
Chapter 1648

Chapter 1648
Accompanied by the five fox girls, they flew towards the territory where the Tianpeng clan was located, and soon even their divine senses were able to detect the pursuers behind them.The Gaidi Tiger followed closely afterward, and the Gale Wolf King, the City Lord of the Cardinal Sparrow, even relied on his extraordinary speed of escape to block the path that the seven of them had to pass by by detouring first.

Not long after, under the pincer attack of both sides, two lights and shadows mixed with a large amount of monster energy could be seen flying from two directions from a distance, and they surrounded them one after the other within half a moment.

The wolf demon in front hurriedly flew forward, let out a few wolf howls, and then shouted: "Why did Fairy Jiang leave in such a hurry, the old wolf has not yet fulfilled the friendship of the landlord, it seems inappropriate to leave without saying goodbye."

Faced with the wolf demon king's questioning, Jiang Liuli also showed a wry smile, and after ordering four of his subordinates to sit in a circle for defense, he said coquettishly, "Thank you wolf king for your hospitality, it's getting late today and I'm in a hurry to go back to the sect , let’s wait for another day to make up for the disrespect.”

At this time, the Gedihu behind him had also arrived, and he stabilized his figure in the air not far behind the seven of them, and after looking at it for a while, he called out: "Fairy Jiang didn't come to the appointment but deliberately avoided it, is she looking down on me, a rough mountain?" people."

Even though Jiang Liuli was extremely unwilling at the moment, she forced a smile on her face and said, "I have absolutely no intention of doing so. It's just that Mr. Tiger King has so much to do every day, so he has no time to do so. I don't want to bother Mr. Wang, so I will leave first."

"No trouble, no trouble. I guard a treasure hole all day long and no one will see it. If Fairy Jiang doesn't mind the shabby house, please move to Kuangfeng Ridge. I am honored by Lao Gai." Liuli's wish was directly added.

After entering Kuangfeng Ridge, it will be difficult to figure it out. Jiang Liuli naturally knows the way.In a blink of an eye, Yi Tian, ​​who was standing beside him, didn't seem to have any intention of making a move. Under the anger in his heart, he didn't dare to speak out to offend anyone at the moment.

On the contrary, Xiong Erbao flew up to look at the Gedihu in front of him, only to see that he was a tall and thick man, and his whole face still hadn't turned into a human shape.A three-foot-long tiger tail is wrapped around his waist behind him. Although the limbs are separated, the huge tiger claws still haven't completely degenerated into human hands.

As for the wolf king behind him, it is much better. Almost no wolf features can be found on his body, only a pair of ears still retains the original features.

Slowly flying forward, Xiong Erbao shouted, "Isn't it a little too much for you to use force if you don't want to go with you, kid?"

The breath-suppressing cloak on his body naturally covered up the demonic aura, coupled with the fact that he deliberately restrained himself and wanted to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, he naturally did not reveal his true strength.

But Gaidihu was not a good opponent either, and after exchanging winks with Galewind Wolf King, he bowed his hands and asked, "I don't know which path you are on. I have never seen a person like you in the iron-eating beast clan."

"I want to get to the bottom of me, but unfortunately you are not qualified enough. If you know how to get out of the way, it will be considered as an exposure," Xiong Erbao said arrogantly.

"Fellow Daoist, this is the way to go, and it seems that I can't let me not take it." Ge Dihu snorted coldly and grinned: "I was entrusted by Master Dilong to invite Fairy Jiang to come over to talk about it. The two of you Don't toast, don't eat and eat fine wine."

Hearing the name of Master Dilong, Jiang Liuli and the other five shuddered. They were very familiar with this name, but when they saw that the two people around them were unmoved, they suddenly became suspicious.

It was Xiong Erbao who turned his head around and asked, "Who is Master Dilong, I don't know which green onion it is."

Behind him, the wolf king turned serious and shouted: "How dare you despise the demon saint, how dare you two dare to be so presumptuous in the territory of the Huojiao clan. If you can't punish us with small punishments, how can we gain a foothold here in the future?"

After speaking, the wolf's mane on his body stood on end, thinking that he wanted to take the opportunity to make a move. As for the cover tiger in front of him, he also lost his patience. After his black evil spirit leaked out, his hands stretched out and turned into tiger claws, and he rushed forward to make a move.

When Xiong Erbao saw it, his face was light and cloudy, and he stretched out his hand lightly to uncover the breath-holding cloak on his back, and a soaring monster aura suddenly burst out, shocking the five fox girls not far behind him.How could the eighth-level demon king have such aura, Jiang Liuli's special status was naturally used to seeing nine-level monsters.In front of him, Xiong Erbao's strength has obviously reached that level, and his strength is not weak. Although he is at the beginning of the ninth level, the strength of his monster aura is not weaker than those long-established monster saints.

Being good at observing words and expressions, she naturally turned her gaze to Yi Tian, ​​and when she turned her head, she saw that the spiritual pressure fluctuations on Yi Tian's body at this time were only as strong as those in the Nascent Soul stage.But under the shroud of Xiong Erbao's demonic gale, he looked extremely relaxed, so the real strength can be imagined.

At this point, Jiang Liuli had a look of joy on her face and hurriedly said: "The junior has eyes but does not know Mount Tai, so I am grateful for the protection of the senior."

Yi Tian heard the words and knew that she was speaking from the bottom of her heart and at the same time softened to herself, with a slight smile on her face and stretched out her hand towards the place where no one was.Immediately, a cyan halo protected them, no matter how fierce the wind on Xiong Erbao's body was, they couldn't do anything about it.

The Geditiger and Gale Wolf King in front of them didn't know they had kicked the iron plate at this time, and the iron-eating beast in front of them was an out-and-out level nine monster.Under the cover of the opponent's evil spirit, they were so shaken that their feet went weak and they forgot how to escape.

Suddenly, the wolf king behind him turned his head and rushed to the side. He was just here to fight Qiufeng, so this matter had nothing to do with him.In his mouth, he shouted: "Senior Mingjian, I have nothing to do with this matter. I didn't see anything and I didn't hear anything today."

"It's late, I don't even know where you spend so much time when you're nagging," Xiong Erbao left an afterimage on the spot before turning into a black and white light, and stopped in front of Galewind Wolf King in an instant .Both hands slapped the wolf king's chest fiercely, with a 'bang', the wolf king's figure fell from the air like a cannonball and landed on the mountain below, leveling half of the mountain.

The figure of Xiong Erbao disappeared from the sky again, and the next moment he was standing behind Gale Wolf, smashing his head into pieces with a single strike.Then dragged the old wolf's body and flew back to its original position in a teleport.

The wolf king was already eliminated in just a split second with his back and forth shots, which naturally frightened the covert tiger who was on the other side and ran away in a hurry.

"Don't let people slip away after you make a move, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble," Yi Tian said softly, his lazy attitude made Jiang Liuli's eyes froze.

At the same time, Xiong Erbao left a sentence saying: "Don't worry about my work," before he could finish his words, his figure was gone.

Yi Tian shook his head and stretched out his hand to release all five fox girls, saying: "Let's just wait for a while, Erbao should be back soon."

The fox girls in front of them, including Jiang Liuli, have never seen such a powerful demon cultivator before, and now their attitudes have changed 180 degrees, and they rushed forward to say goodbye to Yi Tian one by one, Jiang Liuli also said: "Since it is senior If that’s the case, there must be no problem, I’ll stop here and wait for Senior Xiong.”

(End of this chapter)

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