of Prince Wei, so there was no need to discuss the authenticity of the words coming from his mouth.

Luo Ziyan frowned and said with a gratified smile: "Prince Wei, please take a seat." The maids on both sides hurriedly moved a chair and placed a seat under the left head of the queen.

Prince Wei's avatar came forward and greeted everyone around him, and then sat in the second position directly below the left head.It was self-evident as to who would leave the empty seat in front.

The face of King Xun in front of him changed slightly, and he snorted coldly in his nose, as if he was protesting with Prince Wei.In today's situation, it seems that Luo Ziyan had contacted the other party early in the morning, and what he did just now was useless in their eyes. No wonder Luo Ziyan was so calm and composed.

Now that King Xun's power is gone, and Prince Wei is on the side of the queen again, it is clear how everyone in the court will choose.

The censor Mi Boji below asked again: "I don't know if Mr. Yi left his name on the stone tablet of the ten-storey pagoda of 'Tongtian Road'. It's not because I don't believe in your strength, but it's also necessary to block the mouths of many people."

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the surrounding area showed contemptuous glances. Everyone knew the relationship between Yushi and the Queen, and today's scene was the most critical highlight.But Mi Boji's appearance like this doesn't seem to be making things difficult, but more like rectifying Yi Tian's name. Some things need to be thick-skinned to be competent.

Luo Ziyan pretended not to know and asked: "Come here and find out Master Yi's name on the stone tablet."

Later, a court maid replied: "Reporting to His Majesty, the names below the ninth floor were not found."

"What about the ones above the ninth floor?" Luo Ziyan said confidently, "It's no exaggeration for Mr. Yi's strength to be the No. 1 of our Asura clan for thousands of years. You must not be negligent."

"Report to Your Majesty, Master Yi's name is left on the tenth floor of the stele," and then the lady slowly sent the jade book up.

The people below who didn't know what was going on were all terrified at this moment, and they knew very well what it meant to be able to leave their names on the tenth floor of the stele.As for Hao Ren, Duan Xiaolou and the others were skeptical.They can still believe what happened before, but the ten-story tower is not a joke. Could it be that Yi Tian has completely cracked the secret of the ten-story tower.

Speaking of these things, Yi Tian knew that sooner or later people would learn about them, but if Luo Ziyan used them, it would have an unexpected effect.

Before the Queen could speak, Prince Wei who was sitting on the side did open his mouth and said: "Half a day ago, I saw the change of name on the stone tablet, but the date of successfully breaking through the level marked behind Yi Daoyou's name was actually a hundred years ago. Wei Chen is indeed belatedly aware."

There was some sense of blame in the words, how could Luo Ziyan not know the grievance in his heart, the matter had been dragged on for so long and she kept a low profile for a hundred years, and today she made a high-profile appearance and directly overturned the original power in the court. From now on, the Asura Dynasty will be Luo Ziyan's words.

After thinking for a while, he said with shame on his face: "The emperor's uncle has made great achievements. He has worked hard for the dynasty day and night for 2000 years. This credit is naturally indelible. In the future, even my own government will be inseparable from the emperor's uncle's assistance. At that time, I will also ask the emperor to give me some advice." That's all right." This gave him enough face, and allowed him to have steps to go down, looking up and down in a harmonious manner.

Till now, Yu Shi Mi Boji did not speak out again to make things difficult, instead he cupped his hands and bowed to Yi Tian three times: "I have seen His Royal Highness, please forgive me for offending you just now."

"My lord Mi is selfless and puts the dynasty first in everything, so how could I be offended," Yi Tian said with a smile, then turned around and walked up the steps slowly to take care of each other with the other three.After returning the astrological wheel and Shura's destiny chart to Luo Ziyan, she turned around and walked to the first place on the left and sat down.

At the same time, the aura on his body was unreservedly revealed, and his cultivation base was directly promoted to the fusion stage, which shocked the civil and military forces of the Manchu dynasty below.

(End of this chapter)

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