
Chapter 1669 Enter

Chapter 1669 Enter
After entering Miasma Ridge, Yi Tian found that the surrounding space was filled with light green miasma, and the concentration of miasma increased as he flew in.Spiritual thoughts are restricted in Miasma Ridge, at most one hundred feet away, and cannot be extended any further.

Fortunately, with Yishun's guidance, he was able to shuttle through the mid-air of Miasma Ridge effortlessly. After flying over several hills, he came to the deepest gap in Miasma.

After a rough look, there is a steady stream of green miasma leaking out of this gap, and it is obvious that this is a gap in the barrier that has been banned.I don't know how many years it took to form a gap of the current size.Yi Tian measured that he could almost squeeze in through it, but the green miasma coming out of the gap contained a lot of toxicity, and it would definitely be a big trouble if it accidentally contaminated his upper body.

I guess in my heart that the pursuers behind have almost entered Miasma Ridge at this time, they must be familiar with this and will come here soon.But Yi Tian wasn't going to let the three of them go, and he had to find some place after suffering so much along the way.

After thinking about it, he reached out and took out the forbidden formation plate, and quickly set up a formation here, and the green miasma that was originally floating around was no longer leaked under the guidance of the formation.Soon these miasmas continued to gather around here and then covered the area around the gap for a mile.

After doing all these, Yi Tian looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction, and then he went through the gap directly after a flash of inspiration appeared all over his body.

After a little while, Yan Peigong took Hunyun and Dilong to the gap near the miasma gap, looked at the surrounding environment, Yan Peigong frowned slightly and said: "There is something weird here, why is the concentration of miasma here so high?" higher than elsewhere?"

"Yan Daoyou thinks how to deal with this matter, should we pursue it or not?" Hun Yun asked tentatively.This time, the accident in the siege was also an unintentional mistake. It was a surefire thing, but I didn't expect that Yishun had a trump card to force himself to explode the inner alchemy.

"We've made it this far. If this matter gets out, the Huojiao Clan will definitely be hunted down endlessly," said Dilong Daoist, "The crime of treason is firmly established, and we have no way out. .”

"Fellow Earth Dragon is right," said Yan Peigong with a serious face, "Since we have done it, we must do it. The three of us are in the same boat now, and none of us can survive alone. The real dragon blood in Yishun's body, you Don’t you all get a share, and you will naturally have to pay the corresponding price for taking the huge benefits.”

The two of them looked at each other after hearing the words, and they both kept silent. Yan Peigong was right, and took Yishun's remnant body after the scene where he blew himself up. Fortunately, there was still a lot of real blood left on it. Now the three of them Then the true blood was eaten on the spot.Originally, Hun Yun and Dilong's real dragon blood was thin, and it was almost impossible to activate the power of the blood.

Now after absorbing Yishun's true blood, the concentration of the true dragon's blood has been greatly increased, so it is bound to greatly improve his cultivation.It wasn't a day or two before they made up their minds. On weekdays, Yishun nestled in the hinterland of the Huojiao clan and would not go out easily.So they naturally have no chance, this time it was very difficult to lure Yishun out, and then cooperated with Yan Peigong and the three to surround and kill him.

It's a pity that the fortune is not as good as the fortune, and finally Yishun broke through the siege and let his demon spirit escape. In this way, the three people's teamwork will definitely be revealed, and then there may be no place for them to stand in the demon world.

In this way, the three of them vowed with all their strength to catch Yishun's demon spirit to be at ease.Looking around from the outside, Yan Peigong said in a deep voice: "This miasma is weird, and going inside is the entrance to the ancient battlefield of the monster race. The miasma and coercion inside are extremely suppressed by us and the monster race. Only by working together can we ensure safety.”

Hun Yun and Di Long looked at each other and nodded, then replied in unison: "Let's go in together."

The three of them then sacrificed the aura of body protection all over their bodies, broke through the miasma layer in front of them, and rushed in.It's just that under the trend of the formation, the surrounding miasma rushed towards the direction of the three of them in an instant, and a large amount of green miasma intertwined in the misty area also faintly appeared illusions, which slowed down their forward speed again. ordered one.

At this time, Yi Tian broke into the gap and felt that his body was about to fall as soon as he sank. The true energy in his body quickly circulated and fell more than three feet before stabilizing his body in the air.After the divine thoughts dispersed, I still felt that I could only detect the movement within a radius of half a mile, but I could see farther with my eyes.

After choosing a direction, Yi Tian restrained the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, and then flew straight into the distance.

The skeletons of huge monsters are everywhere in the ancient battlefield, and some monsters have huge skeletons that are tens of feet long.There are also some petite ones that are only one foot in size, but all of these skeletons exude a strong evil spirit.Even though it has been weathered here for thousands of years, Yi Tian was still greatly amazed.

After flying for a long time, Yi Tian found a free place and took out the jade bottle containing the Yishun demon spirit, and then a trace of spiritual thought sneaked in to check it out.At this moment, Yishun's demon spirit was coweringly wrapped around the demon core and trembling non-stop. It seemed that the aftermath of the previous self-detonation began to appear.

After realizing his divine thoughts, Yishun pulled himself together and said, "Have we reached the ancient battlefield of monsters in Miasma Ridge?"

"We have come in, but the three pursuers behind have also arrived," Yi Tian said without hiding anything from him: "Is there any choice for Fellow Daoist Yishun? Blindly bump into the general manager like headless chickens." There is no way, and I have to try to avoid the three people behind."

"I don't know about this ancient battlefield. I just heard that there is a scorched dragon's skeleton in the depths. Fellow Daoists, why not go there and have a look," Yishun said.

"Fellow Daoist Yishun seems to have something to say," Yi Tian said with a smile, "Can you tell me your plan in the next day or two, otherwise it won't be a good thing for fellow Daoist if this kind of cooperation continues and I don't know why."

"It's almost impossible for me to return to my original state in my current situation. If I can have a keel to refine and use as the body of the dragon spirit, maybe I can survive in the form of a bone spirit," Yishun explained. road.

"So that's the case, Fellow Daoist Yishun thinks simply," Yi Tian shook his head and replied, "As far as I know, even if you get the burning dragon bone and want to refine it into a bone spirit, fellow Daoist, do you want to switch to the way of cultivating corpses?" Is it?"

"That is also a helpless move. Is it possible that fellow Taoists have a way to find a fire dragon in the fusion stage to let me take it?" Yishun asked back: "But even so, it is not as strong as my original blood. Cultivate back to the ninth-level state."

(End of this chapter)

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