
Chapter 1661 Territorial hegemony 6 victory

Chapter 1661
On the scene, Ning Xuanting's sudden uproar really shocked the people watching the battle on both sides, and even Xiong Erbao said coldly: "This thunder lizard is really capable, it seems that Lao Lei has Trouble."

The Thunderbird clansmen around him were terrified when they heard the words, and being able to make the ninth-level Yaozun make such an evaluation showed that the other party was indeed superior. At the same time, they were secretly worried for the old patriarch whether he would be able to survive this calamity.

At this time, Lei Aotian in the air put away his deity and turned into a human form again, but in front of him, he picked up a simple black token and clenched it with both hands, and the Lei Ling power on his body was injected into it.Immediately, a white electric light was excited from it, and a protective film of lightning appeared around him.

It stopped suddenly in mid-air, and then faced the Thunder Lizard's moves head-on and resisted with all its strength.

"Zrazla" sounded loudly, and the blue lightning magnified infinitely in Lei Aotian's eyes, and finally condensed into a five-foot-sized thunderball, which ruthlessly hit the white light arc shield.

What is surprising is that the white protective light film looks weak, but it can hold the Thunder Lizard's sure-kill move head-on.Not only that, the blue thunderball seemed to be caught by something, and after attacking each other, it was slowly absorbed.

And those assimilated lightning power rushed towards the token in Lei Aotian's hand without exception. After the token was released with a 'poof' sound, Lei Aotian flew out of the battle circle, and looked back to see that the huge Lei Lingli was sucked into the token by the coefficient.

At this time, any lightning force in the air will be attracted by this token for no reason.Seeing this, Lei Aotian hastily withdrew and pushed away a mile away, but Ning Xuanting below was not so lucky, the lightning force on his body poured out, as if he was pulled by something, and rushed towards the token again.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that Ning Xuanting's cultivation will not be able to survive after this battle.However, the experience of thousands of years is not given in vain. Although it is a helpless move to abandon the car to protect the handsome man, it is better than losing everything.

A fierce look flashed across Ning Xuanting's eyes, and then he turned into a human and forcibly resisted the pulling force of the token and flew towards the rear with difficulty.

Ten breaths finally escaped from the traction area, but his cultivation base has dropped from the eighth level to the seventh level.If you want to go back to practice, it will be at least a thousand years later.

Before he recovered his energy, Lei Aotian quietly flew behind him and stretched out his hand, and two lightning strikes knocked him down from the air.

At this time, there was a demonic aura behind the Thunder Lizard Clan, and at the same time, the voice of the real Earth Dragon came: "Enough, do you want to kill all the Thunderbird Clan and provoke a war between the two clans? You use this method to win this battle!" Even if it's not fair."

Xiong Erbao was not to be outdone when he heard the words, and after letting go of his demonic aura, he opened his mouth and shouted: "Is there any fairness in the fight between the monster races? Winners and losers are winners and losers. Both Huofeng and Huojiao Shangzong sent special envoys today Come to watch the battle, presumably your people should have nothing to say."

"Nonsense, the monster race relies on its own strength to decide the outcome, but you actually took out the human race's spiritual weapons, which is a bit unwarranted," said Dilong Daoist.

"If you lose, you still have to find excuses to deny it. Is this the style of your Huojiao clan?" Xiong Erbao said with complete disdain: "I only look at the results and not the process. Today, the Thunderbird clan won the territorial battle. According to the pre-agreed conditions, the Thunder Lizard Clan should immediately move away from the Thunder Mountain Range."

Such aggression and the power of Xiong Erbao's ninth-level monster directly frightened the opponent.Daoist Dilong didn't reply directly, apparently he was discussing the matter with the people sent by the Huojiao clan.

Half a moment later, he heard his voice say again: "Okay, we will admit it today, the Thunder Lizard Clan will move out immediately, but don't get too excited, this account will have to be settled sooner or later."

Now that the backers behind him have spoken out, Ning Xuanting's face is ashen, and the relocation of the whole clan is not a trivial matter.And let them give up the land they have lived in for 3000 years, and they don't know where to go in the future.

Staring at the triumphant Lei Aotian in front of him in a blink of an eye, Ning Xuanting was at a loss for words and didn't know what to say.After a while, he sighed and turned around and flew towards the crowd where his clan was.

After seeing it, Lei Aotian showed a sympathetic look on his face, and then he returned to normal. From his point of view, all races conquer each other in the demon world endlessly.Today's events will also occur in other places in the demon world, and the winners and losers can't blame others.

When the patriarch returned to the opponent, the Thunder Lizards flew back in an orderly manner. Lei Aotian quietly returned after seeing it, and then greeted the inspector sent by the Huofeng clan and began to discuss the next move back. .

At this time, the token in the air was still floating steadily after absorbing a large amount of lightning power, surrounded by a faint light of thunder.

Suddenly, there was a burst of black air from the Thunder Lizard Clan, and it flew straight towards the position of the token, and a giant black python loomed in the black air.At the same time, Daoist Dilong said, "It's a waste of money to leave such a treasure to the Thunderbirds, let me keep it."

"Big boa constrictor, don't you dare," Xiong Erbao said angrily, "If you lose, you still want to grab it. You are what a robber is like." At the same time, the figure rushed out to meet the opponent.

It's a pity that Xiong Erbao was still a step late, and the evasion technique and flying was not his strong point, and after a short breath, the real Dilong took the lead.

I saw the figure of the giant python disappearing in the black mist and reappearing the appearance of the earth dragon real person again. He stretched out his hand back and forth to break through the lightning protection around the token and held it directly.

But the face of Xiong Erbao in front of him was not surprised but joyful, he hastily withdrew and turned back to the camp of the Thunderbird clan, and at the same time ordered all the monsters behind him to retreat and dodge to a hundred miles away.

Seeing Daoist Long like this, he didn't know that it was clearly a trap, but he never expected that Lei Aotian could plan so far.Immediately, he shouted coldly and wanted to withdraw his hand, but suddenly a thunderbolt appeared on the token, releasing all the lightning power that had been absorbed.

With a "boom", an extremely shining thunder ball exploded from the position where the original token and the real Earth Dragon were, overturning and plowing the ground in a radius of ten miles.

After the thunder flashed, people around couldn't look directly at it. After Xiong Erbao stretched out his spiritual sense to probe, he said with a grinning grin: "No matter how cunning you are, the boa constrictor didn't expect to be caught."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the scolding and roaring of the real Earth Dragon behind him, and then he hurried back with the Thunderbirds around him to prepare for the next return without looking back.

At this time, the real Dilong raised his head and shouted at the void above his head: "Fellow Daoist, show up, let's deal with such a big game, don't tell me we have already formed a bridge before."

(End of this chapter)

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