
Chapter 168 Spare

Chapter 168 Spare
After the middle of the night, Yi Tian and Ye Ziyan quietly bypassed the guards in the Li family's mining area. Yi Tian also gathered the spiritual energy at his fingertips and immediately knocked down the two monks in the refining period who were guarding the mine gate.Ye Ziyan looked at Yi Tian's hand and praised it again and again, and she also wanted to learn from the sound transmission.

Under Yi Tian's face of laughter, the two of them got into the mine tunnel together.Because it produces ordinary red copper concentrate, the underground tunnel is also big. Walking in the mine, Yi Tian found that the ground is also dirty, and there are some red stones all over the ground. It is estimated that those miners dropped the ore after transporting it. The slag bar.

The two of them walked down the main mine road for about half a mile, and then they came to a multi-fork intersection. Fortunately, there were signs at the intersection. Ye Ziyan looked at it and said: "There are four or five mine roads here, how should we go?" Woolen cloth?"

"Usually, the passages that people walk through will leave people's residual heat, and the temperature in these passages is even more persistent. If we want to find the place blocked by granite, it must have been abandoned for a while." See Ye Ziyan Listening attentively, Yi Tian smiled, and then patted his spirit animal bag to summon the 'Fat Dog'.

Ye Ziyan saw 'Fat Dog' for the first time, and thought it was really cute, so she couldn't help reaching out and hugging it.

Yi Tian who watched was speechless for a while: "I let it out to help find the way. Bingli Fox is more sensitive to heat, and its nose can also ask if someone smells."

Immediately, he patted 'Fat Dog' to signal it to come down to explore the road, but it was still unwilling, so Yi Tian had to take out the Beast Spirit Pill and feed a few more, which made 'Fat Dog' move.After Yi Tian told Fat Dog about the situation in the cave again, he reluctantly walked to each passageway in turn, raised his head and smelled it with his nose.

According to Yi Tian's instructions, as long as you smell a person, you can change to the next passage. It took 'Fat Dog' half a quarter of an hour to shake his head and confirm the leftmost road, which made Yi Tian not quite sure. .At this time, Ye Ziyan came up and stroked the head of 'Fat Dog', while asking it patiently, and asked Yi Tian for a few beast spirit pills as a reward.

After a while, Ye Ziyan also asked Yi Tian angrily: "How did you raise the Bingli fox? You know how to let it eat and sleep all day long. According to its behavior over the past few decades, it should have advanced to level four long ago. A good spirit beast has really been raised by you as a dog."

This time Yi Tian was at a loss for words. In fact, the method of raising spirit beasts was only seen in the Beast Spirit Art that I bought before. To be honest, I really didn’t care enough about 'Fat Dog'. Huang Ziang acted on his behalf.

In desperation, Yi Tian had no choice but to ask Ye Ziyan for help: "I fed it the blood and flesh of a fifth-level spirit beast. According to its appearance, it should be promoted early. Why don't you help me raise it for a while."

Now even Fat Dog jumped up happily after hearing this, while Ye Ziyan smiled lightly and said: "Brother Yi Tian's entrustment, I will definitely do my best, and I will send it back after advancing to the fourth level, I guess It won't take a few years, but you have to be prepared for labor costs."

Hearing this, Yi Tian could only nod his head frequently and said: "Don't worry, you can just count on me how much 'Fat Dog' is used up, as long as it can advance smoothly." To Ye Ziyan.

In less than half a quarter, Ye Ziyan could summon the 'fat dog' into the spirit beast bag according to the records of the spirit beast art.The next two people went in directly along the passage on the left, a fireball rose from Yi Tian's right hand, and the strong light illuminated the distance of five feet in the passage.

The two walked in the passage for more than an hour before reaching the bottom. Yi Tian reckoned that the direction was probably still in Li's mining area.Logically speaking, if the mine encounters granite in the mine, there are usually two ways, either to detour, or to dig directly, unless there are special circumstances, the mine will be abandoned.

You must know that the labor cost of abandoning a road of mineral veins and reopening a road is also very small. It takes a lot of effort to measure and measure the distance alone, not to mention re-laying the transportation channel.

After walking to the end, Yi Tian raised the fireball in his right hand and saw that it was indeed a large piece of granite blocking the passage in front of it. He touched it with his hands and felt it was hard, but after knocking it a few times, he found that it was also a real rock.

After looking at it, Ye Ziyan was helpless and said: "In this way, the Li Cunshan family has no choice but to dig here, so they reopened a secondary road in other passages, and finally pierced the mines of the two families."

Yi Tian touched the granite rock with his hand, and it felt big, very big.I wiped the surface of the stone with my hands, and I always felt that the traces of artificial excavation were obvious, but I couldn't see anything if I gnawed on it.

After thinking for a while, he took out the flywheel with his right hand, and with a little finger, he would control the flywheel and start to remove excess stones on the granite like a razor.Just now Yi Tian saw that the color of the cracks in the granite is different. The inside seems to be older, and the outside is derived from limestone later.

Flywheel peeled off a large piece of limestone in the palm and exposed the inner layer, only to hear Ye Ziyan call out: "Brother Yi Tian, ​​it seems that there are patterns inside."

