
Chapter 1668 Escape

Chapter 1668 Escape
On the way back to the Thunderbird Clan, Yi Tian discovered the vendetta between the Monster Clan, and Yi Tian also went there with the mentality of wanting to see the excitement.I didn't expect to see the conflict between the ninth-level demon cultivators.

I wanted to leave, but the other party seemed to not want to let me go, so after a lot of chasing, I immediately entangled him.And Yishun also made a decisive decision, knowing that there was no hope of getting out of trouble, he also decisively blew up the demon core.

Originally, Yi Tian was fine with this matter, as long as he could escape from the encirclement, the three of them would no longer be entangled.Unexpectedly, Yishun also lost his mind, escaped from the body and escaped with the demon spirit wrapped in the demon pill.

After that, he also focused on finding a temporary shelter for himself.Yi Tian was also forced to have no choice but to put away his demon spirit together with the demon pill.Then he broke through the defensive circle surrounded by the two of them and fled straight to the depths of the demon world.

This time, I don't want to return to the Thunderbird Clan so as not to cause Lei Fuhong a lot of trouble, but I haven't been to many places when I first entered the demon world, so I can only take one step at a time and run around in the demon world like a headless chicken .

Flying in the air, he opened up all his divine senses and investigated the situation within a radius of ten thousand miles around him. The three people behind him gathered together and were biting him tightly.After flying all the way, Yi Tian didn't dare to break into the area where many monster races gathered.Although most of these monster clans don't have very powerful monsters stationed there, they can't afford to waste their time.

The three big monsters behind him are the confidant's troubles. Although my escape speed is not familiar with the other party, I am often shortened by them.The belt waited until he was in the open area of ​​the plain to take advantage of the speed advantage to open up the distance again.

Now the two sides are separated by more than a thousand miles, but such a distance still cannot escape the opponent's pursuit.

With the constant depletion of true energy in his body, Yi Tian also needed to take out the pill to recover his spiritual power to maintain his current escape speed.But escaping like this is not a way out, Yi Tian immediately split a ray of divine sense into the jade bottle hidden in Yishun, only to see him curled up on the demon core, the demon core supported by the demon body Trembling slightly.

Presumably his situation is also extremely troublesome, but his own situation is not good either.Yi Tian turned into his own appearance through divine thoughts, appeared in the jade vase and asked, "How did Fellow Daoist Yishun make such a appearance, and why did Daoist Hun Yun and Dilong join forces to deal with you?"

"Hmph, two traitors conspired against me. If it weren't for this, how could I be forced to explode my demon core," Yi Shun said angrily.

"Now the situation is pressing, Hunyun and Dilong are connected with Yan Peigong and the three monsters are chasing me closely, do fellow daoists have any tricks to get rid of the invading enemy?" Yi Tian asked.

"Old thief Yan didn't expect that he would be the mastermind of this matter. He designed to frame and besiege me. If I don't avenge this revenge, I will never die." The demon dragon of Yishun trembled violently when he mentioned Yan Peigong's name. The words are also hasty for three minutes.

"Fellow Daoist needs to calm down. At this time, we should seek escape first. As for the matter of revenge, we have to wait until we can escape their pursuit," Yi Tian comforted.

As soon as these words came out, the demon spirit in Yishun seemed to control the situation in his heart, and his whole body also slowly stopped shaking.Later he said: "It is not easy to avoid the pursuit of the three ninth-level demon cultivators in the demon world. I just know that there is a demon clan forbidden area that can isolate them from chasing and killing. After entering, you can also isolate the spiritual search , but it can be regarded as a dangerous place in the demon world, and there are not many demon cultivators who can come out alive."

A look of inadvertent thought appeared on his face, since it was said that this was a forbidden place in the demon world, then as a human spiritual cultivator, he shouldn't be affected so strongly.Besides, he was in a dangerous situation now, and none of the three demon cultivators behind him wanted to kill him.

If we were entangled by them, it would be very difficult to survive. After thinking about it, he replied in a deep voice: "Forget it, it is absolutely impossible for us to get rid of the pursuers now. The only way for us now is to take risks. Put all the dead in the forbidden area, and there may be a way for the younger generation to survive."

"There is a gap in the depths of Miasma Ridge, through which you can enter the ancient monster race battlefield, you can pass through it, and the miasma there can block the monster race chasing soldiers behind you. No matter how powerful the old thief Yan is, he dare not take it easy Enter, let alone those two traitors," Yishun suggested.

"The entrance to the ancient monster clan's battlefield in the depths of Miasma Ridge," Yi Tian raised his eyebrows when he heard this, reached out and took out the jade slip of the map, and began to search.

After ten breaths, he scanned the map with his divine sense and checked the surrounding area of ​​Miasma Ridge, and it did not belong to any clan.It may be because of the miasma that there are no monster clans living three thousand miles away.

And within Miasma Ridge, there is an incalculable barren land of nearly tens of thousands of miles that has not been marked on the map.After checking, Yi Tian was determined that the three people behind him would never be able to catch up with him at the current speed.There are tens of breaths of space between the two sides, which is enough to deal with the crisis in Miasma Ridge.

After thinking about it, he stuffed a large amount of elixir into his mouth, chewed and swallowed it, then turned around and flew towards the location of Miasma Ridge.

The three people in the rear noticed their movements after a while, and they didn't realize what was going to happen next, so they couldn't forcefully speed up to catch up.They seem to be competing with themselves to see who will run out first.

But after flying for several hours, when he was almost five thousand miles away from Miasma Ridge, Yan Peigong and others immediately realized that something was wrong.In Yi Tian's divine thoughts, he found that someone had obviously used a secret technique to double his escape speed and not only chased him straight from behind.

Fortunately, the person who came was not Yan Peigong, Yi Tian finally felt at ease, and after emitting red spiritual power from his body, he directly doubled his speed.

Sensing that it should be Daoist Hun Yun chasing after him, Yi Tian twitched the corner of his mouth and showed a stern look on his face.Back then, I was also merciful because I wanted to calm things down and not want to affect the Tianpeng people.

But today is not the case, there is no scruples near Miasma Ridge, as long as Hun Yun dares to approach, he will never stay behind.

From a distance, there is a faint layer of green miasma covering the mountain, and it seems that it has reached the boundary of Miasma Ridge.Yi Tian hurriedly descended to the flight altitude, put up a protective shield around himself, and fell headlong into the miasma.

Later, when the divine sense came out, it was found that the range that could be extended was blocked, and at the same time, the miasma in the air seemed to be able to cut off the observation of one's spiritual sense.His face was not surprised but happy, he was so restricted, and the three demon cultivators behind him were even more restricted.

After ten breaths, they found that they had also entered the range of Miasma Ridge, and the speed of flying escape was greatly restricted at the same time, less than half of the original speed.Yi Tian smiled and then flew towards the deep crack where Yishun said.

 Thanks for the strong support of fellow Taoist Mode's emotional pineapple head.

(End of this chapter)

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