
Chapter 1658 Territorial hegemony 3 accidental collision

Chapter 1658
Staying in the temporarily opened cave in the Thunderbird Clan, Yi Tian sat on the ground with a small jade bottle in front of him.The color of this jade bottle is emerald green all over, and there is a slight green glow around it to wrap it up.

The spiritual power sacrificed in the hand can be felt to be quickly eroded by this layer of green light under light touch, and at the same time, the polluted spiritual power will flow upstream and eat back along the source of the spiritual power sacrificed.Yi Tian's face moved slightly and decisively cut off the spiritual power in his hand, then stared at the jade bottle for a while, but he couldn't help but admire in his heart: "It really is a strange poison from the demon world, it can actually eat back spiritual power, if you make good use of it, you may even lose it Even monks in the fit stage can be recruited."

But now I can't even open the jade bottle in front of me, let alone use it to break down the medicinal properties.Thinking of this, Yi Tian also looked bitter. He had talked quite a lot in front of Lei's father and son, but now he was at a loss what to do.

Suddenly, a flash of light flew out from the imperial beast pouch at his waist, showing the appearance of a croaking immortal. After turning into a human form, he stared at the jade bottle in front of him for a while, but there was a flash of light in his eyes.Then he asked tentatively, "Where did you get such a good thing? I'm hungry just looking at it."

"This is Bijiu poison, why are you interested in it?" Yi Tian also got excited and asked.

"I'm sure I'm interested. You know, I'm only sensitive to fire and poison in the whole world," the immortal croak replied, then opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue to swing around the bottle. Then he saw that the poisonous mist of green awn glowing around the original jade bottle seemed to have dimmed a lot.

On the contrary, the Great Immortal Guagua stared at the jade bottle with desire and dissatisfaction after withdrawing his tongue, and said with a greedy look on his face: "It really is a good thing, this Bijiu poison can be used to improve my cultivation, such a bottle is at least You can go a little further."

Yi Tian didn't change his face when he heard the words, but he looked at the Great Immortal Quack differently in his heart. Bijiu poison, which can even swallow his own spiritual power, turned out to be the tonic of the Great Immortal Quack. It seems that he really found the right person for this matter.

After thinking about it, he said in a deep voice: "I was entrusted by someone to make Bijiu spirit liquid, this thing can't be given to you."

"Stop bragging, don't think of me as a fool. Bijiu is extremely poisonous in the first place, and it's not bad to use it to refine venom," said the Great Immortal Guagua disdainfully, but his eyes still held the jade tablet without moving an inch.

Immediately, Yi Tian briefly explained the origin of this bottle of Bijiu spirit liquid, and also stated that if he could not prepare and decompose the poison, he would return it to the Thunderbird clan afterwards.

After hearing the words, the Great Immortal Guagua had a look of loneliness on his face, obviously he was brooding over the poisonous Bijiu in the jade bottle.However, due to Yi Tian's power, he didn't dare to make a mistake easily, but he still wanted to make a fight in his unrelenting words: "If you can give me a few drops of Bijiu Spiritual Liquid, then I can smoothly advance to the eighth intermediate level, At that time, maybe you can strengthen your innate supernatural powers to swallow luck."

Yi Tian lowered his head and pretended to be thinking, and asked later: "Since you are not afraid of Bijiu's poison, there must be a way to resolve it?"

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that my talent is to like to be with highly poisonous things. Although this Bijiu poison is powerful, it can't help me. On the contrary, I can also absorb the inner spiritual power to strengthen myself," said the great fairy Quack proudly.

"Then you are a big poison yourself, but why didn't I notice it before," Yi Tian said persuasively.

"Although the skin on my body surface is poisonous, it is wrapped in spiritual fire. In addition, you are practicing a very strong fire system, so you can isolate it," the great fairy Guagua replied, "And these toxins entered my mouth. After being refined by me and stored in the body in a non-combat state, it will not appear."

It turned out that, Yi Tian thought about it and said, "Take a drop of your blood, it will be of great use to me."

The Great Immortal Guagua looked shocked, but Yi Tian didn't seem to be joking, and then reluctantly squeezed out a little blood from his fingertips and gently sent it over.Later, after Yi Tianshen scanned it, he took the empty jade bottle and put it into it, and then ordered the Great Immortal Guagua to help him mix it with a drop of Bijiu spirit liquid.

After ten breaths, his face showed a clear expression: "You are lucky, I have to care about the cost of doing things, since I have agreed to Lei Aotian of the Thunderbird Clan, it is natural to be entrusted with loyalty. Fortunately, someone You are here, you can take half of this bottle of Bijiu spirit liquid, but then you should know what price to pay?"

The Great Immortal Guagua twitched slightly when he heard the words, and then he could not take his eyes off the jade bottle for a long time and could not leave.It seems that at this time, he is still struggling violently in his heart and cannot make a final decision.

Yi Tian didn't take it seriously, and immediately closed his eyes and waited quietly for his reply.Anyway, I'm sure of him, and I've been very clear about the virtues of the Great Immortal Guagua all these years. Basically, the spiritual pet will be directly affected by the personality of the master.

Sure enough, after being immersed for a long time, the Great Immortal Quack said with difficulty: "Is it okay to exchange in equal amounts?"

"What do you think?" Yi Tian frowned and asked back: "You should know the efficacy of this Bijiu spirit liquid. If I can't dilute it to a edible state under the same amount of exchange, at least twenty drops will be exchanged. Just half a bottle."

"Twenty drops of blood, you go and grab it," said the Great Immortal Guagua disdainfully, "Ten drops at most, otherwise the deal will fail, you can figure out a way for yourself."

"Ten drops can make up a bottle, and it's enough to mix with half a bottle of Bijiu spirit liquid," Yi Tian reluctantly replied: "Okay, I will follow your request. Speaking of which, you are also taking Great deal."

"Come on, I don't know what kind of virtue you have. I'm still nine drops away from you after the drop just now." After finishing speaking, the fairy Quack stretched out his hand and squeezed out a drop of blood from each of the other nine fingers to control and release them one by one. Into the empty jade bottle.

Yi Tian also knew that he shouldn't be too hasty, this meeting had already achieved his goal, and he said immediately: "You pour four drops from the bijiu spirit liquid into it yourself, and you can use your own luck for the remaining half."

As soon as the words were finished, the immortal hurriedly stretched out his hand to pick up the jade bottle containing the bijiu spirit liquid, poured four drops into the other jade bottle containing blood, then picked it up, put it near his mouth and poured it all into his mouth .

After finishing drinking, Weiwei took a nap and said angrily: "Okay, I'm going back to sleep, call me next time I have something good."

After speaking, the figure shrank into an aura in a flash, and then directly entered the beast-controlling bag.Immediately after Yi Tian's divine sense quietly invaded, he found that the croaking immortal in the royal beast bag appeared in his original form, lying on the flagon and fell asleep.

After withdrawing his spiritual thoughts, there was a burst of laughter on his face, and then he manipulated to pick up the jade bottle mixed with blood and began to observe.The toxicity of the Bijiu spirit liquid is greatly reduced after being mixed with frog blood, and it can be used with a little treatment.

(End of this chapter)

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