
Chapter 167 Assistance

Chapter 167 Assistance
One hundred and twenty miles away from the 'Huaiyuan Square' is a three-way zone. There is a winding stream on the ground flowing out of the mountain depression. Two people are sitting and resting by the stream.

It was Yi Tian and Ye Ziyan who were wearing bamboo hats, but they had different expressions.Ye Ziyan looked at the man in the bamboo hat opposite with a puzzled expression, and even wondered if he had other plans.

Senior brother Xu Hao fled before the battle just now, Ye Ziyan thought she was doomed, and the two late-stage foundation-builder monks shot at the same time must have been caught in seconds.

Seeing that Wu Yaolong was about to make a move, but the man in the bamboo hat next to him was even more powerful, two blue lights gathered in his hands, and a big blue hand suddenly hit Wu Yaolong.

The dragon-capturing hand and the blue fist collided violently in the air, making a loud bang, which woke up all the creatures within a three-mile radius, and then the two began to fight.It was obvious that the skill of the bamboo hat man was far higher than that of Wu Yaolong. After two moves, the latter was forced to directly summon a bronze armored corpse.

Ye Ziyan took a closer look and saw that Wu Yaolong's spiritual power had also directly transformed into Yin Lingqi of the Yin Corpse Sect, and was immediately startled, this Wu Yaolong turned out to be a member of the Yin Corpse Sect.

But the man in the bamboo hat paused for a moment, and sent eight wooden thorns straight up, piercing through the bronze armored corpse.When Wu Yaolong saw that the situation was wrong, before he was ready to run away, the man in the bamboo hat clasped his hands together, and threw a more powerful spell directly at Wu Yaolong.

Ye Ziyan, who was standing on the side, was already stunned, too frightened to move her legs. She knew in her heart that such a powerful move was basically comparable to the full blow of a third-rank Golden Core cultivator, so she ran away in front of absolute strength. Appears useless.

This time, Yi Tian was just trying to understand the power of the second form of King Ming's hand, and the effect was better than expected. After flying forward to put away Wu Yaolong's storage bracelet, he turned around and looked at Ye Ziyan who was standing aside, and found that She is still standing in the air.

Thinking about the lesson this time, Ye Ziyan must have been completely disappointed in Xu Haoxian. She fled the battle, abandoned her teammates, and would be despised wherever she said it.Yi Tian wouldn't believe that the kid would really find someone to save him, and at this moment he didn't know where he would hide to avoid the limelight.

Pointing at Ye Ziyan with his hand to tell her to follow, Yi Tian flew forward slowly.

Ye Ziyan also followed up helplessly. If there was a slight change at this time, it was hard to guarantee that she would be eliminated in an instant, but she gradually felt that the other party did not have any malicious intentions.

Ye Ziyan was also full of suspicion all the way. The back of the man in the bamboo hat looked familiar, and the spell he used seemed to have been seen before, but it was so old that he couldn't remember it, but he was still trying to remember it.

After flying for seventy or eighty miles, Yi Tian found a small mountain col, and then went down to the clouds. Ye Ziyan took a look and followed carelessly.

Sitting by the stream, Yi Tian took out the spirit stone tray and sat down, only caring about his breath adjustment and rest.

Ye Ziyan next to her also took the opportunity to reply, and her heart was full of doubts. Although the person opposite seemed to have no hostility, the two brothers and sisters of my own had sinned against him before, and they chased after him to buy and sell by force.

When fighting Wu Yaolong just now, he directly pushed Ming Wang's hand a few times in a row, although the power was huge, the consumption also followed.Since being chased by Jindan monks, Yi Tian now likes to maintain his best condition at all times to deal with possible adverse situations.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Yi Tian felt that the spiritual power in his body had returned to its peak state after absorbing the two intermediate spirit stones.Standing up and stretching his muscles, he walked towards where Ye Ziyan was sitting. The latter was also taken aback, but his eyes were no longer defensive.