After stopping to control the flywheel, the two of them leaned forward to take a look. Under the light of the fireball, lines appeared on the wall.Now the two looked at each other, and Ye Ziyan rushed to say: "This is the spirit array, it's a long time ago, at least the year before last."

Yi Tian nodded and added: "The granite here should be a door, which was sealed with rocks, and after thousands of years, red copper essence was derived, which became a part of red copper concentrate. Let's open it and have a look. .”

Then the flywheel in his hand turned again, and under Yi Tian's control, he slowly peeled off the whole piece of limestone along the opening, and after a moment, the entire stone gate was revealed in front of the two of them.

Seeing the formation patterns engraved on the entire door, Yi Tian also quickly went through his mind, but he didn't find any pattern matching it.Seeing that there is actually a sign of Ming Wangdao in the middle of that door, Yi Tian was overjoyed, this Ming Wangdao is really destined to be with him, he can meet some relics left there, maybe there is really something behind it what is available.

Instructing Ye Ziyan to get out of the way, Yi Tian looked at the groove in the door lock, which was about the same size as the token of 'Brahma Curse Heaven' on his body.There is a door to the secret passage, he took out the token and put it in, after injecting mana in his hand, the stone door opened from it, revealing a gap of three feet.

After turning around and asking Ye Ziyan to follow up, Yi Tian walked in first, gathering the fireballs in his hands to take a clear picture of the situation inside.

The entire stone room is not big, about three feet in size, with a small teleportation array in the middle, and a dusty jade slip on the stone platform next to it.Running forward, Yi Tian blew lightly, and then performed a cleaning technique to clean the jade slip.

After opening it, Yi Tian carefully read the above content, and laughed out loud after ten breaths, this thing is really useful to him.Ye Ziyan who was on the side asked with a puzzled face: "Brother Yi Tian, ​​what is this?"

"This is the map of the distribution of the teleportation formations of King Ming Dao in the Dong'ao area. There are five teleportation formations connected to the main altar of King Ming Dao in southern Xinjiang." Yi Tian turned around and explained patiently.

Maybe Ye Ziyan heard about Wang Dao for the first time, Yi Tian saw that she didn't react at all.Now I had to explain to her slowly from the beginning, including how I started fighting Ming Wang Dao, during which I saved Qu Yifeng and Shen Peiqi in Thousand Needles Stone Forest, and killed two Ming Wang Taoists on the spot. The Brahma Curse Heaven, the Holy Son of the Emperor Yutian and the Bliss Heavenly Lady were concealed.

Although there are already three roads leading to the southern border, there is no guarantee that one of them will be teleported into Ming Wangdao's old lair, and will be trapped in a tiger's den, unable to escape even if he wants to.

Judging from the scroll of the teleportation array, this road should be dedicated to King Ming Shengzi, and the other end is somewhere in southern Xinjiang, and the location cannot be determined yet.Yi Tian thinks that this road has been used by no one for thousands of years. He walked to the teleportation array and followed the instructions of the scroll, put the middle-grade spirit stones in his hand into the energy slots, and then activated the hubs on the four corners in turn .

A tactic was struck, and the entire teleportation array lit up with a white light. Yi Tian stopped after reading the scroll description of the teleportation array.After the test just now, Yi Tian found that this channel can be used directly, and the teleportation point on the opposite side is not broken, and this teleportation array also has the function of self-repair, and the driving condition is to use the token of Mingwangdao Sibutian.

The jade slip also contains the method and diagram of the teleportation array. Even if Yi Tian is in the southern border, he can find a suitable place to reconnect with the five teleportation points in Dongao as long as he follows the diagram of the teleportation array.

This is a joy for Yi Tian, ​​as long as he has a thorough understanding of this thing, Yi Tian thinks that the two places of Dongao and Southern Border will be unimpeded.

Turning around, she called Ye Ziyan and said seriously: "Wanzi, can you promise not to mention this matter to others, including your master?"

Seeing Yi Tian's serious face, Ye Ziyan also knew the seriousness of the matter, she nodded slightly and replied: "Well, this is my secret with Brother Yi Tian, ​​I won't tell the third person."

Next, Yi Tian repaired the teleportation array with Lingshi again, and also extended the entire inscription of self-recovery.After leaving the door, Yi Tian directly took out a formation disk from the storage bracelet, laid formation foundations around the stone gate, and then installed the magic formation disk.

After the preparatory procedures were completed, the two returned from the Zhongyuan Road in the passage. After seeing that the two guards at the outer gate were still sleeping soundly, Yi Tian signaled Ye Ziyan to fly up first. between the eyebrows, and then flew up in the air.

It wasn't until the two of them flew into the air that the two guards slowly began to wake up. However, it was still early in the sky, and the two guards looked at each other and then rested on their own.

The matter of the mine was resolved, but Ye Ziyan mentioned that the dispute between the Wang and Li families had not been properly resolved.Unexpectedly, Yi Tian transmitted the voice to Ye Ziyan, the latter listened with a funny face, and finally said: "It's up to you to handle it."

(End of this chapter)

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