
Chapter 1655 Trespassing

Chapter 1655 Trespassing
After leaving the Tianpeng clan, Yi Tian and Xiong Erbao headed directly towards the habitat of the Thunderbird clan. To put it bluntly, Xia Lingkun, the great elder of the Tianpeng clan, was at the ninth level. No big problem.Similarly, if I choose to join the Tianpeng clan at this time, I am afraid that the effect may not be so obvious.

The Thunderbird clan is completely different. This branch is the branch of the Fire Phoenix clan that was expelled from the demon world.There are no ninth-level monsters in the clan, such as Lei Fuhong and his father Lei Xiaotian, at most they are only eighth-level middle-level monsters.

If he could lend a helping hand at this time, it would definitely be a timely help, and the Thunderbirds would definitely remember it in their hearts.As for this, Yi Tian naturally had a decision in his heart and knew how to choose.

Flying all the way to Xiong Erbao, he seemed a bit dull, seeing that he was holding back his expressions, Yi Tian asked, "Why are you not like this on weekdays, why did you become so dull today?"

"It's true, I'm thinking about the 'big beast tide'," Xiong Erbao said worriedly: "You must know that there will be no eggs in a full nest, and my iron-eating beasts can't survive in any case in the demon world. .”

"It's a matter of human cost, and it's not yet the deadline for the 'big beast tide'," Yi Tianhaosheng comforted: "Do you think I should send you to the iron-eating beast clan first and let you go home?"

Xiong Erbao shook his head and said: "No need, now I can return to the demon world with your help. Now it can be said that you have fulfilled the promise of the year."

"That's great, what are your plans now?" Yi Tian asked.

"I'm going to follow you for a while. First, I think you are a trustworthy person. I have taken care of you by my side all these years, and I want to repay the favor." Xiong Erbao replied, "The catastrophe in the demon world is approaching. You came here just in time, and you must be one of the people who are going to be robbed, I want to see how the situation develops."

"You won't just wait and see what happens," Yi Tian joked.

Xiong Erbao waved his hand and said in a bad mood: "Of course not, and it will be of great benefit for you to succeed in your future affairs with my assistance."

After all, there was a hint of doubt in his eyes, he glanced at Yi Tian and continued: "You are originally a spiritual practitioner, and it is already unexpected to be able to enter the Demon Realm. In addition, you have taken the Asura Realm, and now you have come to the world again. Demon world. Although there are many bumps and obstacles along the way, you have resolved them one by one. Obviously, you are a person with great luck, so I naturally know how to choose."

"I didn't expect you to stay idle in the beast sac along the way." Yi Tian stared at him for a while before asking: "Then how many secrets do you know about me?"

"Actually, I fell into a deep sleep along the way. I would only occasionally wake up when I received different spiritual power stimulations from the outside world after crossing the interface channel, but then I would go into a dormant state until I came to the demon world and absorbed the original demon spirit from this world. It was only when I was fully awake," Xiong Erbao explained: "If you have any objections, I can sign a formal master-servant contract with you, anyway, you are strong enough now."

"Forget it, I think it's better for us to simplify the relationship," Yi Tian said with a slight smile, "I don't want to limit your wishes, and the current state is already very good. If you want to leave, you can leave at any time, I won't Stop it more. After all, I will fight against a very powerful person in the future, so I don't want to have too much concern."

"It seems that your self-confidence is not enough, and the identity of that person is extraordinary. If I guess correctly, he should be a top existence in the spirit world." Xiong Erbao asked tentatively: "How does that person compare with Xia Lingkun?" ?”

"It wasn't weak before, and his two helpers are about the same as Xia Lingkun," Yi Tian said cryptically, "This one-on-three fight is also doomed and cannot be changed."

"Don't worry, if there is such a day, maybe I will help," Xiong Erbao vowed.

Knowing his mind, Yi Tian smiled lightly and did not plan to discuss this issue further, after all, it is still too early to say.The two searched along the Jinglei Mountain Range where the Thunderbird tribe lived, and easily found their tribe's territory.

However, the Jinglei Mountain Range has a radius of about [-] miles, and the Thunderbirds did not occupy the last area of ​​resources.On the contrary, a group of clansmen lived in an area about [-] miles west of Jinglei Mountain, where Lei Ling's power was weak.

This surprised Yi Tian a bit, but he couldn't say much about the family members.

Shuttle among the thunderclouds, the two did not hide their tracks but flew in the air majestically.Naturally, it was discovered early on by the Thunderbirds who were in charge of patrolling and guarding after they were directly introduced into the territory of the Thunderbirds.

Unexpectedly, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on Xiong Erbao's body converged to the eighth level, and Yi Tian even concealed his cultivation base, leaving only a faint breath.After those Thunderbird clansmen sensed Xiong Erbao's aura from a distance, they steadied their bodies from a distance and did not dare to move forward to stop him.

Originally, they hoped that the two of them were just passing through the territory of the Thunderbird clan, but they never thought that the visitors would fly towards the clan's base camp without any avoidance.At this moment, the entire Thunderbird tribe began to mobilize. After several crisp cries, groups of Thunderbird tribesmen flew out from the depths of the Jinglei Mountains and formed formations one by one to defend in the air.Another blue thunder light flew out from the hidden place in the mountain, pierced the sky and appeared in front of the two of them.

After a burst of shouting, there was a rough and wild cry: "Who dares to break into the forbidden area of ​​my Thunderbird clan?"

Fortunately, Yi Tian is familiar with this voice, and the person who came was Lei Fuhong, who had crossed paths with him in the world of Buddha and spirit and the world of demons.After scanning with his divine sense, he found that his cultivation base had been raised to the eighth intermediate level.Then he bowed his head to inform Xiong Erbao who was standing next to him, and after hearing the sound transmission, the latter thought for a while before showing a knowing expression on his face.

Then he opened his mouth and shouted: "Isn't it a joy to have friends coming from afar? Lei Fu said goodbye to the Buddhist and spiritual worlds in the past, and how did they cooperate in the demon world so quickly forgot."

As soon as this remark came out, Lei Fuhong, who was in the distance, was obviously taken aback, and then stared at the person who came and sized him up carefully.The words were good, but he didn't know the person who spoke.Fortunately, the two of them didn't deliberately hide their tracks. After Lei Fuhong's divine sense swept over Xiong Erbao, they all locked onto Yi Tian behind him.

After ten breaths, he was able to confirm the identity of the person who came, and then waved his hand to make all the Thunderbirds behind him disperse first.Then, he slowly flew forward, stabilized his figure not far in front of the two of them, and began to size up.

Yi Tian slowed down and flew towards Lei Fuhong, but said with a smile on his face: "Fellow Daoist Lei, your cultivation has improved a lot. I think back then when we joined forces He has made great progress in the Demon Realm."

"You are Daoist Yi," Lei Fuhong blurted out after a flash of light in his eyes.

"It's Yi."

(End of this chapter)

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