
Chapter 1640

Chapter 1640
Luo Ziyan, the current empress of the Asura world, married Prince Yi in the later stage of distraction.Ten days after the marriage, Prince Xun and Prince Wei all returned to the court. So far, no one can influence the queen's will after Luo Ziyan's promises in the court.

Emperor Shi Yunlin was granted the title of minister to help the country, and she was granted the title of prince in charge of assisting the queen in handling government affairs.King Xun is stationed at the boundary gate to guard against foreign enemies, and Prince Wei is in charge of the military department to monitor the movements of the major alien races in Asura's realm.

In the newly promulgated edict, except for Prince Yi, the responsibilities of the other three princes have only been slightly changed. Now the Asura Dynasty has four monks in the integration stage who are under the command and suppress all the monks of different races.

Since the barbarian rebellion a hundred years ago, the people of insight among the nobles have already noticed the disadvantages of the Asura Dynasty. In addition to having strong strength, they also need to change the existing predicament.The biggest shortcoming of the Asura Dynasty lies in its small population, which is less than one-tenth of the Asura world.

So these aristocrats jumped out and wrote to the imperial court requesting that they open their doors to absorb a large amount of spiritual cultivation, and at the same time give the original Asura civilians the opportunity to be promoted so that the overall strength can be effectively improved. After these things are gathered in the imperial court, there will naturally be masters. deal with.

Soon one after another edict was issued from Zhongshu Province and spread to all parts of the Asura world, followed by the rebirth of the dynasty.

In the following decades, the Asura Dynasty has been adhering to a positive development trend, while Yi Tian, ​​who was hiding behind the scenes, took the opportunity to leave quietly.It was inevitable that Luo Ziyan would leave behind a cross-boundary teleportation jade charm and a family letter jade slip when she left sadly.

Afterwards, he made a special visit to find Yunlin and Prince Wei to entrust him for a while before leaving quietly.

Flying above the sky and looking down at the capital of Asura, Yi Tian shook his head helplessly, although Luo Ziyan had repeatedly delayed to stay in the capital.But this is still not a problem. At present, I still have things to do, and I can only find time to return after the matter is resolved.

And Ashura must come back when he is the emperor, and he promised Ao Ling in the Land of Fire to pick him up after entering the Mahayana stage.

After three breaths, Yi Tian turned around and flew directly towards the location of Asura's gate, following the instructions of the map.There is the most troublesome King Xun in this world waiting there. I don't know if the other party will hold a grudge against him because his sudden appearance last time ruined his good deed.

But if you want to leave this world, you must go through the gate of the world, and King Xun must pass that level.Thinking about it in his heart, Yi Tian also shook his head helplessly, after the spiritual power flashed all over his body, he increased his speed and flickered in the air for a few times, as if he was in the sky.

With my current escape speed far exceeding the distraction period, roughly the speed has more than doubled.Having had the experience of racing with those monks in the fusion stage before, Yi Tian weighed in his mind that his escape speed was about the same as that of the monks in the middle stage of fusion. If it was the lightning and fire escape secret technique, it could be accelerated by about [-]% to [-]%.

But at his speed, it took ten days to reach the location of the boundary gate. Looking at the location of the boundary gate from thousands of miles away, at the same time, he stretched out his divine sense and felt a breath in the boundary. Not far from the door.The other party seemed to have discovered him from time to time, and then slowly let go of his aura until it was in the middle of a fusion.

Yi Tian knew in his heart that that person must be King Xun, and he had to pass through King Xun if he wanted to leave the gate.Without further ado, he turned around and flew towards where he was.

After ten breaths, when he came nearby, he saw a [-]-year-old monk standing in the air and waiting for him. Seeing that he looked very similar to Duan Xiaolou, needless to say, he should be the deity of King Xun.

Flying forward slowly, Yi Tian arched his hands and said, "Friend Luo, you're bothering me."

"You Daoist Yi is being polite to me in person," King Xun replied neither humble nor overbearing.

"King Xun is a senior, so he has worked hard to guard the gate for thousands of years," Yi Tian flattered.

"Yi Daoyou is the new prince and he is not in the imperial capital to accompany the queen, but what is he doing here?" King Xun said.

Asking Yi Tian so knowingly, he replied neither humble nor overbearing: "It is true that if you are ordered by the Queen to go to the Demon Realm, this is an order. Please ask King Xun to open the gate of the Realm and let me go to complete the entrustment as soon as possible." After finishing speaking, he reached out and took out the jade Jane sent it across the air.

King Xun naturally disdained such an edict document, but no matter what, Yi Tian finally succeeded Luo Ziyan's name, so he couldn't ignore it.After taking the jade slip and opening it, he scanned it with his spiritual sense, then put it away and said: "Since Daoist Yi has the emperor's life, I naturally have to handle it impartially. Please let me do it."

After listening to Yi Tian, ​​he was stunned. He didn't expect that King Xun would be so easy to talk. He originally expected that it would not go well here.At least King Xun will always make things difficult for him to repay what he plotted against him in the imperial city of the imperial capital.

After the two of them flew near the gate, King Xun stretched out his hand and pointed: "You Daoist Yi, the gate is not far ahead. It was originally connected to the other eight realms. Closed. Now there are only passages leading to the spirit world, the demon world and the Buddha spirit world."

Following the direction of his finger, Yi Tian carefully inspected it. Sure enough, the passage of the gate of the realm is a circle of cracks in time and space that appeared out of thin air. There is a round wheel in the middle that is divided into eight parts to depict the appearance of the other eight realms.After sweeping his gaze, he found that only three places on the circle were shining with spiritual light, while the other five places were locked by a rune.

He secretly wondered in his heart that the person who set up the passages of the world gate was far superior to himself in array formation, and he was able to distinguish the passages of the spirit world so cleverly.Shi Xi's eyes shone with divine light, as if he had grasped something. The patterns engraved on the square boundary wheel were all written in 'golden seal script'.

In the entire Asura Realm, only the first Saint Emperor Luo Qin has such strength, so it can naturally explain why Tong can easily block the passages of the other five realms.The forbidden rune lock is written in standard spirit world writing, and it is afraid that a few monks in the integration stage can join hands to break the ban.

After reading it, Yi Tian opened his mouth and said, "It would be disrespectful for me to do so, thank you His Highness King Xun for your guidance." After finishing speaking, he withdrew and wanted to leave straight away.

However, King Xun, who was standing aside, suddenly said: "Friend Su Wenyi is very powerful. He has already assisted Prince Wei to deal with Zaifu and the ninth-level monster Dilong Zhenren a hundred years ago. Today, I can meet with you." Fellow Daoist confirms."

As soon as this remark came out, Yi Tian was stunned. "It seems that King Xun is still upset. This will be because he is eager to leave and wants to take the opportunity to provoke. It seems that I can't tolerate myself not agreeing at this time."

After thinking for a while, Yi Tiancai replied: "How does King Unknown Xun want to prove it?"

"You and I are both monks at the integration period. If you do it casually, it will naturally affect countless people. Besides, this is not my original intention." King Xun said with a smile: "As long as Daoist Yi shows your Asura deity for me to see , it’s not too much to think about it.”

(End of this chapter)

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