After approaching, Yi Tian lifted the bamboo hat, revealing a yellow and waxy face, and saw that Ye Ziyan's face did not show any disappointment, and he didn't know where he was going wrong.

Instead, Ye Ziyan said with a smile on her face: "In this life, there are only two people who have treated me so well. One is my master, and the other is the person who saved my life in the Red Flame Hills, right Brother Yi Tian."

Tearing off the mask on his face, Yi Tian revealed his true face and said, "I didn't make a sound, how did you guess it?"

"Did you forget the wood thorn technique you used before? I was a little skeptical when you used your spell today, but I was scared at that time and didn't think about it." Ye Ziyan giggled.

Yi Tian nodded with a smile and said: "Then I will pay attention in the future. After this experience, you should see Xu Haoxian's character clearly, and you will have less contact with him in the future."

Ye Ziyan, who was sitting on the side, pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Hey, is brother Yi Tian jealous? Is it because I haven't seen you all year round? I don't know many people in the sect. Every time I'm like a mangy dog, I can't get rid of it."

"After this time, I think he will have no face to bother you again."

"Humph, I think he still dares, such a person is the most annoying, he doesn't look like a man at all," Ye Ziyan pouted, turned her head and smiled at Yi Tian and said: "This time you send Xu Hao away first, There are few people in the task in hand, you have to accompany me to do it, or I will go back and tell the master that you are a big villain molesting me."

At first, Yi Tian's face was quite normal, but he got a little cramped at the end, what is molesting, it's obviously rescue, but the method he used was a bit out of the way.

Seeing that he didn't have anything to deal with at hand, Yi Tian had no choice but to agree first, then heard Ye Ziyan laugh happily, and said inappropriately: "This is Brother Yi's first Help me with the task once, but don't be lazy."

So Yi Tian didn't plan to tease her anymore, he directly took out a jade bottle from the storage bracelet, and handed it to Ye Ziyan with his spiritual sense.

This time it was Ye Ziyan's turn to be stunned. After taking the jade bottle, she opened the cork and saw that there were actually ten drops of spiritual liquid inside. After smelling the smell, she cried out: "This is 'Xuan Ling Qing Liquid', where did you find so much?" What?" Ye Ziyan knew that this bottle could not be bought without [-] spirit stones, and it was a great favor for Yi Tian to send one bottle at a time, so it could be regarded as some kind of token.

The two of them rested at the col for a period of time, during which Ye Ziyan swallowed a drop of 'Xuanling Qingye' every day under Yi Tian's guidance, and then worked to dissolve the spiritual power in it.

Three days later, Ye Ziyan found that her cultivation had actually increased a lot. Although she was not at the peak in the early stage of foundation establishment, she was not far away. If she fought against Xu Haoxian, she might not be weaker than him.

Ye Qingchen is a fellow cultivator of water and wood spiritual power, and Ye Ziyan must be like this too, only divided into majors and minors, so she also said that she focused on a single spiritual power to build the foundation, but slowly cultivated the wood spiritual power after reaching the foundation building period of.

In the past three days, Yi Tian also told Ye Ziyan all his experience in cultivation, and also taught her the wood-type spells he had learned.

Ye Ziyan's task this time is to resolve the dispute between two families of casual cultivators on the territory of the Chiyang Sect.Yi Tian looked at the task jade slips, and it was actually not a difficult task, only because of a dispute over a copper concentrate vein that caused a dispute between the Sanxiu Wang family and the Li family.

This time, it was used as a peacemaker to settle the matter, plus it was necessary to find out the output of the copper concentrate vein.The location of these two families was originally in the three-way zone two to three hundred miles due north of the Chiyan Hills.In the past few decades, the Chiyang School has also gradually expanded outwards after recharging their energy, so some casual cultivators from aristocratic families have also surrendered one after another.

This task was directly assigned by Ye Qingchen to his apprentice, and he hoped it could also enhance Ye Ziyan's prestige in the family of casual cultivators.

