
Chapter 1673

Chapter 1673
With so many orders in hand, Yi Tian doesn't seem to have much to do.Fortunately, not having to go to the world of Buddha and spirit is considered a great blessing among misfortunes.

The corpse named "Hou Ling" doesn't seem to be easy to provoke. The resentment on his body is so deep that even under the pressure of the golden body of Master "Hui Yuan", he can reveal such a strong evil spirit, which in itself shows his strength. extraordinary.

It is roughly estimated that when it fell, it was already at the level of a ninth-level intermediate.Judging from Master Huiyuan's Dharma name, he and Master Huisheng should be of the same generation. If he didn't fall here, he would definitely be able to advance to the Mahayana stage.

From this point of view, it seems that among the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, there are still a large number of talents in the spiritual world and the Buddhist and spiritual world, and there may be many masters in the hidden world.

After putting away the remains of Master Huiyuan and the golden body in the cave, suddenly the evil energy on the skeleton of the 'Hou Ling' in front of him condensed into the phantom of a lion.After looking at the next four weeks, he opened his mouth and called out: "Master has gone, but I don't know where to go."

"My master Huiyuan decreed to send fellow daoists back to the Lion Clan to bury the remains. As for whether the demon spirits of fellow daoists want to escape into reincarnation or return later, I will ask for instructions," Yi Tian replied in a leisurely manner.

"Since the master has left, I should follow all the way. After re-entering the reincarnation, maybe I can join the human world and meet the master one day in the future," Hou Ling said, without turning his head back to the phantom, and went straight into the void .

After sending him away, Yi Tian carefully put away the entire set of monster skeletons, and put them together with Master Huiyuan's golden body to feel a little relieved.After removing the two skeletons, it was found that there was still a thin jade slip on the ground underneath.Although it is 3 years apart, the handwriting on the outside of this jade slip is still clearly visible.

Reaching out his hand to pick it up and spreading it in his palm, Yi Tian glanced quickly and found the words 'Nine Immortal Mountain Red-bearded Taoist' written on it, but more than half of the writing had been weathered.I read it for a long time, but I didn't get a general meaning, only a few vague words mentioned the civil strife of the demon clan, alien objects from outside the sky, and the rise of the two clans.

Although I have learned about this chaotic period in the history of the demon world from the monster clan, but from this jade slip, I can learn all kinds of secrets.

The rise of these two clans may be referring to the Huofeng and Huojiao clans, but these two clans are still the most powerful and competing with each other in the demon world.

As for the extraterrestrial objects, I don't know what the explanation is, but I know in my heart that since this jade slip is the letter from the red-bearded spirit ape from Jiuxian Mountain to Master Huiyuan, then he must know the reason of the inner seed.As long as I find an opportunity to go to Jiuxian Mountain to pay a visit to this red-bearded Taoist, I believe that all problems will be solved.

As for the most troublesome thing at hand at the moment is how to return the bones of Hou Ling to the ancestral land of the Lion Clan.But this lion clan monster does not seem to be strong enough to fight bravely, so if he goes rashly, he will naturally have to go through a lot of trouble.If there are ninth-level demon cultivators in his clan, then he really has to take it easy.

After tidying up, Yi Tian got up and left the cave, then turned around and flew straight towards the place where the miasma and mist were thin in the air.

Two days later, after calculating the central area, Yi Tiancai took back half of the spiritual power of the protective shield on his body, staring at the protective shield and shuttling down in the miasma was quite exhausting.If it weren't for the large amount of medicinal pills on hand, I'm afraid it would be difficult to go down this road easily.

Soon, a faint halo appeared in front of him. Needless to say, it should have reached the edge of the barrier on the battlefield of the demon world.After I flew close, I glanced over and found that the forbidden barrier in front of me was similar to that at Miasma Ridge before.

He reached out and took out the formation-breaking awl, and then Yi Tian cast the magic pupil and began to search for the nodes on the formation formation.After ten breaths, he raised the formation-breaking awl in his hand and stabbed at the weak nodes.

But immediately after the red light flashed, there was a faint aura of Taoism on the forbidden barrier, and then it turned into a Taoist phantom in the air.Later, I only heard the phantom yelling: "Where is the monk who dares to break into the forbidden area of ​​my monster clan?"

Yi Tian stopped his hands and looked sideways, only to see that the phantom had a red aura on its body, and that phantom seemed to be a human figure, but in fact it must be a great demon.

After a pause, he replied: "Human spiritual cultivator Yi Tian strayed into the gap of Miasma Ridge and then entered the ancient battlefield of Yaozu. At this time, I am trying to break out of the ban. Please forgive me for the offense."

"Since you sneaked in from the gap in Miasma Ridge, why didn't you go back the same way? You should know that if the barrier here is damaged and Miasma leaks out, it will have an impact on the entire monster clan," the phantom asked again .

"I don't know the identity of the friend, please ask for instructions," Yi Tian didn't want to offend the other party directly, so he replied first with courtesy.

"I am a Taoist with red beard from Jiuxian Mountain. Seeing that my fellow Taoist has cultivated to such a level before his bone age is three thousand years old, he is definitely a leader in another world, and he will definitely not be an unknown person. Are you just falsely reporting your name to fool me?" Chiran said. The Taoist asked in a deep voice.

After all, it is the lord of the demon world who has lived for 3 years. Speaking of which, I have noticed a very strong feeling in him. Could it be that this red bearded ape is already a demon cultivator who has advanced to the Mahayana stage.

Although I had doubts in my heart, I replied: "I have a destiny with Master Huisheng of Daleiguang Temple in the Buddhist and Spiritual Realm, and I was entrusted by him to come to the demon world to find the remains of Master Huiyuan. I think you must be Senior Chibeard. Breaking in is really helpless." After speaking, he slowly stretched out his hand to receive a seal, and behind him, a golden light shining all over his body appeared, using the golden sun movement.

"Sure enough, you are from the Buddhist sect. It seems that you have found the remains of fellow Taoist Huiyuan." The red-bearded Taoist sighed and said, "Well, for Huiyuan's sake, I will help you out of trouble, but afterward you I have to come to Jiuxian Mountain in person, I have something to ask you face to face."

Although the current predicament is temporarily lifted, Ke Yitian knows himself.The Nine Immortals Mountain is the Taoism left by the demon god. Since the red-bearded spirit ape has inherited the Taoism, he must have some means.Thinking about it, his strength should have reached the level of the Mahayana period. If I don't agree, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to pass the test now.

After thinking about it, the respectful Jishou said: "Thank you, Senior Chibeard, for your help. I am very grateful."

Hearing the words, the phantom slowly retracted and attached to the surrounding light film restriction, and then a two-foot-sized gap was broken on it at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The surrounding miasma seems to have sensed a whistling, rushing towards this side along with the sound of the wind.Yi Tian didn't know what to do when he saw it, and he was the first to get out of it under the brilliant light all over his body.

After passing through the forbidden barrier of the Yaozu's ancient battlefield, he turned around and found that he was already in the mountains and lost his way.

(End of this chapter)

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