
Chapter 1656 Territory Hegemony 1 Situation

Chapter 1656
The Thunderbirds were originally exiled to the Buddhist and Spiritual Realm, and Yi Tian didn't want to know more about the right and wrong among them.When I saw Lei Fuhong this time, I found that he was much better in terms of mental outlook and mentality than when we met in the Demon Realm.

Presumably he led the clan back to the demon world again, and at the same time his father Lei Fuhong closed the door and entrusted the whole clan to him.

Yi Tian, ​​Xiong Erbao, and Lei Fuhong sat face to face in the Thunderbird clan's lair, chatting with each other about homework.Lei Fuhong explained in detail how his Thunderbird clan returned to the demon world.During the period, I kept thanking Yi Tian for his righteous help and rescue of Lei Tingting. Later, he was accepted as a disciple by the head of the Huofeng tribe at the Hundred Birds Chaofeng Conference in the Huofeng tribe.

Only in this way did the Thunderbirds have the opportunity to relocate from the Buddha Spirit Realm back to the Demon Realm. Although they were relatively free in the Buddha Spirit Realm compared to before, the Thunderbird clan living in the Jinglei Mountain Range can only be regarded as complacent.But compared to the hometown complex of the clansmen, it is already very good. No matter how bad the environment is, as long as they can return to the demon world, they will be satisfied.

After listening to Lei Fuhong's words, Yi Tian mentioned his previous experience a little bit, and also concealed many key parts during the period.

After the two sides exchanged words, Lei Fuhong looked at Xiong Erbao next to him and asked: "Dare to ask this fellow Taoist Gao's name, it seems relatively unfamiliar, it should be that he returned to the demon world with fellow Taoist Yi just now. Bar?"

"Old man Xiong Erbao of the iron-eating beast clan, Yi Tian can be regarded as my master, I asked him to take me back to the demon world," Xiong Erbao had been with Yi Tian for a long time during this period, and he began to learn human spirituality in his words With that tone, he speaks old-fashionedly.

After hearing this, Lei Fuhong's eyes were slightly puzzled. It seemed that his cultivation base was almost at the beginning of the eighth level, but he was obviously wearing a breath-suppressing cloak and it was the most advanced one.

From this point of view, his real strength could be even higher, and when he thought of this, there was a faint cold sweat on his forehead.He is the strongest in the entire Thunderbird clan, and even he can't see through the strength of the people who come now, and he doesn't know whether it is a blessing or a curse.Fortunately, Yi Tian in front of him is an old acquaintance, and everyone knows him well.

But the worry on his face was fully revealed. Since Xiong Erbao said that Yi Tian was his master, it is unknown how strong this master is.

Turning his head and glanced at Yi Tian, ​​he found that the spiritual pressure fluctuations around him were well restrained, and the strength was only about the strength of a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, which was almost a sixth-level monster.But Lei Fuhong knew very well that Yi Tian was able to stabilize him when the two sides first met hundreds of years ago, but now that time has passed, I really don't know what level his strength has reached.

Later, he mustered up his courage and asked with difficulty: "I don't know how strong Daoist Xiong is now, but what is the level of fellow Daoist Yi's cultivation?"

Knowing that he was a little worried, Yi Tian smiled and comforted him: "Er Bao has just survived the catastrophe, and now he is an out-and-out level nine monster."

Lei Fuhong's face tightened when he heard the words, he looked at Yi Tian in a blink of an eye and asked: "Then Daoist Yi has entered the fit period?"

Slightly nodded to indicate that Xia Yitian smiled and said nothing, anyway, everything was kept silent.But Xiong Erbao said disdainfully: "Don't worry, we don't have any other intentions, otherwise we wouldn't have sat down and chatted with you for so long."

This time it was Lei Fuhong's turn, even if he stood up and bowed his hands to Xiong Erbao immediately, he said: "Senior, my Thunderbird family is really full of glory to be able to come to my humble house, please don't take offense at how offensive and rude I was just now."

"Okay, I don't know what kind of virtue you are, Lao Lei. After all, we are old acquaintances, so I don't want to show off." Yi Tian stretched out his hand to lift him up and said: "Just because you Helping each other in the Demon Realm, we should treat each other as equals."

Lei Fuhong was overjoyed, obviously the person in charge here was still Yi Tian.Fortunately, everyone was still friendly back then, and today he can be regarded as a high climber. Although Yi Tian didn't care about it, he naturally didn't dare to take it too seriously.

Then he took out the Jade Talisman of Communication and wrote a few words, then sent it out, then sat back to his original seat and said, "You two are Hakka fathers who come from afar, and you are also very famous, so I want to leave the customs for a while to return my kiss."

Those who are attracted to fame are all polite words. It seems that the Lei family father and son are asking for something, so they made this statement.Yi Tian nodded and said: "I can't, I haven't seen Mr. Lei for a long time, and this time I have nothing to go to the Three Treasures Hall, so I came here to discuss something."

Just as he was talking, he suddenly noticed a strong wind of spiritual power flashing past the door in his divine sense, and then an old voice sounded from outside the door: "Friend Xiong Daoyou from the Yi Dao Friendship Association is here to welcome the old man, please make amends."

The person who spoke was Lei Aotian, the former patriarch of the Thunderbird Clan. After entering the door, he strode forward and bowed to the two of them.

Yi Tian got up and replied: "You haven't seen Lei Daoyou for many years, are you okay?"

"This old man can't compare to Fellow Daoist Yi, it's really gratifying to break through the profound entrance and become the lord," Lei Aotian said with a smile on his face.

After he took his seat, Yi Tiancai said: "This time I took the liberty to come here to use a place with strong thunder spirit power in the nobles to refine spirit weapons, but I saw that the Thunderbirds failed to occupy the blessed land of Jinglei Mountain Range while flying all the way. What happened to Ju Wei?"

As soon as Lei Fuhong and Lei Aotian looked at each other, Lei Fuhong explained: "Although the little girl has been accepted as a disciple by the clan lord Fayan, my Thunderbird clan has the right to return to the demon world again." opportunity, but this habitat still needs to be found by oneself.”

"Oh, I would like to hear more about how to find it," Yi Tian said.

"Originally in the demon world, there were not many spiritual veins with strong thunder spirit power and optional habitats. Naturally, we did not dare to occupy those occupied by the Thunder Python tribe," Lei Fuhong explained: "We chose the Jinglei Mountain Range because of it. It used to be the ancestral land of the Thunderbird Clan, and in the deepest part of the Jinglei Mountains, there is a place where the ancestors of all generations are buried."

"I think it should be the place where the thunder spirit power is the most vigorous in Jinglei Mountain Range, but now it seems that it is occupied by other monster races," Yi Tian asked.

"It's true. Although we have the opportunity to return, the ancestral land has been abandoned for thousands of years. It is impossible to know if we want to take it back now," Lei Fuhong said angrily.

"I don't know what monster clan has occupied the land of Thunderbird's ancestral vein in Jinglei Mountain Range?" Xiong Erbao asked.

Lei Aotian replied in a deep voice: "It's the Thunder Lizard Clan. Speaking of which, they are a branch of the Thunder Python Clan, and there are also level nine monsters sitting in the clan. If it wasn't for the ban of the Fire Phoenix Clan, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to wait for me in the morning. .”

(End of this chapter)

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