
Chapter 1672 Visit

Chapter 1672 Visit
Located in the valley where the bones of the scorching dragon were located, Yi Tian sacrificed to Leiyang Order, relying on the ignorant fire that had not yet reached its peak, cleaned up all the flesh and blood insects gushing out of the surrounding ground.

Putting away the Lei Yang in his hands later, Yi Tian said with joy on his face: "It's done, it's a pity that these blood worms have absorbed the essence of Zhulong's flesh and blood, but unfortunately they can't be used by me."

Just as he was talking, he suddenly glanced over and found that there was a mass of red pure flesh and blood left in the burnt blood worm flesh, and there was a trace of dragon power on it.After flying forward to scan with divine sense, I realized that my ignorance fire couldn't burn this piece of flesh and blood.After carefully feeling the remnant of Longwei above, his complexion changed slightly, and then he blurted out: "Ten thousand years of scorching dragon flesh and blood, I didn't expect Wuminghuo to refine and fade these blood worms into such a appearance."

Then he looked around and found that there were still two pieces of refined candle dragon flesh and blood on the ground.Yi Tian took out three jade boxes and put the flesh and blood into them one by one and kept them separately. It is expected that they may be used when recasting the dragon body for Yishun in the near future.

Turning around and looking at the scorched dragon skeleton in front of him again, there is nothing that can stop his actions now.After sweeping the skeleton back and forth with his divine sense, Yi Tian became concerned. This skeleton was indeed left by a tenth-level monster.

It is inconceivable that the spiritual power remaining on the skeleton for thousands of years can still reach the strength of a ninth-level elementary monster.If you let Yishun's demon spirit directly integrate into it, of course you can turn to the corpse cultivator, but the next series of troubles need to be taken care of by yourself.

Besides, I also planned to let him deal with the spiritual pet 'Fire Chain' in the hands of Patriarch Baiyi Wuye, so it is even more impossible for Yishun to do whatever he wants.

After taking out a separate storage ring, Yi Tiancai proceeded to put the scorched dragon skeleton in front of him into it.But a single set of skeletons is far from enough for the barbarians to let Yishun use the dead body to revive him. He has to find the corpse of a Huojiao monster cultivator.This keel can be used for strengthening, and there is a lot of spiritual power contained in the remaining flesh and blood, which can make up for Yishun's lost dragon blood.

But in the end, the resurrection of the dead still needs to use the water of Hualong Pond in the Buddha Spirit Realm to wash himself and get rid of the breath of the world. Only in this way can his soul and body be re-integrated firmly.

Thinking of the next thing to do with Yishun, Yi Tian also shook his head helplessly, got up and flew towards the depths of the Yaozu battlefield after sighing lightly.

Thinking about it, the pursuers should also enter the Yaozu battlefield, and the formation outside the entrance gap is just a little blocking.Yi Tian thought in his heart that if he wanted to return from the entrance, the possibility of meeting the other party was very high, so he might as well find another way out here.

It seems that this monster race battlefield is banned by a demon god's magic circle, as long as he can find the edge of the ban and try to break out of the ban.

Feeling that the concentration of miasma around him was getting stronger and stronger, Yi Tian also kept the defensive cover on his body, then jumped into the sky and chose a direction, and then flew straight away.

Flying continuously in the air, but in my heart, I couldn't help but think of the creatures that should be alive in this place, even though it is a battlefield of the monster clan, or those monster souls that haven't collapsed.

Flying all the way to Yitian and skimming over several hills, he could feel the coercion of a large number of monsters looming in it. Needless to say, these places really seemed to be the legendary cemetery of monsters.Half a day later, Yi Tian passed by a certain barren mountain and noticed that in addition to a large amount of monster energy, there was also a faint trace of Buddhist aura in it.

After a little hesitation in his heart, he still stabilized his figure in the air, and it didn't matter if it was just the remains of the monster race.But this involves the Buddhist sect, and I have a lot of connections with the Daleiguang Temple in the Buddhist spiritual world. Now that I see it, I naturally have to go down to find out.

After thinking about it, he lowered the cloud and slowly moved to a distance of more than ten feet above the barren mountain, then stretched out his hands and sealed his eyes with a purple light flashing in his eyes, and scanned the entire mountain.After three breaths, a small cave was found halfway up the mountain, and there was a lot of evil energy mixed with a little bit of Buddha power coming out of it.

After taking out the Brahma Golden Bell, Yi Tian flew upside down and flew towards the cave halfway up the mountain. Flying in front of him, he found that the cave was only two feet wide and eight feet high enough to allow him to walk in.After using the Demon Eyes, he could see clearly even the pitch-black cave passage. After walking in, he found that the oncoming gusts of evil wind made his protective cover shake violently.

Slowly chanting the eight sounds of heavenly thunder through the Brahma golden bell in his hand, after which a faint golden light formed around him.The oncoming evil wind knocked down the protective shield and was bounced off by the golden Buddha power.

Walked towards the source of the evil wind in the cave, and came to the end of the passage after a while.When I came out, I saw a ten-foot-sized space in front of me, and there was a golden skeleton sitting cross-legged in it, wearing a Buddhist robe and cassock.Yi Tian glanced at it and saw that the style of this cassock belonged to the Da Lei Guang Temple, and this thing was definitely a spiritual treasure, otherwise it would have been weathered for thousands of years.

Beside the skeleton is the remains of a demon clan, which seems to be a spiritual pet who has been ordained and converted to Buddhism.Looking in front of him, there should be a ferocious beast mount, with a dark golden ten thousand-character Buddha seal on its forehead, which is either a lion or a tiger.

The large amount of monster energy emanated from this skeleton, and Yi Tian chanted words, slowly injecting the Buddha power of Tianlei Bayin into the forehead of the monster skeleton.In an instant, a large amount of evil energy on the dark golden ten thousand-character Buddha seal was purified, and then a gleaming golden light appeared.

At the same time, all the whistling evil wind was absorbed into the skeleton, Yi Tian went up to the skeleton and bowed three times, and then muttered: "It's an offense for the younger generation to break into the place where the senior is buried unintentionally. What is the last wish of the senior?" Please show up and order before it's over, this junior should do his best."

After speaking, he uttered the eight sounds of heavenly thunder and slowly covered the body of the skeleton. After the spiritual power was injected into the robe and cassock, a phantom slowly rose from above and turned into a Taoist figure.Then Xuying said: "I don't know if it's my junior from Daleiguang Temple who came to visit, please report his name."

"Although the junior Yi Tian is not a disciple of Daleiguang Temple, he has been taught by Master Huisheng and has a little bit of Buddhist practice," Yi Tian replied with the courtesy of the Buddhist sect.

"Since Nephew Yi was able to get the advice of his senior brother, it is a great opportunity. The poor monk named Huiyuan came to the demon world 3 years ago when he was wandering in the demon world for no reason.

"I don't know what else Master Uncle has to do, do you need me to send Master Uncle back to the hometown of Da Lei Guang Zen Temple," Yi Tian asked.

"Duckweed has no roots at all, and I don't care about it anymore. Later, my soul will escape into the avenue of reincarnation again. As for this golden body and cassock, I will give it to you. I hope you will send Hou Ling's bones back Bury it in the ancestral land of the Lion Clan, or you can handle it yourself," Huiyuan stretched out his hand and pointed.

(End of this chapter)

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