
Chapter 1653

Chapter 1653
When he came to Tianpeng Clan to meet the Great Elder Xia Lingkun, Yi Tiancai learned that this time he specially asked him to help him investigate the situation of the Black Dragon's Nest.

But I didn't want to be fettered by those unreasonable troubles when I first arrived in the demon world. After thinking about it for a while, I didn't reply Xia Lingkun directly.

In my opinion, since this big beast wave has such a great impact on the demon world, and even monks in the integration period of various races have invited friends from other walks of life to come to help, one more, one more, one less, I don't need to take the lead directly.

Xia Lingkun saw Yi Tian's original intention, and he didn't threaten directly, but took out a piece of gray feather as a communication talisman.He also stated that if he and Xiong Erbao had any needs, they could contact him several times for help.

For this, Yi Tian naturally knew his intentions and didn't want to offend his opponent, so he accepted it. Later, the three of them exchanged their cultivation experience, which broadened their horizons a lot.

After leaving the main hall of the Tianpeng Clan, Yi Tian gave instructions to Xiong Erbao through voice transmission in a low voice, saying that he was going to see someone.The latter is also an insider, so naturally he readily agreed.But if he was left alone, Yi Tian was also afraid that he would get into trouble for no reason, and finally let Xiong Erbao go back to the beast sack to rest for a while.Then he quietly disappeared and went to the warehouse of the Tianpeng Clan Patrol Station.

After coming here, he found that there were several restricted barriers, but these were completely useless to him, so Yi Tian quietly broke through the restriction after using clever tricks.When I came to Neizhong, I found that although it was a warehouse of the patrol station, it actually looked like a base for demon cultivators of the patrol station.

When he reached out his divine sense, he found that there were at least three demon cultivators stationed inside, and one of them was the breath he was familiar with.

After quietly searching for the breath, Yi Tian came to a huge eagle's nest.After sweeping his eyes, he found that the setting of this Eagle's Nest was extremely similar to the original residence of the King of Eagles in Tianlan Continent.

The figure flashed quietly and then forbid to pass through the forbidden barrier above and came to the inside.At this time, sitting cross-legged in the eagle's nest, the demon cultivator wearing the patrol armor opened his eyes suddenly and looked at a void in front of him. After ten breaths, he said: "The suzerain is really powerful, and the subordinates are very impressed."

As soon as the words fell into the void, ripples arose, and then Yi Tian's true self slowly appeared.He walked up to him and sat down in front of him. After sweeping his eyes, he said, "It really is Old Ying. We haven't seen each other for almost a thousand years."

Reaching out his hand, Yiyi removed the armor on his body, revealing his true self, undoubtedly the King of Thousand Eagles.I saw him refer to the ceremony of the next generation after Jishou arch ceremony: "The unknown suzerain is here, it is really rude."

Unexpectedly, when he was in the lower realm, his strength was slightly inferior to the King of Eagles, but now he is far behind.It can be seen that Lihuogong's cultivation technique is extremely powerful, coupled with his own circumstances over the years, it is possible to make such great progress in cultivation.

"Eagle King doesn't need to be too polite, you and I belong to the same sect, and I started a thousand years later than the Eagle King's peers, and it is already beyond the reach," Yi Tian replied with a smile.

"The suzerain's words are wrong. The so-called master is the first, not to mention that you are a direct disciple and your status is naturally different," King Wanying replied: "Besides, the suzerain's strength has entered the state of integration now, so you can sit down and chat with me like this I am also comforted by Lao Huai."

As long as he spoke from the bottom of his heart, Yi Tian stopped fussing about this issue, and then asked about his situation after coming to the demon world.

Wan Ying Wang slowly recounted what happened to him after he ascended to the demon world. It turned out that when he first arrived, he strayed into the land of the dragon clan.He kept absconding for a period of time afterwards, and he did not expect to be involved in the entanglement between the Huo Jiao and Huo Feng clans in the demon world.

After fleeing for hundreds of years, he finally met the demon cultivator of the Tianpeng Clan. Unfortunately, his clan was just a branch of the Tianpeng Clan, so he didn't receive much attention from above.

It was not until an unexpected opportunity after serving in the Tianpeng clan for hundreds of years that he stood out from the crowd. This was also due to the fact that he had heard and witnessed many human skills in the Lihuo Sect of the Tianlan Continent that gave him the opportunity to perform out of talent.

Later, Yi Tian also briefly talked about his experience, but he omitted his relationship with Patriarch Wuye and the Asura clan.Naturally, the fewer people who know these secrets, the better, and I don't want to cause any trouble to the King of Eagles.

After the two exchanged, they both sighed for a while. As for Yi Tian asked about the Jinmao King and Qingtian Demon King, Wanying King showed helplessness on his face, sighed and just said: "At this time, I also I don't know the details inside, the Ascension Passage will randomly choose the landing point, but I don't know where the second sister and the third brother are in the demon world at this time, I hope I can have a chance to meet each other in this life."

Seeing that the Eagle King touched the scene and fell in love, Yi Tian knew that his words had changed and he changed the subject and asked: "Does the Eagle King know about the 'big beast tide'? Xia Lingkun, the great elder of the Tianpeng clan, came to me to talk about it this time."

After hearing this, Wanying King's expression tightened and he took a deep breath before replying: "Although I haven't experienced the 'big beast tide' yet, I have heard a little about it through the records left by the Tianpeng clan."

"Can the Eagle King introduce the hidden story in detail?" Yi Tian asked.

The King of Thousand Eagles straightened his face and said solemnly: "It is said that the origin of the 'big beast tide' is the aftermath of the struggle between two tenth-level monsters in the demon world. It is almost tens of thousands of years ago, and it will erupt once every ten thousand years. .”

"Xia Lingkun told me about this, and he also said that this time it was Jiuxian Mountain who wanted to go in and investigate so as to solve the matter once and for all," Yi Tian said.

"That's natural. Nine Immortal Mountain is a descendant of the Taoist lineage of demon gods, so it's natural that they have no hesitation about it," King Wanying said with a smile: "As for the Huojiao tribe, they will definitely sneer at it."

Yi Tian's eyes brightened, as the words of King Wan Ying coincided with the words of the Great Elder Xia Lingkun, and there must be a connection between them.After thinking for a while, he said: "Could it be that the fallen black dragon once had an inseparable connection with the Huojiao clan."

"That tenth-level black dragon was originally born in the Huo Jiao clan. It is said that he once fell into the Demon Realm. When he returned, he took off the Huo Jiao skin and turned into a black dragon." King Wan Ying sighed: "Although this is just a legend, But in the end, it still has a great relationship with the Huojiao Clan, so the Huojiao Clan would naturally refuse to agree to go to Jiuxian Mountain to dig up the bones of their predecessors."

"It turns out that the Huojiao Clan doesn't want to be openly hostile to the entire Monster Clan, so they have an ambiguous attitude on this matter," Yi Tian suddenly said: "It's just that this 'big beast tide' is really not a good thing, and it is also a monster clan. It’s a catastrophe once in ten thousand years.”

"Isn't it? After being affected by the black dragon's blood mist, the demon clan can easily lose their minds and attack their own kind, so they are feared by all clans in the demon world," Wanying King explained.

(End of this chapter)

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