
Chapter 1663 Territory Hegemony 8 Relocation

Chapter 1663
The Thunderbird clan successfully won the territorial battle, and under the witness of the supervisors of the Huofeng and Huojiao clans, the matter was considered a successful conclusion.

After the war, according to the agreement, the Thunder Lizard Clan moved out of the Jinglei Mountain Range. Since then, the territory with a radius of thousands of miles has been owned by the Thunderbird Clan.The patriarchs of the two parties signed the agreement face to face under the supervision of the supervisor, but added a clause at the end, the agreement is valid for 3000 years.After 3000 years, the Thunder Lizard Clan will still have the opportunity to challenge again, and then the Thunderbird Clan will have to fight.

For such a condition, it will only be considered invalid after the appearance of a ninth-level monster in the two races, otherwise it will continue forever.Lei Aotian knows that he is very lucky to be able to regain his ancestral land at present, if he does not agree to this, I am afraid that the other party will not let it go.

3000 years is plenty of time for the Yaozu, even if they can't produce another ninth-level lord, they can re-cultivate a new generation.And Lei Aotian means that after 3000 years, the new mode of territorial battle will be chosen by the winner.Ning Xuanting did not mean to argue about this, and under the mediation of the two supervisors, the patriarchs of both sides signed blood contracts in front of the demon cultivators of the two clans.

Immediately, Ning Xuanting hurriedly packed up his luggage with a group of people from the Huojiao tribe and followed the inspection of the Huojiao tribe to the area of ​​Jinglei Mountain Range.

So far, the battle for the territory has come to a successful conclusion. Afterwards, what happened here was widely spread, and soon the reputation of the Thunderbird clan resounded in the demon world again.

But the most talked about in this territorial battle is not the battle process of the two patriarchs, but the fight between the real dragon and the monk in the mysterious fusion period after the war.

Although Daoist Dilong did not comment on this afterwards, the results of the fight between the two in public were also seen by the monks of the two races.There are quite a few versions that have been circulated, but the monks of the two clans hold their own opinions and seem to have different views on the result.

As for the mysterious friars in the fusion period among the parties involved, no one can find it, although it was predicted that the Thunderbird patriarch would be friendly with him, but Lei Aotian insisted that it was just a passing expert and fooled the matter away.Even the inspector of the Huofeng Shang Clan deserves such an answer, anyway, Lei Aotian is a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water and looks like 'I am a rascal, I don't know'.

As for Master Dilong, he left quietly after the fight, even after his friends came to hear the news, he didn't ask for any results.Although both sides keep silent about this matter, there are always those good-natured people who want to get to the bottom of it. It is a pity that the two groups of demon cultivators participating in the territorial battle seem to have been warned to be so completely tight-lipped. The answer is the same as the patriarch. .

It's a pity that there are always impenetrable walls in the world, and the two supervisors of the upper clan also experienced it and described the confrontation in detail after returning home.There are not many monks in the fusion period in the entire demon world, and now a mysterious monk suddenly appeared behind the Thunderbirds, which would naturally arouse their vigilance.

Then through the description of the situation where the two sides fought at that time, I quickly thought of several possible matching characters.

These external matters are naturally irrelevant to Yi Tian. After the Thunderbirds moved back to their ancestral land, they agreed with Lei Aotian that they need to use the region with the strongest thunder spirit power in Jinglei Mountains to refine spirit weapons.

Lei Aotian naturally agreed to this matter, if he didn't take out the Thunder Sun Token to restrain the opponent's lightning power this time, he wouldn't be able to win the competition so easily.

In addition, after Yi Tian adjusted and diluted the Bijiu Spirit Liquid, the sequelae had little effect on those who had taken it.After the war, Lei Aotian only endured a period of weakness, after the later adjustments, he quickly restored his cultivation to the original state, and there was no sign of his cultivation falling at all.

After receiving such a big favor from himself, Lei Aotian naturally knew to vote for Li Baoxiao, and Yi Tian had already made it clear when he came to find him.

During this period of time, Xiong Erbao had nothing to do and simply stayed in the Thunderbird clan to sit in command. Anyway, he felt very comfortable being fed with good food and drink.

Alone, he came to the Thunderbird Ancestral Land in the deepest part of the Jinglei Mountain Range, which was originally the burial place of the ancestors of the Thunderbird clan.After the Thunder Lizard Clan occupied the main resources of the Jinglei Mountain Range, they also set this place as a forbidden area.

Only let those elders who are on the verge of running out of life energy come here to sit down, and after the monster dies, the original thunder spirit power accumulated in the body will slowly separate out.In this way, after several generations, the thunder spirit power gathered here is more than ten times stronger than that of the outside world.

Coupled with the fact that the same power drawn from the ground veins is constantly nourishing and nurturing the strongest source of thunder in the Jinglei Mountain Range, it is really suitable to refine the Thunder Sun Token here.

Slowly stepping into it, Yi Tian walked all the way and found the remains of monsters and beasts everywhere. From the outside, most of them were Thunder Lizards.When you go deep, you can see a large number of thunderbird bones.The largest ones are as high as three feet, and it can be estimated from the breath left on their skeletons that they have gone through at least ten thousand years.

Obviously, the predecessor of this skeleton has reached the strength of a ninth-level monster, which is the same as that of a monk in the human race's spiritual integration stage.But even such a powerful existence can't resist the passage of life, so it seems that if you want to live forever, you have to maintain an aggressive attitude.

Even in the stage of advanced Mahayana, I can't relax, and my heart is extremely heavy when I walk and see the situation around me.

Feeling that the place where the source of thunder and spirit power is the strongest in the ancestral land of the thunderbird is next to the skeleton of the thunderbird, Yi Tian went up to the depths of Shennian Weiwei to check, and found that the place below turned out to be directly connected to the underground spirit. pulse.

After reaching out his hand to take out the Leiyang Token, Yi Tian held it in his hand and inspected it carefully. Originally, he had just refined a prototype.In addition to the ignorance flame that I cultivated in it, it needs to be filled with a lot of thunder and spirit power.

Originally, the purple flame of thunder in his natal real fire still had a trace of the power of tribulation thunder, but it was too weak to really cooperate with Wuminghuo.After absorbing the lightning power of the Thunder Lizard, the power of tribulation and thunder can be strengthened, and now the Thunder Sun Token is only a half-finished heaven-level elementary spirit weapon.

It has to wait for it to absorb enough power of the source of thunder before it can complete the final step of tempering.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to sacrifice the Leiyang Token, and then made a seal with one hand and pointed directly at the token in the air.Immediately, there was a nameless fire, and a white flame instantly enveloped the token.

After ten breaths, the token slowly flew forward and stabilized on top of the Thunderbird's bone, and a purple arc suddenly appeared around.The electric arc seemed to resonate with the bones of the thunderbird below, Yi Tian opened his eyes wide and saw a white lightning force spurted from the bones and then directly drawn to the token.

(End of this chapter)

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