
Chapter 1659 Territorial hegemony 4 start

Chapter 1659

In the Jinglei Mountain Range, the Thunderbird tribe originally occupied a remote area, but all the sacred places deep in the mountain range fell into the hands of the Thunder Lizard.Although the Thunderbirds made numerous representations about this, they were all dismissed or the news disappeared without a trace.

It wasn't because the Thunderbirds were not as strong as the opponent, but because there were no ninth-level monsters to show up, so they kept holding back.This time, a ninth-level monster beast lord of the Iron-eating Beast Clan suddenly appeared to protect the Thunderbird Clan, so the Thunder Lizard Clan in the Jinglei Mountain Range naturally couldn't calm down.

Moreover, Lei Aotian, the old patriarch of the Thunderbird Clan, personally invited the Thunder Lizard Clan to fight for the territory. This news immediately attracted the attention of all parties.

As the Fire Phoenix Clan, they neither objected nor explicitly supported this matter, but sent an eighth-level monster as a notary to watch the battle.As for the Thunder Lizard Clan on the opposite side, they naturally notified the Shang Clan as early as possible, and it is unknown who came to supervise the battle afterwards.

Although the hostility between the Huofeng and Huojiao clans has ended for the time being, there are still small frictions in private.The reason for sending people to watch the battle is to keep the matter under control and try not to cause the two clans of demon cultivators to fight and disrupt the overall situation.

On that day, all the members of the Thunderbird Clan flew out in groups, and the whole clan sent out to see the old patriarch Lei Aotian off.Then Lei Aotian followed Xiong Erbao to the agreed place accompanied by more than a dozen level [-] Thunderbirds, while Lei Fuhong wanted to sit in the clan to prevent accidents.

A group of demon cultivators hurried to Luoleijian, which was [-] miles away, and watched from afar, only to see a thick demonic aura emanating from the other side of the cliff.Presumably, the Thunder Lizard Clan had arrived long ago, and before the demons could stop, they sensed an extremely powerful wave rising from the opponent's camp.

The overwhelming spiritual pressure falling from his head seemed to be trying to give the Thunderbirds a bad blow.Xiong Erbao gave a cold snort without showing any weakness, and the spiritual pressure on his body fluctuated suddenly, and then he went towards the opponent.

At this time, the ninth-level monsters on both sides will try first. If they are persuaded, they will naturally fall into a disadvantage, and things will be difficult to handle later.

Xiong Erbao is worthy of being an old demon who has lived for more than ten thousand years. Although it is not long before he reaches the ninth level, there is already enough precipitation in his body.The spiritual power on his body did not show any sign of being suppressed after the confrontation in the air, instead, it was evenly divided at first, and then there was a faint sense of counter pressure.

Fortunately, the other party seemed to be just probing, and took it back after contacting it.Immediately, a sharp laughter came from among the Thunder Lizard Clan: "The fellow Taoist on the other side seems to be very friendly. There are only a handful of demon cultivators who can rank high in the demon world, and I know all of them. Have you ever seen the aura of a fellow Taoist alone who doesn't know your honor and name?"

It stands to reason that Xiong Erbao had already shown his face when he assisted Jiang Liuli and the fox demons in Jiuxian Mountain when he was in the Tianpeng clan last time.At that time, the person who came was Daoist Hun Yun from the Thunder Python Clan, but after he was defeated and fled, he would definitely not spread the news about what happened.It seems that the ninth-level monster that the Thunder Lizard Clan found today is someone else, and Xiong Erbao secretly opened his mouth and roared: "This seat is the second treasure of the Iron-eating Beast Clan. who?"

"Isn't the iron-eating beast clan always ignoring world affairs, how can they meddle in the affairs here," the voice sounded again: "This is the real dragon of the dragon clan."

Yi Tian, ​​who was hiding in the sky, naturally heard the conversation between the two people below clearly, thinking that this was not the first time that Daoist Dilong had dealt with him.He had already fought against Luo Ziyan's clone in the bedroom of Luo Ziyan in the Ashura Realm, and killed him in the place of fire.

Presumably, after the avatar is destroyed, the strength of the deity of everything should also be affected, but when he fought against the real Dilong back then, he also used all means and showed his real kung fu.Now, even though I am not afraid of confronting his true self, in order not to reveal my identity, I should try my best not to make a move easily.

Then he hid in the sky, submerged himself in the void, and watched the development of the situation below.

Shaoqing waited until the end of the trial of the two confronting each other during the fusion period, and each of the two camps flew out of the Taoist light to a stalemate not far from the front of the formation.These two are the protagonists of today's territorial battle, Lei Aotian, the former patriarch of the Thunderbird Clan, and the other big guy is naturally the Patriarch of the Thunder Lizard.

Lei Aotian flew forward and said: "I didn't expect you to fight, old ghost Ning Xuanting."

The big man shouted coldly: "When you first came here, I should have taken action to drive you away from the Jinglei Mountains. I didn't expect you to turn your back on the hostess and climb on top of us."

"Drive us out, Jinglei Mountain Range is the ancestral land of my Thunderbird clan, speaking of which you are the outsiders, today I want to take back the ancestral property that my Thunderbird clan deserves, so why not," Lei Aotian disdainfully the way.

"What is the ancestral land of Thunderbird? It has been under our rule for 3000 years. The ancestral land you are talking about is just a thing of the past," Ning Xuanting distinguished.

"It's such an old story, then you still admit that you took over our ancestral property 3000 years ago, now it's only natural for me to come and get it back," Lei Aotian said confidently.

"I'm not going to argue with you either, let's see the real story, today either the winner wins and the loser leaves. There will never be a third ending." Together, two blue electric lights were launched.

Lei Aotian also did not show any weakness, and under a cold snort, a vague phantom slowly appeared behind him, and a white arc was raised to protect himself in the middle.

The two flashes of lightning in the dark night sky were particularly conspicuous. In an instant, only the sound of "Zi La" was heard, and the arcs cut through the night sky and intertwined fiercely.

The Thunderbirds and Thunder Lizards are born with a strong affinity for the power of lightning, and the moves they use are naturally extremely powerful.Obviously, the two team leaders have a deep understanding of their opponents, and they don't even need to go all out to get to the point when they make a move.

After the fists and palms of the two monsters intersected in the air, several sparks were created immediately, and the two lightning forces were intertwined with each other, and then scattered in all directions.After falling to the lower boundary, it exploded like giant thunderstorms all over the mountains and plains.

And the two of them didn't feel well even after they shot all of them. It was obvious that the power of lightning controlled by each of them was almost the same, and their cultivation bases were very close to the peak of the eighth-level middle-level.

After a stagger in the air, Ning Xuanting's body lit up with blue lightning again, and at the same time, his face was distorted, his airway flashed out from the seven orifices on his face, and the flickering arcs gathered in front of him to form a dark blue lightning ball. .

Lei Aotian's face tightened and he didn't dare to be careless, he stared at it for a while and then called out: "I didn't expect you to integrate the power of thunder into the primordial spirit. .”

(End of this chapter)

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