
Chapter 1639 Court Meeting 8

Chapter 1639

The entire court meeting lasted a little longer than before, but the matter was finally resolved satisfactorily after the meeting.After the meeting, Yi Tian's name was widely spread among the Asura nobles, and those who had met before or knew him well were naturally no problem.

At the same time, at the end of the court meeting, Luo Ziyan took back all the authority on the spot, and the avatar of King Xun indicated that he no longer needed to be distracted in the management of the subsequent court affairs.In the future, he will concentrate on staying at Jiemen and ignore the government affairs of the DPRK and China.

As for Prince Wei, because of his own reasons, he needs to practice in seclusion for a long time, so he will gradually fade out of the political situation of the dynasty.His performance made the original team lose their backbone, and many people tried to persuade them to stay, but Prince Naiwei decided to entrust everything to Qiao Yongjun, the general of Habayashi Zhonglang.

Two of the three fusion monks went, and Hao Ren from the Yunlin faction also felt the pressure.Before, it was because Prince Youwei's family had to rely on Yunlin to fight against Luo Ziyan in Luo Ziyan.

Now that the great enemy is gone, if the two factions have directly confessed to him, the importance of his Yunlin faction will naturally be greatly reduced.Hao Ren was also a little apprehensive. If he had known that Her Majesty had already arranged a back-up move, he shouldn't have jumped out and made such a move.

Fortunately, Luo Ziyan still missed the old love very much, and comforted the people of the three lines, and then re-promoted many nobles of the dynasty to disperse the power of the dynasty to her direct line.

Among them, Mi Baiji, the imperial historian, was promoted the fastest, and he entered the Ministry of Officials in one fell swoop, and he will preside over the promotion and selection of officials in the future.And Luo Ziyan also hopes to use this to consolidate her own position, after all, the three lines are still in power now.If you want to truly control the government, you must cleanse the original officials, but the tactics should not be too tough. When necessary, you can use both grace and power to achieve the best results.

After the Great Court Meeting, Yi Tian followed Luo Ziyan back to the dormitory. In fact, Yi Tian has been living here during this period of time, so it is natural that he is familiar with it.It was not made public before, but now it is a bit awkward after it is announced to the world.

Knowing that Yi Tian is not used to serving maids in the palace, Luo Ziyan screened them away first.When there were only two people left, he put away the serious look on his face, lay down on the bed in a big character, and muttered in his mouth: "You didn't see the aggressive look of King Xun at the beginning, it's almost like I'm going to eat it. In the end, it's still nothing to fetch water from the bamboo basket."

Slowly walking forward, Yi Tian took a look around and then sighed softly: "There are always two sides to everything. Without the support of King Xun, you have to think twice before acting in the court in the future. Only by balancing the interests of all parties can there be long-term peace and stability." .”

Luo Ziyan got up from the bed and sat on the head of the bed and said: "I also know about this, everything is fake without cultivation. It's a pity that Aunt Yun is still in retreat and can't come out to help me."

"In my opinion, Yunlin's retreat may be long-term." Yi Tian waved his hand and said, "She will also get the news about today's court meeting as soon as possible. The best strategy afterwards is to practice in retreat. It's not good for you."

Luo Ziyan awakened the dreamer with a few words, her face darkened and she turned around and said, "That's true, this time Hao Ren was obviously tricked by me, if Aunt Yun comes out, she will naturally have to face them, and then it will be difficult for her to deal with them."

Yi Tian paused before saying: "Now you still have decades of free time, after I leave this world, you still have to win over all parties to maintain the situation."

"Why do you want to leave?" Luo Ziyan was obviously unprepared and said with surprise in her eyes: "Is it not good for me?"

Yi Tian smiled wryly and shook his head, "It's not bad, but I'm not from this world."

"Then you are now the Prince Yi of the Asura Dynasty, and you have such a beautiful wife and beautiful family with me, wouldn't it be great to have power in your hands?" Luo Ziyan blamed, tears seemed to flow from her colleague's eyes.

When Yi Tian saw it, he went forward and wiped it gently for her, and then said: "You should understand my original identity, right?"

"Aren't you a disciple of Taiqing Pavilion, one of the three schools in the spiritual world?" Luo Ziyan said.

"Actually, I'm still a traitor from Lihuo Palace in the spiritual world," Yi Tian pouted and said, "I have something I must do. In the future, I must face my senior brother Ji Xuanyuan with my master."

"Why do you want to deal with the Mahayana monks from Lihuo Palace, and who is your master?" Luo Ziyan asked puzzled.

"It's a long story, my master named Wuye is the same person as the one in Lihuo Palace," Yi Tian explained, "Let me tell you about Xinmi slowly."

Then Yi Tian briefly talked about his relationship with the black robe Wuye Patriarch and his involvement with Lihuo Palace.Hearing this, the shock on Luo Ziyan's face was beyond words, and the surprise in her heart could not be calmed down for a long time.

After Yi Tian finished speaking, Luo Ziyan recollected and sorted out her thoughts before replying: "According to what you said, this battle is inevitable, and the opponent that Patriarch Wuye arranged for you early is the number one in the spirit world. Ji Xuanyuan, a cultivator at the fusion stage, what do you think the odds of winning are?"

"Now there is no chance of winning." Yi Tian shook his head and replied dejectedly: "Brother has entered the integration period of 4000 years, and I have only been talking about it for a year."

"Husband, don't spoil your prestige with others' aspirations. I think there must be a reason for Patriarch Wuye to choose you as his helper." Luo Ziyan didn't think so, her eyes flashed brightly and said, "Didn't you say that?" Patriarch Wuye once said that Ji Xuanyuan has already exhausted her potential, and in this life she will at most stay in the middle stage of fusion, unable to make any progress."

"How do you say that?" Yi Tian asked suspiciously.

"Since Ji Xuanyuan is the number one fusion monk in the spiritual world, and there are guards at the fusion stage to cooperate with him, he is naturally extremely powerful. But the patriarch Wuye is willing to let you take action against him, so he is sure that you must have something. This kind of ability, don't need to think too much, as long as you work hard to improve your cultivation level to Ji Xuanyuan's level, plus the mystic supernatural powers obtained through hard work, and my Asura's secret body skills, it may not be impossible to fight against three with one. Yes," Luo Ziyan analyzed.

"That's true, the only thing I can rely on now is myself," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"Then what are your plans next?" Luo Ziyan asked.

"I'm going to the Demon Realm to find Patriarch Wuye and Mengxin," Yi Tian said in a deep voice, "I can contact him after the master told me to enter the fusion period, and Mengxin also left me a message to wait for the magic power. You can go to the Fire Phoenix Clan in the demon world to find helpers after you have completed your primary school."

"At this time, you can make up your own mind. If you need my help in the future, just send a message to me. I will arrive regardless of the distance," Luo Ziyan said.

 Thank you fellow Taoist gavinshang for your great support

(End of this chapter)

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