
Chapter 1641

Chapter 1641
Unexpectedly, King Xun would make such a request, Yi Tian was stunned when he heard it, and said that what he was most afraid of was to show Ashura himself in front of others.King Xun is also a person who knows the details, but he doesn't know what he thinks when he sees it.But today, if I don't show the Dharma Body of Asura, I'm afraid it's unreasonable. After all, his request is also reasonable, and even if it is passed on to the imperial court, it will be impeccable.

At that time, even if Luo Ziyan is willing to protect it, it will be difficult to block the mouths of everyone.

Seeing that his face was slightly hesitant, King Xun said solemnly: "I have long heard gossip in the court that Yi Daoyou, as the new prince, has never shown his Dharma body image. Those noble monks are suspicious."

Judging from this posture, I have to pass this test no matter what, "Okay, just as King Xun said, but please keep it a secret for me afterwards. Only a few people have seen my real body now," Yi said. Tian sighed.

After speaking, he slowly backed away and stretched out his hands to quickly form seals on his chest, and then said in his mouth: "Now." He stretched out four hands under his ribs, and two heads poked out on both sides of the back.

At the same time, the same imprints on the foreheads of the three poems appeared for a moment, shining brightly, illuminating the surrounding area for ten miles.After the light faded, Yi Tian's true face was revealed. At this time, King Xun turned his head and worshiped after looking at him for a while: "I don't know that the Holy Emperor's Dharma body has appeared in this world, please forgive me for being negligent."

"King Xun doesn't need to blame himself, and I don't want to expose my identity to the world too early, so I have always acted in a low-key manner," Yi Tian replied.

"It should be like this. I don't know how many people have seen the real body of the Holy Emperor?" King Xun asked.

"In addition to King Xun, there are also Zi Yan and Minister of Rites Mi Baiji," Yi Tian thought for a while.

"Mi Baiji's ancestors were originally the guards who served the first holy emperor. He must have the ancestral mystical powers to detect," King Xun explained, "Then why did the holy emperor go to the demon world in such a hurry? You must know your current strength. Although it is strong, there are many powerful people in the demon world, not to mention that you must not show your Dharma body at will when you are outside, lest someone who wants to know it will be harmful to you."

These words are the words from the heart of King Xun, and Yi Tian also understands it in his heart.But the trip to the demon world has already been planned, so naturally it cannot be changed.After recovering the law, Yi Tiancai said: "King Xun can still call me by my real name. As for going out, I will deal with it carefully. What's more, I also promised the first queen to go to other realms to inquire about the whereabouts of the ancestor Luo Qin. One of the main purposes of my trip."

After hearing this, King Xun sighed and replied: "It seems that there is a destiny in the dark, and some things must be done by you yourself. If that's the case, you can leave at ease. The things in this world are only handled by me."

"Then there will be King Lao Xun," Yi Tian said with a bow.

King Xun hurriedly turned away and did not dare to accept this gift, and then replied: "I wish you a smooth trip, my lord. If you have any needs, you can contact me. I only know a few people who are familiar with the tiger clan in the demon world. If you meet If you are in any trouble, you can use this token to ask them to help you," he said and took out a palm-sized animal bone and handed it over.

Yi Tian scanned with his divine sense and found that the quaint aura remaining on this animal bone can still have the strength of a ninth-level monster. One can imagine how strong this monster was when it was alive.

After putting away the animal bone, Yi Tian thanked King Xun, and then slowly flew up to the front of the gate.His eyes swept over the boundary wheel in the void gate, and he stretched out his hand to sacrifice spiritual power and pour it in according to the pattern on it that marked the demon world.

In an instant, under the attention of the spiritual power, the boundary wheel turned quickly, and the direction that marked the demon world flashed through a strange-colored aura, aiming at the surrounding void gates and flying.

After the spiritual light submerged, the originally chaotic void gate suddenly flickered violently. After ten breaths, the color of the entire gate turned white, and the violent shaking stopped.

Seeing that the space nodes of the two worlds have been opened up, Yi Tian turned his head and cupped his hands at King Xun, saying, "It is inconvenient to stay for a long time due to the burden of mundane affairs today. When we meet again in the future, we must have a long talk with King Xun."

"Holy Emperor, let's go and focus on big things. Don't worry about the affairs of the dynasty, your Majesty, who has capable people," King Xun hurriedly replied.

Slightly nodded to signal Yi Tian, ​​and the body protection all over his body showed great aura, wrapped himself up, and then went straight into the passage of the gate of the world.Compared with the previous few times when I sneaked across the boundary, this time I was serious and crossed the interface passage from the main road, which was naturally much easier than before.

The space wind in the surrounding interface channel is obviously much smaller than before, and after flying in the channel for a short time, his eyes swept to the position of the exit.

In less than an hour, Yi Tian flew out directly from the exit of the interface channel, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and after sweeping away his divine sense, he found himself deep in the mountains.Behind it is a huge boundary gate, and there is also a large boundary wheel in the boundary gate, but the other eight realms corresponding to this boundary wheel do not have any rune locks.

I thought I had already reached my destination, but when I looked around, it seemed that there were no high-level demon cultivators guarding me.There was a feeling of emotion in my heart, I didn't expect that the management of the demon world was so chaotic that no one was guarding such an important gate.

While rejoicing, he suddenly discovered in his spiritual sense that there were two ray of light flying towards the boundary gate thousands of miles away, and his spiritual sense had already locked himself.

It's a pity that the cultivation base of the comer is only like that of an eighth-level mid-level monster, and it is almost like a mid-stage spiritual cultivation.When Yi Tian first came here, he was also unfamiliar with the place, so it would be great to find a familiar person to ask for directions.

Concentrating the breath on his body, suppressing his cultivation base in the early stage of distraction, Yi Tian stopped in the air and waited.

Shaoqing, one yellow and one blue, came and stopped not far in front of him.After the light faded away, two figures of demon cultivators appeared. They seemed to belong to the birds, but they didn't know if they could have a relationship with the Huofeng tribe.

The visitor looked at a demon cultivator with an eagle head and a human body before asking: "Where did you come from, a monk, and why did you come to my demon world?"

"I'm from the Asura Realm. The purpose of this trip is to find Lei Fuhong, a friend of the Thunderbird Clan, in the Demon Realm."

I have already thought about the countermeasures before, if I directly say that I came to Mengxin, I am afraid that the two demons in front of me may not believe it.Fortunately, there was an intersection with the Thunderbirds in the Buddhist and Spiritual World, so it shouldn't be a problem to use it to perfunctory now.

Unexpectedly, the eagle-headed man looked suspiciously at Yi Tianhou carefully and said: "I didn't expect Lei Fuhong to have a lot of friends, this time even friends from the Asura clan were invited to help, do you have a token? "

After taking a three-foot-long thunderbird tail feather and handing it over, the two of them inspected it and nodded to each other, saying: "The Thunderbird family lives in the Thunder Falling Valley, you can go by yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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