
Chapter 1662 Territory Hegemony 7 Trial Moves

Chapter 1662
Originally, the token that Lei Xiaotian left behind after his shot was not directly taken back, he seemed to be focusing on bargaining with the Thunder Lizard Clan and completely put the matter aside.

Only in this way, Daoist Dilong sneaked forward along the gap and prepared to put away the token.Speaking of which, this thing can be regarded as a heavenly spirit treasure, and it is also quite attractive to ninth-level monsters, otherwise it would not be so easy to attract Daoist Earth Dragon to make a move.

But when he flew forward and was about to put away the token, he was backlashed by the lightning force released from above, and the people watching around could only get a rough look from a distance.But the earth dragon witness in front of him is aware of the pain in his heart.

Obviously, the lightning power absorbed by the token was blue and white, but when his hand touched the token, a sense of uneasiness surged in his heart.At the same time, there is a faint purple arc contained in the thunder light from the token, this power is almost comparable to the power of the thunder when crossing the tribulation.

At this time, Master Dilong didn't know that he was enlightened, and this spirit weapon was obviously the owner's thing. Just now, Lei Xiaotian just used the power of the spirit weapon to resist Ning Xuanting's tricks.Compared with the power that is erupting now, it is nothing compared to the power of the purple thunder. The power of the purple thunder can already hurt him, so it shows that someone is manipulating it.

After the thunderstorm in the air gradually calmed down, Master Dilong realized that the arc that had just been stirred up intentionally or unintentionally forced the upper area away, so it goes without saying that the opponent's hiding place must be above.

I didn't expect to be here for such a long time, and it wasn't until this time that I realized that someone was hiding in a high place and peeping.Being played by others is still kept in the dark, if it spreads out, it will make people laugh.

The people of the two tribes in the surroundings noticed the problem by chance, and both sides stopped a hundred miles away to watch from afar.The situation at this time is no longer a matter of their cultivation.

I saw the token in the air slowly flying upwards, then the electric light retracted and fell into the clouds and disappeared without a trace.Then there was an inexplicable voice in the air saying: "Fellow Daoist Earth Dragon, we meet again. Unfortunately, your strength is far from what I imagined. It really is better to meet people than to be famous."

"Speak wildly, I don't remember when I met you," the earth dragon real person yelled, and then he flashed across the clouds and figured out the prototype. It turned out to be a big black python with horns growing out of its head. The body was as thick as a bucket, and after a toss in the air, it opened its bloody mouth and rushed into the clouds and mist above.

After biting it down, he fled a hundred feet away and then returned to his human form. He turned around and looked at the void on one side.

There was a slight ripple in the cloud and mist, showing a hazy figure. The monks of the two races in the distance couldn't see what happened. They only knew that there was a monster whose strength was not weaker than the ninth level.

But Master Dilong squinted his eyes and looked at him, then his face was full of suspicion and said: "I don't remember when I provoked you, but if you can't give me an explanation for today's matter, I'm afraid it will be difficult for fellow Taoist to get away easily. gone."

"Fellow Daoist Earth Dragon is just joking. I have never been afraid of anyone. I don't know if you are stronger or weaker than Daoist Hun Yun of Thunder Python Clan?" Yi Tian's voice came from the clouds.

Daoist Dilong was obviously taken aback at the mention of this name. There is no doubt that he knew the level [-] monsters of the same family very well.Hearing the meaning of the other party, it seemed that he had fought with Hun Yun before, so Daoist Dilong didn't dare to make a move lightly to avoid revealing his flaws, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

The two sides held each other for dozens of breaths, but Yi Tianxian said: "Since fellow Taoist has nothing to say, let's do it ourselves, anyway, we still have time in the future."

"Your Excellency is not a kind person who hides his head and shows his tail. How can we let go of today's matter?" After speaking, Daoist Dilong stretched out his hands and took out a snake-shaped spirit cone to sacrifice, then stretched it in the air and turned into a three-foot-long awl in the blink of an eye. The giant python rushed towards Yi Tian like this.

There was a loud "sizzling" sound, and a cyan light ball suddenly appeared out of thin air, and it collapsed in an instant, and then turned into thousands of filaments, entangled towards the attacking python.Those filaments intertwined into a net to stop the giant python and bound it upwards. After three breaths, I saw that the black giant python in the night sky was covered with cyan light entwined, locking it so that it could not move.

Seeing this, the real Dilong looked anxious and stretched out his hands to connect the seals, and forcibly controlled the giant python to retreat.That freed blue thread fell for no reason and crossed the boundary below, where it was directly cut open.Immediately, the ground that was left all over the place after Lei Aotian and Ning Xuanting's fight instantly collapsed, and the affected area was fully doubled.

If this kind of trick is called to the body, I am afraid that it will not be known if it is cut in half.Under the protection of Xiong Erbao, all the Thunderbird demon cultivators hurriedly retreated to three hundred miles away before stabilizing their position.Looking back, the hundred-foot-high peaks on both sides of Luoleijian in the area of ​​the previous territorial battle no longer exist, leaving only ruins.

Besides, Daoist Dilong took back the snake-shaped spiritual awl in his hand and found that it had been scratched with thin lines. It was obvious that the spiritual weapon had been damaged beyond recognition, and it would take hundreds of years of warming to restore it to its original state.

At this time, he didn't have time to regret the spiritual weapon in his hand, and the overwhelming black hair in front of him followed.Stretch out your hand and take out the scales the size of a palm, stretch out your hand and turn it into a three-foot-sized shield to block in front of you.

There was a burst of crackling sound like fried beans, and at the same time, the huge impact from the defensive shield made Dilong Zhenren's hands numb.

After the first move, Yi Tian didn't continue to chase after him. Today, his goal has been achieved, and there is no need to really fight to the death.

What's more, this time is to let the Thunderbirds relocate back to their ancestral land, and at the same time make room for themselves to refine the Thunder Sun Token in their hands.

The Daoist Dilong in front of him was expecting something, but he was greatly disappointed after a fight.I didn't expect that his strength was far less than what I expected. Thinking about how hard I had spent in the Land of Fire to get rid of his clone, I didn't expect that his true self really made me look high.

After thinking about it carefully, the reason is that the deity has not made up for the lost primordial spirit since he eliminated his clone, and he has successfully broken through the bottleneck and achieved the fusion period. It was moved flat, and at the same time it surpassed the opponent, so it can be suppressed like now.

After figuring it out, Yi Tian didn't stop talking, and said directly: "I've already learned the tricks of Fellow Daoist Earth Dragon. If we continue to fight today, I'm afraid it won't end well for both races. Why don't we fight again next time, then we can fight again?" Let go of your hands and feet without any scruples."

"I remembered who you are. I didn't expect your strength to be so advanced. I'm afraid my clone would have been killed by you a long time ago." Daoist Dilong said angrily, "No wonder you said such a word. Good day! I will give face to the Huofeng clan, the grievances between you and me will be resolved sooner or later, we will wait and see."

(End of this chapter)

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