
Chapter 1671 Bloodworm

Chapter 1671 Bloodworm

In the demon spirit battlefield, Yan Peigong and the others were still one step too late. When they arrived based on the clues of the Yishun demon spirit, they found that the pursuers had already left.

In this regard, Master Hunyun searched the neighborhood before saying: "That person's strength is not simple. I also sensed that the demon spirit of Yishun once appeared here through the blood power of the Jiaolong clan."

"Can Fellow Daoists use secret techniques to search for their specific locations again?" Yan Peigong asked.

Taoist Hun Yun shook his head and replied: "Actually, in the ancient battlefield, I couldn't track this person's whereabouts through my spiritual sense, only the breath of the Yishun demon spirit. Now it seems that he is also aware of this, and directly sent the demon spirit Seal it directly in some container and cut off my induction. So now I can no longer lock its position anyway.”

"It really is a big trouble," Daoist Earth Dragon replied, "We are now trapped in the miasma and mist of the ancient battlefield, and the miasma around us has gradually begun to affect us."

"Fellow Daoist Earth Dragon said that," Yan Peigong also said solemnly: "If you stay here for a long time, you will definitely be confused by the miasma and fog, which will be very bad for us."

"Why don't we go back for a while and set up a guard outside Miasma Ridge to prevent him from coming out," Master Hun Yun thought of giving up and suggested.

"That's reasonable. It seems that there is only one way out here. Let's hold the exit and wait for him to come out," Daoist Dilong echoed.

Yan Peigong was a little hesitant when he heard the words, but after thinking about it, he seemed to have no other way, and then he just replied in a deep voice: "Okay, going out and waiting is also a way. And you also summoned Yishun, the general of your respective clans. The disappearance is all blamed on this person, it would be the best if we can provoke the strong accountability of the Huojiao Clan. We can't bet all of our treasures on this, we can do it in multiple ways."

Both Dilong and Hunyun nodded in agreement when they heard the words. Although this matter seemed superfluous, it can be seen carefully that Yan Peigong wanted to use this to provoke civil strife among the demon clan.And neither of these two people is the master of peace, and they have carefully weighed the gains and losses in their hearts, so naturally they will not have any objections to this.Half a moment later, the three big monsters turned around and flew back towards the direction they came in, and started their countermeasures.

At this time, Yi Tian opened the protective cover and flew all the way in the direction Yishun said, passing a few giant skeletons and avoiding them from a distance.When these monsters were alive, their strength was definitely at the ninth or even tenth level. Even after death, the flesh and blood on their bodies corroded and ablated, and the skeleton left behind still contained a lot of residual power of the demon spirit.

Whenever Yi Tian approached these skeletons, he could feel the aggressive demonic spirit pressure fluctuations above, and the surrounding fog made him feel very uncomfortable.

After flying for two days, I saw a valley about [-] miles away gathered a thick dead air, and a very strong dragon's power was faintly revealed in it.

Presumably, the fallen scorched dragon skeleton should be there, and then Yi Tian's aura flashed a few more times to strengthen the protective cover, and then slowly fell to the height, found a path from the outside of the valley and walked in.

Along the way, Yi Tian found that there was a strong death energy all around, and he secretly became wary in his heart.Taking out the Taiyuan Wooden Sword Sacrifice in his hand, he flew forward slowly in mid-air, not daring to touch the ground with his feet.

After entering the valley, he found a powerful dragon power rushing towards his face, which was almost as powerful as a monk in the late stage of fusion.The strong wind blew past and Yi Tian had no choice but to use his skills to maintain his figure and stop in the air, unable to take another step forward.

After the evil wind receded, what came into view was a ten-long scorched dragon skeleton, with red yanghuo power exuding from it.Yi Tian applauded secretly in his heart. He didn't expect to find this skeleton so smoothly this time.But before he had time to be happy, he noticed that there were strips of red blood worms moving around the skeleton and moving towards him.

Not only that, these blood worms emerged from the gaps in the ground behind him and on the surrounding valleys.Immediately felt something bad in his heart, Yi Tian stretched out his hand, sacrificed the Taiyuan Sword Silk in his hand, and then hit the surrounding blood worms.

After the sword light passed by, the blood worms were divided into two, but before Yi Tian had time to rejoice, the severed blood worms regenerated into two.

Although the spiritual pressure fluctuations on these blood worms have weakened a lot, there are hundreds of thousands of them, which makes Yi Tian's scalp numb.

Not knowing the details of these blood worms, Yi Tian didn't dare to take another shot, turned around and returned from the original road, and retreated outside the valley for the time being to think of a way.

After ten breaths, I went to the outside of the valley to look back and found that the blood worms had all retreated into the crevices of the rocks. It seemed that the active area could not be too far away from the scorched dragon's bones.

Seeing this, Yi Tiancai took out the jade box pretending to be a soul-nourishing wood and penetrated into it to find Yishun's demon spirit, and then explained in detail what happened just now.

After listening to the description of the soul-cultivating wood, Yishun's echo came: "It's the blood worms formed from the essence and blood in the body after the fall of the scorching dragon. It is definitely a good food to feed the Huojiao clan."

"Then you don't have to be afraid of stomach pains after eating them. These blood worms can't be cut to death and can't be eradicated. If you eat them, you won't die if you eat them," Yi Tian said.

"Of course the normal method won't work, but the scorching dragon's own fire belly naturally has scorching dragon scorching fire to refine these blood worms into flesh and absorb them into their own spiritual power," Yishun explained.

"In this case, I have an idea to deal with these bloodworms," ​​Yi Tian said, closing the lid of the jade box and putting it in the storage ring.

Then he took out the newly refined Leiyang Lingji and held it in his hand. A trace of purple flame rose from the tip of his index finger and attached to the spiritual weapon.In an instant, electric arc sparks surrounded the token and slowly floated in the air.

Reaching out and holding the spiritual weapon in his hand, Yi Tian's figure flashed and rushed into the valley again. This time, after gaining experience, he flew straight to the head where the scorching dragon skeleton was.A large number of blood worms swarmed out of the gap in the valley behind him, gathered on the ground to form a torrent and swept towards Yi Tian's direction.

After three breaths, the blood worms surrounded Yi Tian who was standing on the top of the scorched dragon's bone, and then climbed up along the bone.

With a slight smile on his face, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to activate the Leiyang Ling again, a white flame lit up on it, and sacrificed the ignorance flame.Although I haven't practiced this trick to the level of Dacheng, it is obviously powerful and amazing.

After the sound of 'Zi Zi' was issued on the Leiyang Token, the white flame flew out instantly and directly ignited the head of the blood worm torrent.What Yi Tian didn't expect was that the ignorance flame quickly went upstream along the torrent of blood worms and ignited them all in a blink of an eye.

The smell of barbecue soon wafted out of the valley, and then only the stench of burning was left in the air for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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