
Chapter 1667

Chapter 1667
Yi Tian and Xiong Erbao, who were [-] miles away from Wan Yao City, flew towards Jinglei Mountains one after the other.After staying in Wanyao City for half a day, the two also wandered around and saw many exotic customs in the city, and then bought some unique treasures from other worlds before leaving happily.

Flying in the air, Yi Tian stretched out his divine sense and thoroughly investigated everything within a radius of ten thousand miles.However, this behavior also aroused the vigilance of many monster monks in the direction again, and then Yi Tian shrank the range covered by the divine sense to one-third of the range and continued to move forward.

It didn't take half a day to suddenly notice a violent spiritual pressure fluctuation thousands of miles to the right in his spiritual thoughts.Immediately, Yi Tian's divine sense quickly stretched over to check, and it seemed that there were four monks nearby.The power of this spiritual pressure fluctuation shows that their strength has at least reached the level of a ninth-level monster.

The brows are slightly frowned, so it is reasonable that several great monsters are fighting there, but think about it, such a situation usually does not happen in the demon world.Such a situation may have occurred because of an unexpected situation.

Xiong Erbao behind him said via voice transmission: "Would you like to go and see the situation? Something big must have happened like this."

"It's too big a goal for two people to go together, I'll go alone," Yi Tian said after thinking for a while.

"I'd better go along with you. Seeing that there is a lot of movement over there, I can help if there is a real fight," Xiong Erbao said.

After hearing this, Yi Tian felt helpless and said: "Hide in my beast-controlling bag, you can't come out without my order."

Xiong Erbao glanced with aggrieved eyes and had no choice but to nod in response, and then a flash of spiritual light all over his body suddenly turned into a gray-white spiritual light and directly drilled into the beast-controlling bag on Yi Tian's waist.

After an instant change of direction, Yi Tian stretched out his divine sense again and checked the situation over there. After three breaths, his face showed a cloudy and uncertain look, and he was extremely hesitant to go there.It was originally thought to be a two-on-two situation, but now it has become a three-on-one situation.

The other party didn't seem to be a fuel-efficient lamp, and at the same time, he realized his existence.At the same time, the besieged person turned around and flew straight towards where he was.

Yi Tian's face was shocked, and he realized that he was locked by the four divine senses.The other party also found his position, and the other three auras also flew towards this side a little later.

There was a bit of embarrassment on his face, Yi Tian only felt bitter in his mouth, the other party was really forcing him to go out of his way.After three breaths, there was a spiritual light flying towards him from the sky, and the purple light flashed in Yi Tian's eyes, and when he used the magic pupil, he saw clearly that the person coming from the front turned out to be Yishun from the Huojiao clan that he had seen at the Wan Yao City's birthday banquet .

At this time, his face was pale, blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth, and one horn on his head was broken off.A lot of blood kept flowing out of it, probably because the situation was critical just now and he couldn't take time to treat the wound.The clothes on his body were damaged in many places, and many places showed a purple color, which must have been poisoned.

I thought in my heart, "Didn't he leave a long time ago, the person who can blatantly stop him in the demon world is probably not a simple person."Yi Tian immediately thought of Meng Luan of the Fire Phoenix Clan in his mind, but he immediately rejected it.

After opening his spiritual sense, he found that the three people following him had arrived in an instant, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on two of them were unexpectedly encountered by himself.After a little discrimination, it turned out to be Daoist Hunyun of the Thunder Mang Clan and Daoist Dilong of the Earth Dragon Clan.

Unexpectedly, they would join hands to deal with Yishun from the upper clan, and the third wave of spiritual pressure fluctuations will be stronger by three points.Yi Tian's complexion changed slightly, and the only demon cultivator who could have such a strong strength at the stage of realization was Yan Peigong of Wan Yao City.

At this point, Yi Tian still didn't understand that it must be the three of them who joined forces to plot against Yishun of the Huojiao Clan. One can only imagine how strong he was under the siege of the three of them and he was able to escape from the siege.

From a distance, I heard Yishun shouting: "Fellow Taoist, go slowly, please help me, I, the Huojiao Clan, are very grateful."

As soon as the words fell, there was a strong momentum that shook off the other two people and rushed over quickly, shouting loudly: "You can't escape, and that kid came here to meddle in other people's business, don't you think you are alive?" Tired."

With a cold face, Yi Tian realized that Yan Peigong's strength was really not simple, and he might not be his opponent in one-on-one, not to mention that there were two helpers behind him.

After rushing over, he shot two black auras with both hands, and at the same time, a vague phantom appeared behind him.Ke Yitian couldn't see the appearance of this phantom even with the magic pupil.

Immediately afterwards, Yishun was also facing a big enemy. Looking at him, he had only less than [-]% of his success power left.

It's rare to meet him in the demon world, but today, he found that he was no less than a person from the Spirit Race.

Originally, I planned to ask Xiong Erbao to come out to help if the situation was not good, but looking at the situation in front of me, three against three may not be their opponents.Moreover, both Hun Yun and Di Long suffered losses in their own hands, and they would never miss such a good opportunity.

Now Yi Tian was not thinking about how to make a move but how to get out, the figure turned around after a sudden pause in the air and flew towards the left.In the divine sense, it has been discovered that Hun Yun and Dilong spread out and outflanked from the left and right sides.If you let them surround you, it will be difficult for you to get out.

A scream came from behind, and Yi Tian ran forward without looking back.All of a sudden, I heard Yishun's cry from behind: "You old monster just took a fancy to my talent bloodline, but don't be too happy, I'd rather explode the demon pill than let you succeed of."

After the red light flashed across the sky, the surrounding spiritual power gathered, and then a huge spiritual power vortex was aroused, and the sound of thunderstorm roared, and then Yi Tian felt that there was a wave of spiritual pressure behind him that instantly overwhelmed his position.

It is a rare situation in a thousand years that the demon cultivator in the fusion period exploded the demon core in the daytime, and now Yi Tian bumped into it for no reason, and he doesn't know if it is a blessing or a curse.

Suddenly, within the range of self-explosion, a red light burst out from it, Yi Tian noticed that the situation had changed, and looked back to see that it was a red flood dragon demon spirit wrapped in a demon core and flying towards him.The speed was so fast that he rushed to not far behind in an instant, and at the same time Yishun's voice came: "Please take care of me, fellow Taoist, and I will surely repay you."

Without even thinking about it, Yi Tian reached out and took out a jade bottle, and put Na Yishun's demon spirit and demon pill in it.After putting away the jade tablet, the aura on the whole body was great, and now a teleport flashed in the air and rushed towards the distance.

On the way to escape, he found that the real Dilong in front of him seemed to be about to stop him halfway, and the Taiyuan wooden sword in his hand turned into thousands of filaments to meet him.Now Yi Tian is also in a panic, and of course he won't hold back any more tricks. This time, Lingyao Huaqian's sword threads are densely lined up and straight across Daoist Dilong's body, forcing him to a hundred feet away.

(End of this chapter)

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