
1649 Escort

1649 Escort

After staying in the air for a short while, a gray whirlwind flew straight towards the direction of the six people in the distance.The whirlwind suddenly stopped three feet away, and after the light faded, Xiong Erbao's figure appeared, holding the corpse of a white-fronted tiger that had been dead for a long time in his left hand.

The forehead of the tiger corpse has been smashed and a large piece of bloody flesh has sunk in. It was originally the place where the Gedihu's demon baby hid.It seems that Xiong Erbao was also ruthless and directly punched the demon baby, but the corpse of this eighth-level demon king was full of treasures, and it could not be better to use it to refine spiritual weapons.

Reaching out and handing over the whole tiger carcass, Xiong Erbao said, "You can use this thing. I'm already full after eating a big meal in Cardinal City, so I can't eat any more for now."

Taking the tiger carcass, Yi Tian glanced over it and looked it over. The whole tiger skin was well preserved, as well as the tiger tail and tiger claws, all of which were high-quality materials used to refine spiritual weapons.A tiger bone can be used for medicine and alchemy. As for the last shaved tiger meat, it will be another feast of tiger meat to be cooked by a knowledgeable chef.

After finding a storage bag to put away the tiger carcass, Yi Tian showed a slight smile on his face and said: "You should put on the breath-suppressing cloak, although you are not weak, there are still many powerful demons in the demon world." There are even some prehistoric monsters and monsters left in the holy existence, so don't be too conceited."

Xiong Erbao said angrily: "Understood, although my clan is powerful in this world, I also know that the Huofeng and Huojiao clans are powerful, so naturally I won't provoke them unless necessary."

"What kind of power is Jiuxian Mountain?" Yi Tian asked suddenly. After Jiang Liuli mentioned Shimen before, he always thought it might be the Holy Land of Qingqiu Fox Clan, but after a while, it seemed that it was not as imagined.

After circling his head, Xiong Erbao replied in a deep voice: "Nine Immortals Mountain enshrines the statue of the demon god of this world. It was originally the place where the nine apprentices accepted by the demon god gathered in this world to cultivate, but now I don't know what's going on. After all, I It has been thousands of years since I left this world."

"Okay, this way I can guess the identities of those fox girls," Yi Tian replied with a serious expression.I didn't expect that Jiang Liuli was not very powerful but had a great background, no wonder he was targeted by Galewind Wolf King and Gedihu.

But if Jiuxian Mountain is really the Taoism left by the demon gods in the Mahayana period in this world as Xiong Erbao said, those demon saints of all races will definitely break their scalps to curry favor, but now the disciples of Jiuxian Mountain are blocked by eighth-level monsters when they are walking outside. Big problem.

Turning around and looking at the fox girls on the side, Yi Tian guessed that they had a lot of things to say that were not true.After thinking about it, he slowly flew forward and glanced at Jiang Liuli before saying: "Now that the chasing soldiers are gone, I think you will not encounter any troubles anymore."

"Thank you senior for your help, I beg you to forgive me for being rude just now," Jiang Liuli replied respectfully at this time.Just now, Xiong Erbao left the two eighth-level monsters behind as soon as he made a move, and without any hesitation in his gestures, he couldn't help but frightened them, the fox monsters.

At this time, Jiang Liuli was also very entangled in her heart. Although she got rid of the entanglement of Gedihu and Galewind Wolf King, these two in front of her were even more powerful masters.If you offend the ninth-level demon saints, I'm afraid their lives will be in danger. Even if Jiuxianshan finds out about it, they may not be able to embarrass the two high-level monks for them.

"Who did you learn from? Since the Nine Immortals Mountain is the legacy of the Mahayana monster clan, it is natural to state the lineage of the master, so that if we meet in the future, it is easy to talk," Yi Tian said in a persuasive way.Now I still want to find out the details of the other party, and she was vague and unreasonable before.

About the specific situation of Jiuxian Mountain, I still got a rough idea from Xiong Erbao, so Yi Tian still confirmed it with her.

"My master is the first loveless person in the Qingxia Hall of Jiuxian Mountain. I am the eldest disciple who sits down," Jiang Liuli said after explaining the master's inheritance, and carefully looked at the two people in front of her. A little disappointed appeared on her face after a while.

Obviously Yi Tian and Xiong Erbao are both outsiders who don't know anything about the situation in Jiuxian Mountain, otherwise they wouldn't have such indifferent expressions.

After three breaths, the corner of Yi Tian's mouth twitched slightly: "In the future, if you have a chance, please say hello to Wulian Zhenren, that is, Xiong Erbao, the spiritual cultivator of Yi Tianxie, greeted her. If there is a chance to get together, it is also beautiful to sit and talk about Taoism." One thing."

Obviously Yi Tian also wants to form a good relationship, not to make enemies everywhere in the demon world.Xiong Erbao who was on the side slowly flew forward and said: "Speaking of which, I never had the chance to go to Jiuxian Mountain. In the future, if I have the opportunity, I will go to see what this well-known paradise in the demon world looks like."

"Thank you two seniors for your kindness, Liuli once again thanked my teacher first, and I will report the truth when I return to the sect," Jiang Liuli replied with a smile.

Yi Tian waved his hand and continued: "Okay, there is a lot of time delay, let's set off quickly and send you to the Tianpeng Clan's territory."

Everyone had no objection, then Yi Tian cast a magic spell in his sleeves and took the five fox girls to the predetermined destination, followed by Xiong Erbao.Just because he is not good at flying, even Yi Tian and five fox girls have to accommodate his flying speed, but even this is several times faster than Jiang Liuli and the others flying in the air.

Half a day later, when he entered the territory of the Tianpeng tribe, Yi Tian found a border post and settled down, and then directly entrusted Jiang Liuli and others to the Tianpeng tribe.

But before he was about to leave, he suddenly found someone flying towards this place in his divine sense, and his speed was no less than that of Xiong Erbao.

The slight change in complexion was naturally noticed by the fox girls. Jiang Liuli realized that the incident had changed and hurried forward and asked, "I don't know what the senior found, can you tell the truth."

"A chasing soldier came, and his strength is not weak," Xiong Erbao said carelessly from the side.

"It's because you didn't clean it up after you took the shot. I'm afraid that the eye-catching white-fronted tiger has a tracking blood contract on it. In the future, you still have to think carefully about what happens," Yi Tian said helplessly.

After speaking, he took out the tiger corpse, swept it quickly with his divine sense, then stretched out his hand and pointed at the end of the tiger's tail, and directly defeated a red aura.

Xiong Erbao shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently: "Are you afraid that some soldiers will come and cover the water and earth?"

"This person is stronger than you, and his escape speed is faster than you. I'll see how you block and cover," Yi Tian said coldly.

"Isn't there still you? At worst, I don't believe that the two of us will be able to deal with our opponents together," Xiong Erbao said with an expression of disbelief.

Yi Tian shook his head helplessly and said: "Stupid, everything depends on fighting and you will suffer sooner or later. No matter if you cause trouble, I will finish it. You will wait here for a while and I will meet someone."

 Thank you fellow Taoist, my family has Ergou for your support and suggestions, and I will update it in the morning from tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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