The task required only two early-stage foundation-building monks, so Xu Haoxian didn't know where to find the news, and Ye Ziyan recommended himself to be the flower protector, but he didn't expect to run away after encountering danger.

Three days later, Yi Tian flew in the sky on the flywheel, and Ye Ziyan stood directly behind the flywheel, holding Yi Tian in front of her with both hands.Originally, each was in charge of each imperial weapon, but Ye Ziyan insisted that she wasted so much time, so she could hurry up with Yitian's imperial weapon.

After Yi Tianyu took off the wheel, Ye Ziyan directly picked it up, and after looking at it, Yi Tian had no choice but to become a driver.

This time, Ye Ziyan's destination was two new vassal cultivating families of Chengshan Kingdom. Last month, she received a message from Wang Juewen, a family of the Wang family, that the two families were fighting over a vein of red copper concentrate.

He, Wang Juewen, and Li Cunshan, the Patriarch of the Li Family who are also in Chengshan Kingdom, have also been enemies for many years. This time, they attached themselves to the Chiyang Sect with the intention of not losing money. Everyone has the same background and no one can take advantage of face.

Along the way, Ye Ziyan introduced that these two Patriarchs are both in the early stage of foundation establishment, and Ye Ziyan's current cultivation is more than enough to restrain them.Ke Yitian also had a plan in his mind, this matter can't be done only by beating and killing, the sect is here to establish prestige, this matter uses brains, if it only knows how to kill people, it is no different from the group of Gaoshou people in the Discipline Hall.

This mission was led by Ye Ziyan, and the two had also discussed that Yi Tian would talk less and work more, and if he found any problems, he would act again.Everything was centered on Ye Ziyan. After completing the mission, the two families reported to the sect, and Ye Ziyan made it clear when she returned to the sect.

These two families are not far away, but Yi Tian suggested to go to the mining area where the accident happened first, and Ye Ziyan nodded in agreement.After the black market experience last time, Ye Ziyan has also become more mature, she will think about everything first, and it is best to get first-hand information before judging the situation.

After arriving in Chengshan Kingdom, Yi Tian specially found a place to ask Ye Ziyan to change into ordinary monk clothes first, so that he could hide his identity, and then handed over to her the fourth-level spiritual weapon electric flood boots and protective shield he had prepared for him. He instructed: "I prepared these things specially for you. After you take them and use them, don't reveal them to others. Just use good things at critical moments."Hearing that Ye Ziyan had tears in her eyes, she hugged Yi Tian and cried for a long time.

Before setting off, Yi Tian suppressed his cultivation to the early stage of foundation establishment, and the province's actions attracted the attention of the two patriarchs, Wang and Li.

The mining area is located in the deep mountains two hundred miles north of the capital of Chengshan Kingdom. There are monks in the gas refining period patrolling day and night in a radius of ten miles.The two specially chose to fly quietly in the air at night, overlooking the entrances of the two mines.

At a glance, Yi Tian also felt that there was a problem. The two mines were mining the same ore vein, and the directions were opposite. Fortunately, the entrance of the mine was separated by a distance of more than ten miles on the mountain road.

But digging like this will meet sooner or later, and this dispute is caused by the ownership of the vein. It is reasonable to say that there will be people on both sides who will not encounter each other in the direction of mining. Even if the same vein is mined, it should be in advance Just say yes.

Ye Ziyan pointed to the mines of the Wang family and said: "This time it was Wang Juewen who filed the complaint first. He said that there was a deviation in the passage of the mine veins of the Li family, and he directly opened up the pit of his Wang family. Li Cunshan explained that it was because a huge mine was encountered in the mine. Granite, which changed the route of the passage."

After listening to it, Yi Tian pondered for a while. The problem lies in the tunnel of the Li family, so he had to go down from their place to have a look.Turning their heads and motioning to Ye Ziyan, the two quietly flew to the entrance of Li's mining area ten miles away to check in the dark.

(End of this chapter)

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