
Chapter 1650 Trial move

Chapter 1650 Trial move
At the border post of the Tianpeng Clan, Yi Tian brought a group of fox girls here and finally fulfilled Jiang Liuli's entrustment.It's just that he then noticed that there is a way in the distance, it's better to be with his own breath, flying towards here and rushing towards here.

After thinking about it carefully, it was because Xiong Erbao didn't clean up after his shot before, so he was locked.At this time, I also felt quite helpless. Since I came to this world, I have been adhering to the principle of keeping a low profile.

After being made such a fuss today, I'm afraid that he will soon become famous in the demon world. After all the people are arranged, Yi Tian slowly flies to the high altitude of the outpost, stabilizes his body and releases his aura.

After ten breaths, the menacing escaping light has obviously changed, it is no longer as indomitable as before, but slows down and flies slowly.The black light came to a stop not far in front of him, and after the black cloud dissipated, a demon cultivator with a body and a snake head appeared.Seeing that his strength has reached the level of the ninth intermediate level, he is almost comparable to a mid-stage monk of spiritual cultivation.

He looked at Yi Tianhou in front of him before slowly opening his mouth and said: "Your Excellency doesn't seem like I know any spiritual cultivators well. I don't know why you killed the Tiger Pioneer of my Thunder Python clan when you first arrived?"

"Dare to call you a fellow Taoist, I'm going to practice Yi Tian politely," Yi Tian didn't want to come up and tear his face, and he didn't need to do anything that could be solved with his mouth.

"This is true Hun Yun of the Thunder Python Clan," the snake headed man replied.

"It turned out to be Daoist Hunyun, I think there was some misunderstanding before," Yi Tian said separately.

"What kind of misunderstanding, you killed everyone, no matter what, it's your fault," Daoist Hun Yun shouted.

Yi Tian replied with a slight smile on his face: "Then what happened to Gaidihu? Don't Master Hunyun not know? If the Thunder Mang Clan really wants to have something to do with Jiuxian Mountain, they should use some normal means. Such a captive disciple It's not a wise move."

"Boy, you want to renege on your debt. If you hand over the fox girl and pay for the loss, I might let you go, otherwise," the real Hun Yun opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue to make a 'hissing' sound, and then there was a faint sound behind him. There is an arc building up.

Shaking his head, Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "Before, I respect you, you just didn't want to make things worse so that you couldn't deal with it, but fellow Daoists forced you so hard that I couldn't retreat. Maybe I can only get along with you." Fellow Daoists have asked for some advice."

"That's what you said, I want to see how strong your spiritual cultivation is," said Master Hunyun, twisting his body and diving into the cloud, and then his real body appeared, with two lines Long thunder python.There are also two long horns growing on the forehead. It seems that it won't take long to shed the scales of the snake and turn into a thunder dragon.

I haven't fought against monks of the same level since I entered the advanced integration stage, so today is an excellent opportunity to test my strength.

But in order to hide his identity, Yi Tian still couldn't easily use the supernatural powers and mysteries of leaving the fire palace.He stretched out his hand and took out the Taiyuan wooden sword and sacrificed it in his hand. Now the strongest attack method outside the Lihuo Nine Changes is the Lingyao Huaqian of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, but he doesn't know how much more powerful this move is now.

After sacrificing the Taiyuan wooden sword in his hand, he said silently: "One life is two, two becomes four, and four is ten thousand." The Taiyuan wooden sword turned into countless filaments and flew in the direction of Yi Tian's finger in an instant.

The real Hun Yun in front of him saw it clearly, opened his mouth and spit out a thunder ball, and hit Yi Tian.In the night sky, the electric light wrapped the thunderball and made a roaring sound in the air, and at the same time, it shone like daylight on the ground. You can see this scene for thousands of miles, as if it suddenly entered daylight.

After three breaths, the white thunderball seemed to be frozen in the air, and a layer of cyan light appeared on it.Immediately, under the flash of lightning, the white thunderball was instantly dismembered into arcs and scattered in all directions.

Those white arcs fell on the ground and burst into large pits about ten feet deep, and the area around the Tianpeng Clan sentry post was immediately battered into a thousand holes.

Yi Tian saw that under the blow, he still had some leeway, stretched out his finger and hit the rest of the sword thread on Master Hunyun.There was a loud 'Zla' ​​sound, and the sword wires were all blocked by the snake scales after passing through the thunder python's skin.

After looking at it for a while, Yi Tian felt relieved, as if he still had the upper hand with one move, he stretched out his hand and recalled the Taiyuan Sword into his hand again.After the demon clouds in front of him converged again, Daoist Hunyun reappeared in human form, with a few damages on his body, needless to say, the one move just now had already decided the winner.

Before he could open his mouth, Yi Tian frowned slightly and found that there were several extremely strong demonic auras rushing towards here behind the Tianpeng clan's territory.The strength of the incoming people should be almost eighth-level monsters, and there is no doubt that these people should be monks of the Tianpeng clan.

In a blink of an eye, the real Hun Yun on the opposite side also noticed the situation, his face changed a few times and he said immediately: "I didn't expect the patrol team of the Tianpeng clan to come so fast, I'll take it as your luck, kid." Don’t let it fall into my hands from now on.”

"It's not afraid to flash your tongue when the wind is strong, fellow daoist, it's better not to see you off," Yi Tian replied disdainfully.

After the dark clouds in the sky rolled again, Master Hun Yun hurriedly drove the thunder cloud towards the rear without any hesitation.At the same time, Yi Tian also slowly fell down to Yuntou, but he couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart. It seems that he can only wait for the Tianpeng tribe to come and ask in detail.

I saw Jiang Liuli flying out of the sentry post below, arching his hands in the air and saluting: "Senior is really powerful and worthy of being called a master of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect in the spiritual world."

I didn't expect her to recognize me as soon as I made a move, and Yi Tian was also stunned. It seems that the foundation of Jiuxian Mountain is not bad, and it can know all kinds of spirit world. It seems that I should be very careful in the future to avoid revealing my identity and causing death. .Fortunately, Jiang Liuli mistook herself for a member of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, so she was right and wrong. After thinking about it, Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "I heard what happened today, I hope you don't make too much noise."

Jiang Liuli naturally knew the meaning of these words and knew that these fusion monks would have unique hobbies, so she hurriedly nodded and replied via voice transmission: "Don't worry, senior, I won't reveal your identity."

"Let's go down and talk about it," Yi Tian said sullenly.

Half a moment later, five auras flew from the sky, and their speed was almost comparable to that of a distracted peak monk.After a short while, five figures descended from the light and appeared outside the outpost of the Tianpeng Clan.

Jiang Liuli seemed to be the leader of the people, and stepped forward to take out the token in her hand to verify her authenticity, and then briefly explained what happened to them and their party.

After a while, the person who took the lead stepped forward to salute Yi Tian and Xiong Erbao, and then said: "I don't know that the two seniors are here, thank you for your generous help this time, and I will greet the patriarch Xiayao Yu." gone."

"It's easy to say," Yi Tian said casually, and suddenly his eyes flashed and he realized that there was a demon cultivator of the Tianpeng tribe wearing armor and wearing a mask, and his spiritual power fluctuated slightly, like a very familiar person, just for a while Can't remember where I saw it.

(End of this chapter)

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