
Chapter 1652 Meeting

Chapter 1652 Meeting
Following Yao Yu and others of the Tianpeng tribe, they went directly into the hinterland of the Tianpeng tribe in a transport ship. The transport ship flew for several days before stopping.

After disembarking from the boat, some members of his own clan received everyone and entered the ancestral hall of the Tianpeng clan together. Under the leadership of Yao Yu and others, Jiang Liuli and his group of five fox girls went elsewhere early.

Yi Tian and Xiong Erbao were led directly to the gate of the ancestral hall, and then Yao Yu turned around and said respectfully: "Two seniors, please come in. The great elder of the humble clan has been waiting for a long time."

"It's because I'm waiting for the elders of the Tianpeng tribe to wait for a long time. Thank you, little friend Yaoyu, for reminding me to wait here." It was Xiong Erbao who spoke, but at this time he was talking well and his words were just right. It was as carefree as before.

Yi Tian also reminded him when he came along this way, he didn't argue and spoke more, it's better to let him come forward in everything.If they really encountered a problem, it would be better for the two of them to discuss it through voice transmission in private.

When Yi Tian was about to step into the main hall, he heard a sound transmission voice in his ears: "I will see you in the warehouse of the Tianpeng Clan Patrol Station in half a day."

There was no expression on his knowing face, but he just nodded slightly, presumably his actions should be seen in his eyes.

The two walked into the main hall and saw that the lights inside were dim. Following the light, they saw an old man in his sixties sitting in the deep part of the hall.There was only one oil lamp burning in front of him, and the halo on that lamp could only cover a space of one zhang around.

Xiong Erbao stepped forward first and said to the old man who was sitting on the ground: "Xiong Erbao from the iron-eating beast clan, Xiong Erbao's friend from the human clan, Yi Tian, ​​is meeting the great elder of the Tianpeng clan."

"The two of you who came from afar are guests and you don't need to be polite. Please take your seat. Xia Lingkun of the Tianpeng clan is very polite this time."

Afterwards, the two found an empty seat in front of Xia Lingkun and sat down. Yi Tian glanced over and found that the characteristics of the monster clan on this great elder had almost disappeared.The demonic aura around him was subtly restrained, and at first glance, it looked like a spiritual cultivator of the human race.

Being able to cultivate to such a level shows that Xia Lingkun's strength is at least at the ninth level or even at the peak.In comparison, this strength is three points stronger than the Qilinzi I met when I was in the spirit world.

It seems that only his senior brother Ji Xuanyuan in Lihuo Palace in the spiritual world can stabilize him.

"This time, I would like to thank the two fellow Taoists for their righteous actions, so that nephew Jiang Xian will not be trapped in the territory of the Thunder Python clan," Xia Lingkun thanked first.

"Fellow Daoist Xia, it's strange. This time we also ran into nephew Jiang Xian by mistake. And she promised to ask me for two drops of 'Biyuan Water'. It can only be regarded as a deal. Right," Xiong Erbao said with a look of shame on his face.

"It's okay, nephew Jiang Xian is a high-ranking disciple of Jiuxian Mountain, so he will naturally be watched by the Thunder Python. I am Xie Er, who drove away the Thunder Python and saved Jiang Xian and his party and my Tianpeng tribe," Xia Lingkun After that, he turned around and looked at Yi Tian.

Then he asked, "Where are the two fellow daoists going next?" The words were directed at Xiong Erbao, but his eyes were completely locked on Yi Tian. I'm afraid he would have realized which of the two in front of him was the right one. The real talker.

Without waiting for Xiong Erbao to open his mouth, Yi Tian gently waved his hand and said, "I still have important matters to go back to the Iron-eating Beast Clan. If Fellow Daoist Xia has nothing else to do, I would like to leave as soon as possible."

A few words blocked what he wanted to say next, and Yi Tian faintly felt that something was wrong.Since entering the main hall, Xia Lingkun's gaze has never left her body, could it be that there is something about her that he has his eye on.

"Fellow Daoist Yi misunderstood. I just think that you have an aura that is very close to the Huofeng clan. I think fellow Daoist has a lot of foreknowledge," Xia Lingkun explained.

He was stunned and didn't expect the other party's insight to be so strong, and he did have the purple flame wind and thunder fan refined by the tail feathers left by Mengxin back then.This treasure was brought into the Niwan Palace by myself and raised for hundreds of years, but I didn't expect to be able to see the details at a glance.

At this point, Yi Tian knew that no matter how he could distinguish it, it would be useless. The other party must have the supernatural powers of the Tianpeng clan to find out.Then he admitted generously: "I do have some connections with the Huofeng clan, but what is Daoist Xia thinking about?"

Anyway, if it is inevitable, it is better to take advantage of the situation and ask back to see what the other party's plans are, and at the same time, make countermeasures yourself.

Xia Lingkun really smiled and said: "It's not a serious problem at first, but it coincides with the great beast tide in the demon world for thousands of years, so I also want to make a good relationship so that we can take care of each other at that time."

"Has the latest big beast swarm started?" Xiong Erbao who was sitting on the side asked puzzledly.

"Seeing that fellow Daoist Xiong is not young, he probably hasn't experienced a big beast tide, otherwise he wouldn't be like this," Xia Lingkun laughed.

Yi Tian immediately understood that although Xiong Erbao was more than 5000 years old, he was locked up in the abyss of the Demon Realm most of the time. Naturally, he didn't know about this big beast tide, or he had never really experienced it.Xia Lingkun also saw that Neizhong Daodao made such a statement, so he asked after thinking about it: "We don't know much about it, so please ask Fellow Daoist Xia to explain."

Xia Lingkun nodded in response, then said in a deep voice: "There are still many undiscovered areas in the demon world. Among them, the Black Dragon Nest is the most secretive place. It was also the place where the Black Dragon King of the Mahayana period was beheaded by the demon gods tens of thousands of years ago. The land of the fallen. After the death of the Black Dragon King, the blood flowing out of his body polluted thousands of miles around the Black Dragon's Nest, and the death energy emitted from his body formed a blood mist area within a thousand miles around the Black Dragon's Nest, organizing a large number of monsters to investigate."

Yi Tian thought for a while before asking: "Then the source of the outbreak of the beast tide that Fellow Daoist Xia said should be here."

"That's right, so this time the Huofeng and Qingluan clans are going to send people in to investigate to see if they can find the root cause and eradicate it completely," Xia Lingkun explained.

"So fellow daoists want me to help you," Yi Tian asked.

"It's true. The monster race and I have tried it ten thousand years ago. It seems that the blood mist can affect the mind of the demon cultivator and make them lose themselves, and even attack the same race indiscriminately after going crazy," Xia Lingkun explained: "But this The blood mist has little effect on other races except the Yaozu, so this old man said this, but we still need to see what you mean by Daoyou Yi."

"It seems that the demon world is not peaceful. It is estimated that this big beast tide has a profound impact on all the tribes in the demon world, so this action is to try to find out." Yi Tian said: "But I don't know what the other big clans are mean?"

"Nine Immortals Mountain naturally fully supports this matter, and they are also the ones who take the lead. It is said that this time they specially recruited help from several other realms to deal with this matter. It's just that the Fire Dragon Clan is a little unpredictable," Xia Lingkun said. .

(End of this chapter)

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