
Chapter 1651 Old Acquaintance

Chapter 1651 Old Acquaintance
A team of patrolling troops in the Tianpeng Clan outpost rushed to frighten the ninth-level demon beast Hun Yun and retreated. Ke Yitian later checked that the five demon cultivators in front of him were all around the eighth-level leader. Only the eighth intermediate level.

It's a bit strange that such a formation can make the ninth-level demon saint run away upon hearing the news.Fortunately, Jiang Liuli seemed to be familiar with Yao Yu who took the lead, and after showing the token, he explained the ins and outs of the future.

The patrol captain, Yao Yu, stepped forward and said respectfully: "This time, I really thank you senior. I don't know the name of senior Gao, please explain that after the incident, my Tianpeng clan will definitely thank you."

"There is no need to thank me for this. I am also entrusted by others to be loyal. Since Fellow Daoist Jiang is safe, I am relieved," Yi Tian replied lightly.

Unexpectedly, Xiong Erbao, who was on the side, came up and said, "His name is Yi Tian, ​​and he is a spiritual practitioner. My name is Xiong Erbao, and I belong to the Iron-eating Beast Clan. I heard that the Tianpeng Clan and Jiuxian Mountain have a good relationship. This time we will help you. Be stingy."

Yao Yu said with a slight smile on his face: "Senior Erbao, don't worry, my patriarch Yao Feili will personally thank you for this matter." After speaking, he took out a message jade slip and held it in his hand, and activated it after injecting demonic power I sent it out.

I didn't expect Xiong Erbao, this idiot, to tell his old background so easily, Yi Tian could only shake his head helplessly. He has lived for more than ten thousand years, but he didn't expect that Xinsi City Mansion could not match him. Captured by monks.

Putting this matter aside, Yi Tian noticed that when Xiong Erbao blurted out his name just now, the spirit pressure of the member of the Tianpeng patrol team flashed violently.Although it is fleeting, his cultivation is naturally captured in an instant, so there must be something wrong with this monster's performance.

It's just that the members of these patrols are all wearing armor and helmets, and their spiritual thoughts are all bounced back when they are swept up, so I can't find out for a while.

Later, Yao Yu took out a ship-shaped mold, activated it in his hand, and turned it into a thirty-foot-long transport warship.Afterwards, everyone was invited to board the boat one by one, and then he personally took the helm and flew towards the hinterland of the Tianpeng clan.

After boarding the ship, Yao Yu's four team members came one by one to lead everyone to the cabin for a rest, and the Tianpeng clan who came to receive him stepped forward and said: "Please follow me to the cabin to rest. "

Yi Tian followed after hearing the sound familiar, but Xiong Erbao behind him also followed and said: "Let's go, let's go, I'll go with you."

That day when the Peng Clan demon cultivator saw it, his figure was slightly startled and he returned to normal, then he led the way as if nothing had happened.After a while, when the two entered the cabin and settled down, Yi Tian looked at the other party and then said through a voice transmission: "Dongao land boundary, the three sects are united, the four demons are attached, breaking the boundary and ascending."

In just one sentence, he summed up his situation in the lower realm, but unexpectedly, the other party replied simply through voice transmission: "The suzerain is a talented person, and the old man sighs that he is not as good."

As soon as his eyes light up, he can think of his real identity, but it seems that this is not the time to talk.Yi Tian made a slight hint, then pretended to be nonchalant and found a seat in the cabin to sit down.

Xiong Erbao followed closely behind and found a seat in front of him. After the person left, he opened a sound-proof barrier, and then whispered in his mouth and asked through voice transmission: "Are you familiar with this person? It seems that he must know you. "

"It's a friend of mine in the lower realm. I didn't expect to meet again. It's really fate," Yi Tian said with a smile on his face in a good mood.

"I didn't expect you to be an Ascension Cultivator, no wonder you are so powerful," Xiong Erbao said: "You must know that when you fought that Thunder Python just now, I thought you would not be his opponent at first."

"But what about the result?" Yi Tian asked back: "Did the tie break beyond your expectations?"

"You just like to be clumsy. In terms of strength, Thunder Python is at the middle level of the ninth level, which is almost the middle stage of spiritual cultivation. If you can draw with him, it is naturally a victory. In addition, you will have the upper hand as soon as you make a move, which is enough. It proves that your strength is extraordinary." Xiong Erbao said disdainfully: "Don't think that I have the same vision as those fox girls, I can see clearly the situation above you. To be honest, the thunder python is definitely not yours. opponent."

Yi Tian shook his head slightly and replied: "Don't underestimate your opponent too much, monsters who have cultivated to the ninth level will always have some special supernatural powers. Like you, there must be some unique skills or bottom-of-the-box skills. If I really fight with that thunder python, I'm afraid that area won't exist at this moment."

"In your opinion, why did Lei Mang retreat directly this time? Just relying on the determination of the demon cultivators of the patrol team of the Tianpeng clan can't deter him," Xiong Erbao analyzed.

"At this time, I also find it very strange, but I guess it is mostly related to the identity of Jiang Liuli in Jiuxian Mountain. In addition, the relationship between Tianpeng Clan and Lei Mang Clan is relatively stable now. I guess Master Hunyun doesn't want to challenge him directly. There is a war between the two clans, so let’s give in this time,” Yi Tian thought for a while.

"I hope it's as you said, so where are you going next? I don't think you will wander around when you come to the demon world," Xiong Erbao said.

After looking at the other party, Yi Tian smiled helplessly: "First of all, I will send you back to the Iron Eater's territory. This is also my promise to you back then. Send you home."

"Actually, I've been away there for ten thousand years, and I don't know how many friends I know are still there," Xiong Erbao said with a sad face.

Every time he mentions his hometown, he always behaves like this, which makes him a little affected.After thinking about it for a while, he said: "Speaking of which, I have been away from home for a long time, so I will be a little sad when I don't see my fellow countrymen. Don't mention these sad things, let's talk about the Jiuxian Mountain you know. Interesting, I don't know how strong her master Wulian Zhenren is, why both the Thunder Mang Clan and the Tianpeng Clan give face like this."

Xiong Erbao thought for a while before replying: "The strength of Jiuxian Mountain is not weak, and it has obtained the Taoism of the demon god, but I have never heard of the name of this Wulian Daoist. Jiuxian Mountain, this big monster should be the direct descendant of the demon god."

"So that's how it is," Yi Tian kept these words in his mind. Although what Xiong Erbao said would be different from Jiang Liuli for a while, but after thinking about it carefully, since there is a Taoist system in Jiuxian Mountain, it must be passed down from generation to generation. The red-bearded spirit ape There must be a connection with Wulian Zhenren.

Looking back at today's events, the Tianpeng clansman just now should be the Wanying King who ascended one step earlier than himself in the lower realm.It's just that I don't know that he will suddenly become a monk of the Tianpeng clan, but it's not surprising to think about it, since he is originally a bird clan and will definitely look for his fellow clan when he comes to the upper realm.

Today, when I saw myself, I found that the cultivation bases of the two had been inverted. I'm afraid I didn't expect it for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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