
Chapter 1660 Territory Hegemony 5 Calculations

Chapter 1660 Five Calculations for Territory Hegemony
The battle for supremacy between the Thunderbird Clan and the Thunder Lizard Clan in the Thunder Mountain Range kicked off, and this time it was the patriarchs of the two clans who fought.Both sides know the basics and know the bottom, and there is nothing left to test each other's kung fu. When they come up, they just show their real kung fu.

Ning Xuanting released all the power of thunder conceived in the disclosure, and the seven orifices became the storage and output organs of the source of thunder's spiritual power.The small arcs flying out gathered together and spread out against the wind before turning into a thunderball with a diameter of three feet.

And the others also chose the correct position, behind Lei Aotian is a crowd of clansmen, if he dare not accept this trick, he may be disgraced in front of the clansman in the future.Moreover, this time it was the Thunderbirds who took the lead in provoking trouble, and Ning Xuanting was also indirectly provoking, trying not to let go of any opportunity to defeat the enemy.

Sure enough, Lei Aotian's complexion darkened and he roared: "The old man is indeed a unique skill reserved at the bottom of the box. I'm afraid that even your clansmen have never seen such a move before?"

"You're lucky, old ghost. This is my newly cultivated supernatural power, primordial spirit, and Yin Shalei. I just want you to try my tricks," Ning Xuanting said without any hesitation.

"Then you'll take care of it," Lei Aotian said with a look of determination on his face, he reached out and took out a small jade bottle, lifted the lid and poured all the blood-colored liquid into his mouth.

Immediately, the power of lightning all over his body was suddenly raised, and the electric arc was violent, and after a while, he gestured with both hands in front of his chest and opened a white electric grid not far away in front of him.

At this time, there was a sound of "zi la z la" in the air, and the three-foot-sized thunder ball flew towards Lei Aotian's side after it was released from his hand, causing space distortions after passing through the void.At the same time, an absolute space is formed within a range of ten feet around, which seems to be constantly devouring everything in it.

Seeing this, Lei Aotian yelled loudly: "Good time," he stretched out his hand and threw the power grid in his hand. With a sound of 'Hula', the grid spread out in the air and then turned into a two-foot-sized appearance, hitting it head-on and covering it in front of it.

In the night sky, two thunder lights, one basket and one white, met at the same time and made a loud noise. At the same time, after the collision of the magic spells, the spiritual wind scattered and uprooted all the trees within a radius of [-] miles above the boundary below. The flying sand and rocks in the mountains, some abrupt corners of the hills, were smoothed away by the fierce wind.

After the two spells held each other for ten breaths, Lei Aotian's power grid relied on overwhelming advantage to envelop the thunder ball and annihilate it in the air.The grid passed through the thunder ball and surrounded Yu Wei with Yu Wei.

Seeing this, Ning Xuanting's expression was unkind, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Old ghost, you have put all your eggs in one basket. You even used the bijiu spirit liquid. It seems that you are going to fight to win or lose. But my Thunder Lizard Clan is also It’s not something you can handle at will, I want to see how strong your body can bear it, it’s not easy for Bijiu.”

Lei Aotian didn't seem to take these words to heart at all, and replied calmly: "Don't talk useless words, I can solve you before the effect fades, I only value the result of this competition."

"Don't think that you, the Thunderbirds, are the only ones who have the trump card, now it's my turn," Ning Xuanting said, then took out a piece of purple flesh the size of a baby's fist, stuffed it into his mouth, and began to chew.Less than three breaths after swallowing it, the spiritual power in his body skyrocketed, and his cultivation base directly bought the strength of the eighth-level high-level.

I saw the muscles on his body swell rapidly, and after the 'hiss' sound, the clothes he was wearing were torn apart.Both hands and feet fell at the same time, but the head was raised high, the back burst open to reveal the lumpy skin, and a thick tail grew out of the back.Sharp fangs protruded from both sides of the mouth, and the blue thunder light enveloped the surroundings, and the original shape appeared directly behind it, which turned out to be an old thunder monitor lizard with a size of two feet.

At the same time there was a howling sound from the other side, Lei Aotian's figure curled up and his hands turned into wings, the skin on his body was covered with feathers, and the body bowed, revealing that it was a thunderbird more than ten feet tall.

The two monsters are both thunder attribute innate supernatural powers. They both opened their mouths in the air and spit out blue and white lightning intertwined with each other.Although Ning Xuanting's strength has improved, Lei Aotian is not weak either. After drinking the Bijiu spirit liquid, it seems that he has not exhausted his full potential, and his cultivation has not skyrocketed to the peak of the eighth level.

In comparison, Ning Xuanting's state of devouring the purple flesh and blood is slightly inferior, but the talent and supernatural powers of the Thunderbirds in the air are naturally displayed.Its speed advantage just made up for the lack of cultivation base at this time, and the speed after the double wing fan was almost as fast as that of ordinary monks in the early stage of fusion.

After Ning Xuanting turned into the real Thunder Lizard, his thunder spirit power has increased by a level, but he is obviously a bit clumsy when fighting in the air as a land monster.After the flash of lightning flashed in his mouth, he failed to hit Lei Aotian several times.

On the contrary, he was hit on the back three times by the opponent's white electric arc. Thanks to his thick skin and thick skin, he also stimulated the blue electric arc to defend against the incoming white electric light.

But if you defend for a long time, you will lose. At first, you can rely on your advantage in cultivation to draw a tie, but after half a moment, it seems to be dwarfed by comparison. The frequency of attacks has dropped sharply and you can only defend frequently.

But Lei Aotian still adopts the strategy of swimming but not fighting, constantly harassing the opponent.Obviously he was sure that Ning Xuanting also used the method of improving his cultivation, and at this time Lei Aotian was also betting on the effect of drinking the prepared Bijiu spirit liquid.

Under the premise that both parties are taking drugs, if they want to win and want to get out of the body, there is only a short period of weakness when the effect of the other party's drugs wears off.

Similarly, both Ning Xuanting and Lei Aotian are very clear in their hearts, whoever shows the sequelae first at this time will fall into the limelight.But now that things are going all out, there is no room for negligence, and the two sides can only hope that the other side can weaken the momentum first.

The power of thunder and lightning on both sides did not weaken at all, and Lei Aotian used his innate advantages to cover his whole body with white lightning.At the same time, try to use long-range magic attacks to avoid close contact.In this way, the Thunder Lizard in front of him was extremely irritable, and the originally powerful thunder power had nowhere to vent at this moment.

Even if he could hit the Thunderbird, he would be resisted by the lightning covering his body. It seemed that failure would only happen sooner or later.

Sure enough, after a moment of stalemate, Ning Xuanting's aura seemed to begin to weaken sharply, and his cultivation also dropped rapidly from the peak of the eighth level, falling back to the middle level of the eighth level in just ten breaths.Not only that, the sequelae caused by overdrawing his potential also slowly appeared. His cultivation base fell to the eighth intermediate level and then continued to the elementary level, until he was barely able to maintain the cultivation base of the eighth level monster.

Lei Aotian was overjoyed when he saw it, he circled in the air and swooped down, stretched out his claws as if aiming at the Thunder Lizard's forehead.On the other side, Ning Xuanting's eyes flashed suddenly, his cultivation level skyrocketed again, as if he had been raised to the eighth level, he raised his head and opened his mouth to spit a thunderball, aiming at the Thunderbird from top to bottom. go.

(End of this chapter)

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