
Chapter 1642 Communication

Chapter 1642 Communication

After coming out of the gate of the demon world, Yi Tian didn't rush to Luolei Valley. Instead, he flew tens of thousands of miles away and found a place where no one lived, opened up a cave and began to cultivate in it.

Since I just arrived in the demon world, I still have the aura of the Asura world on my body, and ordinary low-level and middle-level demon cultivators naturally cannot see the clues.But now I have to deal with nine-level monsters, many of them have incredible talents and supernatural powers, so I will naturally find out where I come from from the clues.

In order not to cause any trouble to the Asura Realm, Yi Tian decided to stay in the Asura Realm for a while, and at the same time wash off the alien breath on his body before going out.

In the cave, during this period, Yi Tian also took out the communication jade talisman left to him by the ancestor Wuye, and tried to contact him after activating it.After the magic talisman was activated, it slowly rose up in the air and condensed into a human form, which seemed to be exactly the appearance of Patriarch Wuye.

Afterwards, the phantom of Patriarch Wuye opened his eyes and looked at it, and then said with surprise on his face: "Boy, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. You have reached the fusion stage in less than 2000 years. In comparison, my age is too old." It's all in vain."

Yi Tian respectfully replied: "The disciple is also able to achieve this achievement by chance and coincidence. Earlier, it was all thanks to the patriarch to teach the Dharma to lay a solid foundation, and the subsequent improvement of cultivation base is also due to the constant struggle to survive in adversity. Immediately raise your cultivation base."

Wuye's phantom smiled and said: "I mean you have a lot of chances, and you were able to find the fire domain practice elsewhere to upgrade your cultivation to the fusion stage."

"Now that I have successfully passed the integration period, I don't know if there is still a checkpoint until the Mahayana period?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

"The exercises of Lihuo Palace have been passed down from the upper realm. Although Lihuo Nine Changes is a complete set of exercises, they are only at the entry level," said Patriarch Wuye.

"The Nine Changes of Lihuo is an introductory exercise?" Yi Tian said with a shocked face when he heard this, "Then I don't know what kind of martial arts the Lihuo Palace is passed down from the upper realm?"

"Speaking of which, I don't know," Patriarch Wuye shook his head and replied, "This is also the information I learned from the mouths of the ancestors of the ancestors, and it has been a long time since the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit have not descended, so the affiliation of the sect has always been a mystery .”

It turned out that even Patriarch Wuye couldn't tell the origin of the sect, but Yi Tian was thinking carefully about Ao Ling's recognition of himself as the descendant of the Nanming Lihuo School in the fairy world.After thinking about it, Yi Tian still decided not to tell the information he knew for the time being.

"Now that I don't know where you are, Patriarch, how can I find you?" Yi Tian asked.

"Because I was afraid of being noticed by Baiyi Wuye, I have been hiding somewhere in the demon world. If you want to find me, you'd better wait until your cultivation level has been upgraded to the middle stage of fusion before you act. It would be great if you can upgrade your cultivation level to the late stage. Yes," Wu Ye said.

"I've arrived in the demon world now, and Meng Xin once told me to go to the Fire Phoenix Clan to find him when the time is right," Yi Tian said.

"Since this is the case, it would be great, but at the moment I am in the Nirvana Holy Land of the Fire Phoenix Clan, and I have not been able to get out of the customs for a while," Wu Ye said.

"Then I will travel to this world first and wait until the right time to go to the gathering place of the Huofeng clan to find Mengxin," Yi Tian replied.

"300 years later is the celebration of the Fire Phoenix clan. At that time, the celebration venue in its habitat will be open to all clans in the demon world. Baiyi Wuye also has eyes and ears in this world. You have to avoid his people and try not to attract others' attention ,” Heiyi Wuye said.

Every time he thinks that there is an identical Wuye Patriarch Yi Tian in Lihuo Palace, there will always be an inexplicable sense of fear in his heart.If I have already joined the team, the other party will definitely try to kill me in the cradle.

Therefore, it is better not to stand out if the conditions are not mature.Thinking of this, Yi Tian said with some helplessness on his face: "I don't know what kind of monster race the Patriarch in White will have as his trend, and I ask the Patriarch to explain that I can also try to avoid them as much as possible."

"The Huojiao clan located in the demon world is a big clan like the Huofeng clan, so you have to be careful," Wu Ye said worriedly: "Although the Huojiao clan is small in number, its branches are all over the demon world. Those earth dragons, demon snakes, and spirit pythons are all branches of it."

"Earth Dragon Monster Clan," Yi Tian underestimated and secretly said: "Could it be that the real Earth Dragon is the only one. With his ninth-level monster strength, he is only a branch of the Huo Jiao Clan, so the real Huo Jiao Clan's strength will be so strong. to what extent."

Patriarch Wuye directly ignored Yi Tian's performance and then said: "Originally, when I was in Lihuo Palace in the spiritual world, I had two contracted pets by my side. After being divided into two, Mengxin stayed by my side. The next one is a nine-level fire dragon named 'Red Chain'."

"Thank you Patriarch, I will pay attention to it," Yi Tian replied: "Then I don't know how much the Patriarch has to win against the Patriarch in white?"

"One-on-one, I won't be afraid of him at all, mainly because he still has a lot of helpers," Wu Ye sighed, "Mengxin can help me defeat the 'Red Chain', and the rest are Ji Xuanyuan and Li. Huo Erlao needs you to deal with it."

With one against three, in addition to facing No. 1 in the spirit world integration period, there are also two elders from Lihuo Palace, which sounds like an impossible task.Yi Tian suddenly looked down and said: "Patriarch Rong Bing, senior brother Ji Xuanyuan's cultivation is far above mine, and he is No. 1 under the Mahayana period of the spiritual world of the monk who has been famous for many years. In addition, the second elder Lihuo only I’m afraid I’ll be powerless too.”

"You don't worry too much about this matter. The two elders of Lihuo are only at the initial stage of fusion. They have been stuck in the bottleneck for 5000 years and they are almost exhausted. As for Ji Xuanyuan," said Wu Patriarch Ye's eyes were full of loneliness, he took a breath and said, "It's a great pity that he can't make further progress after refining the Nine Transformations of Lihuo in this life to the seventh level."

"Then I don't know which level the Patriarch has cultivated to in the Nine Transformations of Lihuo?" Yi Tian asked tentatively.

"If I hadn't been recruited back then, I might have been able to break through to the nine-level kungfu and achieve the Dzogchen realm in ten thousand years." Wu Ye sighed and said, "But now it is divided into two people and their strength is weakened. The eighth level."

"Then the patriarch had already refined his skills to the eighth-level peak when he faced the devil prince Qiu Yu?" Yi Tian said.

"You have also learned about those old things from other places." Patriarch Wuye laughed at himself and said, "If I was really in the state you said back then, Qiu Yu would be the master of precepts. But it only refines the exercises to the eighth-level middle-level appearance."

"Then how can I face senior brother Ji Xuanyuan with my current state of cultivating the sixth level of Lihuo Nine Transformations?" Yi Tian said with a downcast expression.

"The peak of the sixth floor should not be. I think you have passed the seventh floor, but you just haven't noticed it," Wu Ye said with a smile: "I am optimistic about you not only because of your aptitude, but because of your indomitable Dao heart and chance." I believe that in time, when you break through the eighth level of Lihuo Nine Transformations Refining during the Fusion Stage, you will be able to deal with Ji Xuanyuan and Lihuo's two elders teaming up."

(End of this chapter)

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